Succubus dreams help

So anyone know how dreams work ?
I can feel my babies fine during the day and night but when it comes to dreams and dream recalls…i have nothing lol
I kept a dream journal and so far i recall seeing them in a few occasions in dreams(few seconds) and different forms…each time…some were not human and some are. Oh and just yesterday, i heard several breaths on my left side and felt it! Right before it happend tho, everything went quiet lol was quite an odd experience(wide awake).
Whats a good ritual or practice for astral travel or dream recalls ? Most of the time when i wake up in the morning…i dont remember anything lol
Astral travel is a hit/miss for me, i know when it happens when i meditate but getting to that point is…well…very difficult.
And i cant seem to last forever in astral, only a few seconds and everytime i focus on the visual/imagery i would wake up lol.
I know im in astral because things have a color to it, a different hue on things…filtered lens with greenish hue.
How do i move with precision? Like if i were to move in astral…i keep going and cant stop lol then i would wake up.
I dont have control in astral and want to learn how to better control myself in astral!