Sweet succubus/Incubus stories

@DarkestKnight thanks for the info I had no idea they could do all of that, I really want a Succubus but honestly I feel weird asking Lilith for 1 not only that but i heard from other people that the letter method you write to her could be dangerous so I want to find out how to do it solo.

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How do I astral project to get to their realm

I canā€™t really help in that, as I am a noob when it comes to it. Use the search bar, there are people who are more versed in the subject than I am.

Sincerely, Ailestar

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Believe me, it is not dangerous. And itā€™s perfectly safe to work with Lilith or to ask her for things - as long as you put in the work.


So, some of you know I want a human partner, and have been 100 percent upfront with Lilith and my incubus, Danny, about this.

Iā€™ve told Danny that heā€™s welcome to have relationships with other humans, other spirits, whatever - no questions asked. Itā€™s only fair.

Iā€™ve barely seen him for the last two months and he couldnā€™t keep his ghostly hands off me the other night when he returned. Turns out he just couldnā€™t stand the smell of the body butter I was using (I finished the jar the night before and switched back to my usual stuff).

Heā€™s the sweetest.


I belive your incubus have the power to protect you from parasites.

So donā€™t worry that mutch.

And if you donā€™t have any type of protection other then your incubus ā€¦ You can learn how to strengthen your aura and shield up.

You can also tell your partner to help you be protected.


Thanks! I have servitors for protection so should ask them too.

Thanks a lot for the insight. :heart::heart::heart:
I have recently been gifted an incubus partner ( I asked for a serious relationship from Lady Agrat Bat Mahlat). Wrote the Letter of Intent with all the detailsā€¦but he was already there around me from long before I did this. The letter of intent only strengthened and confirmed it more. He asked me for a binding last night and today morning. I donā€™t know about itā€¦so some suggestions on ā€˜How to bind oneā€™s beloved incubusā€™ would help.
Thanks & regards

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I did the ritual yesterday. I dont know if im not attuned enough to feel anyone. All tough my cat slept next to my head which is unusual and i was hotter than normally.

How long do i wait to see if i need to do it again? And was i too specific with my wishes?

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tbh I also have an incubus who currently lives with me at the moment :slight_smile: hes very sweet and gentle with me in many ways :heart: :smiley: hes almost 2500 years old and hes a warrior :slight_smile: he calls me pumpkin and baby and sweetheart most of the time and when im in pain he says its ok softly and is very careful when making love to me or holding me in bed most nights :slight_smile: he usually never shows or manifests himself idk why tho ): ive tried to ask him many times if I can see him but I get no answer or just start feeling his cold touches energetically :heart: recently hes seen another demon named magnus and he threatened magnus by telling him one night while I was asleep ā€œtouch her and you dieā€ idk why and sometimes he would cuddle me at night :slight_smile: but I kinda need some advise tho :smiley: feel free to pm me anytime guys ^^


I have the same experience to tbh :slight_smile: if u want to pm me its np


sameee im the only one in my family who can sense my incubus lover most of the time :slight_smile: but he never reveals hismelf idk why

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My succubus Is fun loving, and kind of kinky too. Sheā€™s quite adamant and when she wants sex. She wants sex! No matter what Iā€™m feeling xD, we have a very sweet chemistry between us.


Oddly my cat can only seem to pick up her presence when her ā€œneedsā€ need to be tended to. He avoids my room when she is more ā€œassertiveā€.



How do you have sex with your Succubus companion? Are your psychic senses open?

How did you end up with her? From a conjurer or letter ritual?

I have sex with my girlfriend all the time.

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Yeah your psychic abilities are open you can interact and feel your succubi companion.

Or do you mean your human girlfriend ?

What is your experience? How is the sex?

Are you active on creepy hollows forum? I think I can recall your name. Correct me if iā€™m wrong.

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The sex is great. Especially when sheā€™s in her true form. The longer the sex, the sharper the vision.

Iā€™ve never been in that forum. Looks interesting.



I see. So actually with having sex youā€™re essentially generating lots of sexual energy which she can feed on to be able to reveal herself more clearly.

Thatā€™s wonderful man. I am dreaming and fantasizing about this stuff lol. My goals are that I can interact with my ubi companions just like humans. And the stronger your sexual drive the stronger your connections. I wish I could give the sexual energy without orgasming because thatā€™s very tiring. I am in a Nofap streak to charge my chakras in order to make a better connection with themā€¦

How is her true form? What do you mean with that? Like her body or something?

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Continually building yourself close to climax then backing off can give them energy.

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