Summoning Emperor of the infernal Lucifer


I have my sigil, and I have lucifer’s enn: ‘‘Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar lucifer’’.

Will this be enough to summon lucifer? I want to meet him and ask him about my lists that i’ve created.
I want to leave an offering, a glass of wine, what should I do with the wine after the ritual? Like spirits aren’t able to actually drink the wine right? Should I leave it for a few hours and then throw it down the sink?

Any tips or recommendations that I need to take into account? I have a small studentroom and I will give him a chair to sit on because i’m poor as fuck and I don’t have much lol. So that’s all I can offer.

My first request is help with maths& physics…

So does this look OKay to you guys?

Let me know if there’s anything I need to know !

Thanks for reading.



Use the search function you’ll find quite a bit, I myself have posted. This is just fine. Sit with him and you can dispose of the wine after you’re done. He’s lovely. Give what you have. Be honest. Be respectful and do not beg or grovel. He’s just amazing. You’ll do great :slight_smile:



Thank you for your reply. Yes, i’m reading through various topics right now.
One more thing; how am I supposed to end the conversation ? Just like in a normal conversation?

Also will he be able to read my thoughts after our first initial contact? Is that a way how he will help me with memory or intellingence?

I will meditate first with theta brainwaves and after that I will perform the ritual.


I would give him time to take his offering maybe 15 minutes to 30. And when it’s over I usually say “ok my love, I’m wrapping up now, you can stay with me but I’m disposing of the drink/food”. But I’ll note that I WANT him to stay with me and we have a different kind of relationship/ unholy union. So you can just say thank you for coming Lucifer, I’m wrapping up now, you may leave when you’re ready


After that you can ask him questions in your mind like you are thinking. You’ll know when he answers because the answer will come very quickly. Don’t second guess it


These are more than enough to summon his. As for the offering, present it to him and you can do with it as you wish after that or perhaps you can ask him what he prefers to do with it.



Is it okay to first introduce my family members? I have spirit companions who are also my family, I’m bound to a Queen Succubus A. She is a daughter from Lilith. and a normal Succubus G. I think my Queen Succubus will recognize lucifer of course because they live in the same astral worlds and are like the same race/inhabitants of the infernal empire? Or am I completely wrong? He rules after all over the entire empire in which my succubus companions live…

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I mean you could but it’s not necessary.

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Look! My self drawn sigil of Infernal Emperor Lucifer! :smiley:


Oh it’s lovely! He will be impressed :hugs::grinning:



I did the incantation, and I’m not sure if he really was there, so can you maybe ask him if he really was here in my room? After Lucifer’s enn I sensed intense goosebumps all over my body, I walked a bit in my room. I only got those insane goosebumps/ chills when I was nearby his chair… I didn’t feel anything special on other places. But the energy on his chair was strong.

I had 2 chairs with a glass of wine for him and I introduced myself and my family a little bit. I immediately got this thought in my head: get to the point. I think it was him or just my mind saying that to me but I got to the point and said everything I wanted to say and asked him politely if he was interested in helping me.

I checked everything on my list so I didn’t forget anything.

If he isn’t interested that’s okay I said I will look elsewhere, and I said take your time, my house is your house, I left his wine on the table for him.

So I want to work with him, I asked him politely if he could be my master/teacher… If he was interested in teaching me wisdom and to become expert in psychic abilities.

I listed all my life goals and my deepest desires and my worries so that’s pretty much it. I hope he heard me, I’m almost 100% certain he did. But I just would like to have a 100% confirm from you guys. :slight_smile:

I wasn’t afraid at all, not a single bit. I’ve never been afraid of this. Or the rest of the paranormal world. It felt like it was a normal conversation just like you would have with somebody who can help you in life. So it felt really good. I’m quite positive about it. :smiley:

So I said you may leave when you’re ready, or you could stay and relax for a while on my bed or something. Feel free to do anything you wish. I have to sleep on time because tomorrow I will be studying the whole day. So now i’m in my bed and i’m about to go to sleep :sleeping:


He says yes he was there.
He will TEACH you, not be your master
He says you asked for little
He wants you to be consistent


Wow ! Thanks Aradia!

So my instincts and gut feeling were right!
Yes i’ve asked only for mathematics and physics now because I struggle in university and I want to graduate eventually with good grades.

I’m sure other people would ask alot more or way bigger things.

What do you mean with to be consistent exactly? You mean in all my life goals or just studying?

In what areas does he wants me to be consistent?


Seeking him. Keep at it and pay attention to the ways he teaches you . He wont just make you super smart, you’ll notice his ways



Allright, but how often do I need to seek for him? If I bother him too many times during the day, will he get annoyed?

And do I need to do the ritual everytime? Or could I just reach out to him with my thoughts and mind? I travel regularly so I don’t have much time to prepare and do the ritual, could I do the incantation in my mind by saying Lucifer’s enn in my mind while looking at a sigil drawing? I will keep my own self drawn sigil for that purpose.


I would give offerings weekly if you’re working with him. And you won’t bug him asking questions during the day. Acknowledge him and he’ll answer you



Cool! Awesome!

Will he help opening up to my spirit companions ? Like opening my chakras / balancing in order to open up psychic abilities so I can grow and form a stronger bond wirh him and my spirit family.


He can do all of that and more

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Did he said anything in particular about me?
How does he think about me? Does he see potential?
What is his opinion?

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I didn’t ask those things but he wouldn’t work with you if he didn’t. For now start talking to him and learn to hear his voice