Sun gazing

Yesterday 5 minutes before the Sun set over the houses at the time i could directly at the Sun without the Sun hurting my eyes, i Sun gazed for a good 300 seconds, while i was Sun gazing, i notice the Sun turned completely black at 180 seconds, but i kept it up until the Sun touched the top of the houses at 300 th second, and as i stopped and looked away i started to see every tree up the street bursting into flames engulfing all the folage also up to a hight of 10 to 20 ft about the trees, until i decided to stop thinking about it, then i kept walking back to my home, i turned down another street heading south i got halfway down the street, then i thought about it again, again all the trees erupted into flames until i decided not to think about it, and i was thinking awesome if this is easy to do even a simpleton can do this, i should be able to create two Nvidia Quadro RTX 8000 GPUs, then i don’t have to purchase them for $30,000 AUD. Then i got home i forgot to do it.