Synchronisation - Communicating with divine

I asked Bune to show me his place, and I put his sigil under the pillow. I dream of a bridge and go over it, but the other end is very dark and cold and I get scared and someone climbs the wooden ladder to my side, and I decide to go down. the ladder detaches from the bridge and begins to fall, and I fall, and some black ghost with blue eyes tells me something. and I come to the conclusion that I have been deceived. sorry for bad english.

So let’s finish that buisness . Sup?

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Hi @Borgy, I have been waking up lately (not with an alarm clock obviously) at 6.45 very often. Is there any particular meaning to this?


Hey @Cilanne,

Mostly when I wake up, I get synchronization too.

This number 645 stands for a change that is for the highest good and supported by your Angels/Daemons.
Beside that you will be supported in your needs.

Are you changing something or is something in your life changing? Could also be a change in the near future. Know that it will be alright.

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Saw 444 repeatedly for about four months before I trusted that it was Lucifer.
Now I just see 44 everywhere lately.
Just wanted to share that.

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Oh wonderful. Thank you @Borgy yes I have made one big change (well a few actually). Thank you again for your reply :slight_smile:

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Can you explain what it means if we never see these “angel numbers” or sync numbers, or feathers or any of that? I keep seeing eyelashes everywhere, but that’s about all I’ve noticed lately, lol.

Wel @Cromagus, multiple 4’s stand for an Archangel. And Lucifer is still an Archangel besides an Arch Daemon.

And you’re right. It’s him. I work with him and see many feathers and numbers.

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Hey @narcissa, what I know that everyone has different senses. Some feel a lot, some see a lot. And they synchronize with us in different forms. I had signs on walls, thoughts, senses before I saw the numbers. This is different for everyone.

How do you communicate with spirits? Or how do you practice, could you give some examples?

@Borgy what about the number 936? Since at least the late 90’s I have randomly seen this time. What I mean is I can just randomly look at the look not even thinking about this and guess what? It will be 936! This one job I worked at, the guy would ask me all the time what time it was…936. I had forgotten about this for years and it didn’t happen anymore. The last few months it has been happening a LOT. Any insight on this particular number? Thanks!

Thanks for your reply, Borgy.

I have been seeing feathers as well, when I am out walking around. They appear to be from birds that are quite big, and not common in the city I reside in.
I have number synchronicity every day.
Examples: waking at exactly 9:44 two days in a row.
Store credit: $12.22, change from a 10: $3.22.
Having a big revelation, and seeing that it was 11:11 when I went to type it up.
This is daily for me, for as long as I can remember.

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936 Angel number - This number basically says step up in spirituality and continue your current path. You will be helped along the way with your needs. @magickseeker

Yes, on your bank account, everywhere you will see synchronisity. And the feathers is a very common practice of synchronisity. Above in this thread i have mentioned 111, 1111. The 2’s mainly say that things will be alright. 1 is a connection, 9 is acension and closing old starting new. 3 Are ascended masters: Lucifer, JCI etc…

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Okay, this is a odd phenomenon to me that has surfaced up to me. It goes along the lines of this. I look at a number like 23 and it sounds like two 3’s and then translates to 6 by way of addition. While I’m aware that it’s 23, I hear a strange voice saying two 3’s. Does anyone have any input or vantage point on something like this?

something like 33 = 32 or 23 …?

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Yes, I absolutely experience this on my bank account statement. 42, and 72 are the most common, to the point where I save the receipts and show someone else.
I used to see 33 everywhere but interestingly, it was when I myself was 33 years old. I also almost didn’t recover from a factory accident that year.
Took almost the whole year to recover from overexposure to a deadly gas.

Have you ever heard of such a thing relating to 33, Borgy?
Still puzzles me to this day. I was working with Gabriel at the time.

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Something like that. Okay here’s a better way to break down what I’m seeing.

Ordinary eyes sees 23 and thinks out twenty three
Me: sees 23, thinks “twenty three”, and then thinks “two rounds of 3”

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for me, that 23 would become 98, because in the negative 2 = 9, 3 = 8.

P 1234567890
N 0987654321

As for the voice in my head, to me at 12:21, 13:31 … it’s zero.

do you do numerology?

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I wouldn’t say that I’m a big numerology guru. But the numbers I usually see or comie to mind are never negative numbers as I am almost always a positive person.

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I ask because these things started happening to me when I started learning about numerology. then I started mixing dates, days … then I stopped with that.
(my English is very bad when I need to write something)