
I feel an akward ‘‘connection’’ towards sussano is there anyway to communicate does he even havee a sigil anyone eveer had experiences with stuff like this


Do you watch japanese anime? Your probably picking up the psychic vibes of someone on this forum who watch Naruto and are obsessed with the japanese anime character Sasuke, because they want his BALG power.

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Um no im talking about the younger brother of amateratsu not purplee anime shit


Just checking :smirk_cat:

I havent found a sigil for susanoo, ofc there are some talismans,fu, etc which you can use. My advice is to craft a Fu Talisman to call him and his energy. If you are familiar with the Japanese myth of Creation and you have practiced any sort of magic with fundamentals you should kjnow by now that Susano’o is an animistic deity. His powers derive from the worship and offerings of people so its a bit difficult to evoke him outside Japan. But you can certainly invoke him. I have succeded doing so with Izanagi and other various tochigami and magatsukami.

how did you summon izanagi was he a chill guy how was his personality what was yall conersation about sorry if im asking to many questions its just maybe he can help me and since hes kind of close to susanoo it just intrest me

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Well unfortunately I dont have much for you. Japanese entities fasciante me and I love their story. I have contacted many times various entities that lead me to one conclusion. They are purely egregoric. Some of them including Izanagi, are hard to communicate with since they speak Japanese only. I worked a roundabout way between Japanese and Psychic communication to work with them. They have this majestic aura around them. After a few tries their energy envelopes you and they are pretty cool guys. Solid relationship combined with veneration, altar petitions and Japanese/Chinese magick including seals and talismans strengthens ones bond with them. Other than that I havent seen magickal results from them with great impact aside from animistic properties.