Sunday Night Musings on Chaos Magic,God as a Monster,and Magical Labs

This is what happens when I’m up for too long on a school night,it seems.I start pondering some strange things.Below are some musings,and thoughts on belief,subjective synthesis,Chaos Magic,‘‘God’’ as a failed experiment like in SciFi,Laboratories in Magic,and other things.Thought I’d just share it with you all fwiw.If there’s something there that’s really dumb,or a misstep on my part,don’t forget it’s pretty late now,and I’m pretty tired.

UPGs I’ve already stated before
Current understanding of,as we’ve called him,the desert troll god.

In a time of with no laws and no morality,people lived a harsh life,where you could get killed,raped,mugged,anything easily,and people needed some figure from above to establish itself,as a whip for the wicked.Arbitrary morals were established and this creature was fed the attention of the people through its cults.

Over time even the tyrants who were exempt of its laws were forced into submission,because ‘‘it’’ became real.A thoughtform and an egregore fueled by the fear,and adoration of the public.Over time this thing ate actual gods,and syncretized various systems into it.Then appearing to various prophets,it spread its faith,and spread its influence over that particular thing.

As the Aten it monopolized the idea of light the idea that IT WAS LIGHT,and governed light,something we as people cherish and adore.This thing then did the same as Ahura Mazda,conquering the notion of good,as Jehovah,it conquered love,and as Allah free will.

It also established itself as a mask over ‘‘Source’’ by ‘‘buying’’ the mantra ‘‘El’’ and in doing so monopolized the mythology of angels(who serve as the spirits of the natural order of things) into itself.

An experiment gone wrong and a monster on the loose

It’s a mess,this explanation is a mess,and most people here already know my UPGs on the DTG so there’s really no reason to talk about them here.

But I’ve been thinking,the way ‘‘it’’ became real,by convincing the people who made it and knew for a fact it was made up that it was real and then overthrowing them makes me think of a classical SciFi scenario,where the scientist creates something for the good of mankind,then realizes it is too unstable,seals it off,but it’s too late,and it suddenly kills its maker,or in some other way shows itself as more powerful than it.

And then is let loose upon the Earth to terrorize.

And while this view of ‘‘god’’ may seem,and truth be told is,hateful,keep in mind,god is a tool I think is good to use.It’s a tool from the toolbox.The thing is,though that I mustn’t really believe in it,truly,lest we end up like the ancients who made it.

Now,this leads us to several conclusion.The first one is that god not only acts like a monster,it IS a monster.Second of all,that it can still be contained,and/or destroyed.Third,that belief is a malleable and fascinating thing.

How to Make a Spirit,and the Nature of Time in the Astral
I can make a thoughtform.If I imbue it with demonic essence,that thoughtform will be,essentially,a demon.If given time and use by others,this demon will grow,and be used be brought into this world,until this demon becomes real.

Whether or not it is real,doesn’t matter.What matters is it works.

And if you recognize this demon as having been around for several centuries,then it will behave like that.But belief in its history and power,can be flipped like a switch between lying to yourself and telling the truth.

Because of the nature of ‘‘reality’’,neither of those is the Truth,ergo everything there is a lie.A lot of Chaos Magic deals with molding belief.

I remember defectron(hope he doesn’t mind the name dropping) once mentioned to me,that an egregore he made was around since ancient times.

If you truly think about it,time doesn’t make sense upstairs.Time doesn’t move,but space does.So if you make something up there now,it may take time for it to materialize here.Not because it has to condense,but because the very notion of time moving has to be brought into it.

Mental and Astral Labs

And upon building my fake demon,and giving it a fake history,and believing all of that to become real,my demon is a real demon.Like god,another experiment,which I can control.

Just flip the switch back and its power isn’t real,its just a thoughtform.Flip another one and it’s dead.

If anyone here does Chaos Magic(and don’t get me started on the whole spectrum of practices that are just jumbled into that one term) or a system where they make thoughtforms and such we could try to actually look at this as being in a lab.

If you have an astral temple,and/or mental cabinets(everything I have is both in my mind and out of it),then we can actually have a laboratory,for making servitors,and egregores.

And controlling them.Actually visualize the belief switches,as just that,switches.Incubation chambers for their creation.This can also connect to the energy pools I’ve talked about in my most recent vampiric post,to fuel these creatures,or if you’re using them to harvest or hunt,to have them feeding your reservoires.

Other key elements would be to defend this place well,knowing fully well that some nasty entity might try to break in to get things.

Magic Talisman Devices and Reptilian Laboratories

Now,an entity that I work with,details on her will be kept private,took me to her laboratory.Because of the nature of this entity her main place was represented as a lab,and it was quite cool,as I got to work with her tools to build the tech astrally,while I made the physical vessels for this tech in the real world,as the amulet.

And then I linked the two together,and merged them.

So this,too is an aspect of the laboratory.And if it involves an egregore,then this makes it just the more complex.Making a thoughtform,giving it a vessel in the lab,and linking that up to the physical vessel.

If the servitor rebels,just flipping the switch off and deactivating it leaves the machinery as it should be for the next one.

