Taking Down Pedogate - Operation Hera

Are we talking a family dinner here? What exactly are they feasting on?

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So, I’ve done some research and decided that we should find a time when Capricorn is the 8th House, so that we have Luna conjunct Pluto in the 8th House. The 8th House is the house of death, it deals with changes and all changes require a form of death. And, Pluto is the ruler of the 8th House, as they both deal in the “Change by Death” energy. And, when Capricorn is in the 8th House, then Cancer (which has Sol conjunct Mars) will be in the 2nd House, which is the house of possessions. We can extrapolate possessions to be the safety of said possessions, and so the 2nd House also means security.

Houses are a very localized phenomenon, the time changes based on location.

So if you want the times for when Capricorn will be the 8th House and Cancer in the 2nd House, go to google maps and go to your location. In the address bar it should give your latitude and longitude, give me those numbers as well as what your time zone is, and I’ll give you the time.

For me, I’m 55, -118 and my time zone is (UTC-7). So, for me Capricorn enters the 8th House at 2:40 AM and leaves it at about 4:20 AM. So, yes, send me your latitude and longitude and your time zone, either in reply here or a PM, and I’ll give you your times.


@ashtkerr thank you for the full moon information :crescent_moon:

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Arrests are not enough.

“You’re trying to use Disney Bucks at a Caesar’s Palace here”.


It is time to eat.


One of my favorite things to hear :smile:

“ring around… The posy… Pockets full of posy…”

Anyway I better stop. I’m getting somewhat off topic.

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Whoa! It keeps going and going!

(Somewhat related) 10 hours ago:

And this 3 days ago.


Published time: 6 Jul, 2017 11:50

Prosecution’s not enough, but if it leads to suicide in jail or suicide to avoid jail, it’s 1. a healthy start and 2. sends a powerful signal that the tides have turned.

And they have.


I know this is a working thread but hear me out :

In the black seals of Solomon the king, there is a spirit called Ose. His black seal/sigil is used to acquire secret knowledge.

If we use his sigil we can get direct knowledge to who is responsible for pizza/pedogate without hurting innocents.

I’m not a believer of karmic retribution but it would be nice to concentrate our powers on the actual targets.


Two things come to mind:

1: the stated intent of Operation Hera, which is now successfully completed, was this:

  • to remove, reverse, and deny further access to any degree of power raised by the infliction of sexual activity, and/or related pain and suffering, on a child below the age of puberty, banning such actions past the rise of this New Moon on the 25th May 2017
  • and to return upon all who have benefitted from this, or who intend to do so in future, their portion of the massed pain and massed helplessness, powerlessness, and death inflicted at any point in the past, dating back to the Day Of The Lotus.

There is NO potential for “hurting innocents” within that intent.

2: supposing you did this, what would you do with that information? Take it to the police, and explain your good buddy Ose the demon gave it to you? :smiley: I’m not being catty saying that - the original intent was designed to target the people doing it, who are ALREADY well-known to the demonic heirarchies, and have been rejected by them.

That said, working to support the mundane cleanup work is good, maybe evoking Ose and asking him to lead the law enforcement agents directly to the kingpins would be more effective than wasting time trying to get names ourselves? :slight_smile:


I never planned on bringing it to the authorities. Hollywood is corrupt, and this is well-known.

I planned more on getting the information of the targets from Ose. Cursing them with the most powerful and potent curses I know. This would benefit whoever wants to step up their baneful magick game and serving justice.

I guess the operation was successful.


I’m so glad I saw this let’s see what this new power can do to umm eliminate these people I bet it will make me stronger because if I can do it it’ll be fed

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I would have to check Adelaides full moon time. Which 1:36 PM.

So its going to be a very powerful full moon coming up.

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Adelaide Sth Australia

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yes it is

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So Arianna practicing Black magic practically will put me more inline with the powers of darkness on the 9th of July , well where i live it will be Sunday afternoon may not even need to use candles.


We kinda already know the people responsible.

Oh yeah the full moon is this weekend. Count me in.

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