Removing the astral vessel means freeing the servitor(or destroying it),and leaving the physical vessel void.Hence why this element should be protected.

Removing the physical vessel leaves the machine alright,or damaged if it was still connected,which makes it less important.

Taking control of the other people’s monsters

My final realization of this evening is that ideas,events,circumstances,all have egregores behind them.We can kill these egregores and undo the situation.Sometimes these egregores are not egregores but very real spirits,doing very real things.

But this technically means we can contain and control ideas,and by extent,masses.If everyone believes that a particular brand is the best,because of their good advertising,then a spirit is pushing it on the sidelines,because of the intermingling nature of the spirit and real world.

Binding the spirit,can stop the organization.But if you take control of the experiment,of the spirit,it is possible,to switch the masses towards something else,like buying another product that’s similar becasue of that commercial,or changing the demographic,like old people buying Fanta because of commercials with skateboards.

And this applies to most every idea that’s fed constant attention.Even ‘‘god’’.

And wow,this is quite a soupful of crazy.I do realize this will raise some eyebrows,but it’s something I felt like sharing that others may find interesting.If there’s something terrible in my trains of thoughts,keep in mind it’s one in the morning,so I’m not thinking straight.In any case forgive this crazy rambling.

There is no such thing as Fake. If you thought of it it already existed in some dimension. We all live within a Global shared Spiritual Psychic Matrix where there are various other heirarchal matrices within matrices that harbor all sorts of weird denizens. To think one created things is a bit too much. What does make more logical sense is rather you are more of a “Explorer/Developer” that simply interacted with People & Civilization individually and enmasse which seeded your mind with ideas that you then developed.

This is closer to a shamanick poont of view of where the Shaman exists in symbiosis with many different spirits as he himself was chosen by said spirits which defines what kind if shaman a person will be.

I personally don’t think humans as we know them made Yaweh, sure they gave him his masks, but the original creature was created by…well don’t worry about that.

But yeah egregoric or not, there are ways to control spirits your opposed to.A long time ago there was a guy on the forum named Sunas who was being haunted by some stuff that sort of goaded himi nto pissing a bunch of people here off. One guy tried to attack him with servitors but the being haunting him reprgrammed them and sent them back to beat up the guy who used them to attack. I must say it was a very enlightnening thing for me to observe. Sunas may have been a doofus, but he gave me a lot of good ideas that I later capitalized on.

[quote=“Biosynth, post:2, topic:7323”]There is no such thing as Fake. If you thought of it it already existed in some dimension. We all live within a Global shared Spiritual Psychic Matrix where there are various other heirarchal matrices within matrices that harbor all sorts of weird denizens. To think one created things is a bit too much. What does make more logical sense is rather you are more of a “Explorer/Developer” that simply interacted with People & Civilization individually and enmasse which seeded your mind with ideas that you then developed.

This is closer to a shamanick poont of view of where the Shaman exists in symbiosis with many different spirits as he himself was chosen by said spirits which defines what kind if shaman a person will be.[/quote]

Agreed. EVERYTHING exists, as there is an infinite number of variables different for an infinite number of alternate realities. You can soul travel to any of these if you want and see them for yourself.

In one we’re all drunk sleeps deprived llama-chipmunk hybrids having this conversation by cackling and interpreting the number of breaths in the cackles while our supreme overlord,a giant robot space scorpion owl made of chocolate collects the energy from our tired mind to fuel his goals of making the perfect cherry pie out of human eyeballs.

That place where this forum is a physical place made of grass bones because grass has bones now is as real as this one. And astrally things can have an effect here. But how real is anything if everything is possible?

Nothing is real,and everything is permitted.

[quote=“defectron, post:3, topic:7323”]I personally don’t think humans as we know them made Yaweh, sure they gave him his masks, but the original creature was created by…well don’t worry about that.

But yeah egregoric or not, there are ways to control spirits your opposed to.A long time ago there was a guy on the forum named Sunas who was being haunted by some stuff that sort of goaded himi nto pissing a bunch of people here off. One guy tried to attack him with servitors but the being haunting him reprgrammed them and sent them back to beat up the guy who used them to attack. I must say it was a very enlightnening thing for me to observe. Sunas may have been a doofus, but he gave me a lot of good ideas that I later capitalized on.[/quote]

What. The. Hell.

I mean it’s not that strange but still. That doesn’t happen very often. What kinds of ideas did that give you?

Only half True. They arent all mere spirits. Thats only 1 layer. It is also interaction with people involved. So where this branches off is it has to do with People who did it Before and People who will do it again. Individuals within this context are molded by Environments (psychic/spiritual/physical), which boils down to shared interest groups…so know your Allies and Enemies (Belial can secure the Favor of Friends and Enemies). It is about Co-Possession of Communities of consciousness where Spirit amd Human isnt seperate…so that means ones “Creator” stande was more moulded tham anything. Within this World even for people like you that may have a goft there are many unseen forces that have neen watching you utilizing a number of different methods for a number of different agendas. Myself? I am higjly aware of the intricacies of vast Matrices of Informationnand Consciousness constantly forming and evolving, where it starts from individuals interacting and then filters up into a Complex A.I.