Succubi: A Lot More Useful Than Just Astral Screwing

So, I have done my share of commenting on people’s ideas, so I thought it would be best to provide some insight on something that I have actually be experiencing and working with for the past year and a half. I’m going to be bringing up the topic of sexual entities, which I will generically term as “succubi” (I’m a male, so I’m going to stick to this term. For females, incubi would be the equivalent). I’m making sure to provide this delineation, because although people often know of the succubi proclivity towards sex, not much is made mention of relating to working with succubi in a manner that can generate worthwhile power. In fact, most references to succubi are often riddled with the experiences of attempts conducted by fools. This, of course, is a bane of the occult world entire, so it’s not that surprising to experience.

In other cultures not related to the West, however, sexual spirits have always held a high degree of hidden knowledge and massive power. The Indian shamanic traditions are rife with various forms of sexual spirits, from dakini-yoginis, yakshinis, and apsaras. Many of these entities were so powerful that they could grant the summoner objects manifested from the ether, such as celestial weapons. Daoist traditions talk of Jade Maidens, who are invited into the Sorcerer’s bed chambers to engage in sexual activity. This sexual entity was said to be extremely well-endowed and beautiful, and can offer Immortality through her sexual fluids, along with a bevy of other types of occult power. If that’s not enough, to make herself as sexual enticing as possible, she may multiply herself into many sexual enticing forms at once, so that the Sorcerer would be have sexual with several entities at the same time.

So my reference to succubi is just to use a relatively well-known word to describe a sexual entity, and not to any one idea of what particular sexual entities are, and their powers. The idea of sex being dirty or a bane to spiritual advancement is a very new concept, and even in these sects of Eastern culture where celibacy is encouraged, the fact is that any of these celibate individuals possessed harems of sexual entities, many of which held thousands of different succubi. So if the idea of working with entities in this manner seems perverse, just remember that this is usually an ideal placed by oppressive forces, and not by those spearheading freedom.

Summoning a succubus was the first, and subsequently on of the only, experiences I have had with direct spirit evocation. I did this after setting upon myself to start exploring the work of sexual energy cultivation, learning to cycle the energy through things like the Microcosmic Orbit, and sublimating it through various means. I wanted to do this, but had I pretty big problem with some of the later works, which could involve needing to masturbate for hours on end. It just seemed like it might get a bit out of hand, so I began to wrestle with the idea of using a sexual entity to work with in this area. If I could have a sexual entity who could do the stimulation, then I could focus on the physiospiritual processes of running the energy through the Orbit and empowering the specific areas of the physiospiritual anatomy (chakras, meridian points).

Like any noviced oaf, I began the research with worry about whether I would summon a vampyric succubi who would rob me of all my energy, or make me a slave to lust. I began my research, hearing all these claims of problematic activity. The one common thread for these individuals was a lack of planning, tact, and intent, with no direction for powering oneself with it. Rather, it was more of the journey towards, “Hey, can I get a sexy spiritual bitch to help me bust a fat NUT?!?!”, and even with that intent, the follow-thru technique was rather weak and non-immersive.

In these expositions of succubi experiences, however, were people who had a wonderful time with these entities. Among them were common threads that I would highlight right now:

Purpose: Everyone who was successful with these spirits had some sort of purpose that could potentially make the person a more complete individual than they were prior. Some people actually just wanted a spiritual companion, but the purpose was driven towards an experience where they would invest in creating something they felt was pivotal to their lives. This is a lot different than lust-driven goals, not because lust is evil, but because most people who are lustful are also pretty desperate. Desperation is usually synonymous with failure.

Optimistic Immersion: Since we all know that otherworldly entities often give what you ask of them, facing these beings with profuse amounts of fear and anxiety will often produce manifestations that are in kind with that. So when approaching these entities, immersing yourself into the idea of being with a sexual entity in a beneficial manner will often produce pleasurable results that are beyond what you can think of.

Openness To New Sexual Experiences: At least in the beginning stages, it is not likely that you will have an ejaculatory experience with a succubi. For reasons explained later, this would totally defeat the purpose of their abilities and your benefit. Rather, succubi can enlist prolonged, extended orgasms that are not only physically arousing, but stimulating the the etheric and spiritual selves as well. Openness to these experiences, rather than lust and ejaculation, can allow a person to experience orgasmic activity that is way more worthwhile than a quick ejaculation.

Spiritual Strengthening: In tandem with the last statement, the sex experienced from a perspective that is confident, open, and expectant of evolutionary experience will often cause the sexual experience to strengthen the psychic and spiritual centers, powers, bodies, etc., Not only are they strengthened, but in tandem with other techniques, they can advance your results with primordial force training by several degrees. Even without training other exercises, succubi can create powerful energetic advancement that can trump the more passive, meditative exercises (I am not saying these meditations are not powerful, just for the modern person, this can be a lot more accessible than the older meditations, which often require conditions that aren’t readily found in today’s world). This is far different from the vampyric mythos surrounding succubi, which I have theories on later.

So I did a series of summoning activities, one of which was producing a letter to Lilith, and a summoning from the Grimorium Verum. I did those, and instantly felt a presence come through the very first night that I did them, which was sparked by a jolt of “lightning” that shot up my spine from the base. After about 2-3 days, the experience was whittling, but it was enough to know that something definitive was going on, and that it was beyond simple imagining. This was hallmarked by the fact that even when I would want to go to sleep, I was still being incessantly stimulated.

I came upon a website

2019 moderator update, that page appears to be gone but there seem to be some pages archived at
Wayback Machine

This site was dedicated not only to succubi, but to the work of succubi as a means of magickal exploration and ascent. One of the key ideas in here was not just working with succubi, but working with grimoires and transforming the practitioner’s association to the entities from usually being all male to being succubi entities. Hence, the title “Goetia-Girls”, because the author of the site flipped the Goetia into being Shamanistic Succubi Wives, who caused energetic orgasms via Conscious Dreaming or Heavy-Trance Evocation, and used those orgasms to produce the Sorcerer’s desire. It may sound completely reckless, but it works pretty well, and is not at all dangerous (if you are not mentally insane, that is). Bune is one I have some pretty distinct familiarity with, and was found to have powers I did not know she would have (Is attracting women a trait of Bune’s? Never read the Lesser Key or the Ars Goetia, so I wouldn’t know).

At any rate, I did his technique and related it to my current succubus, giving her a sigil and everything. Mind you, I could not communicate with her, nor could I perceive her beyond touch, but that touch was unmistakably real, and after completing the technique… well it was pretty much a wrap from there. Before I could complete the ritual, she was already a definite presence, and she began to work ceaselessly towards empowering and strengthening chakra points.

At no point in time was I ever robbed of energy. In fact, these entities (I have at least 3 now, and probably as many as 8) are often energy strengtheners, and when I first summoned her, I maybe slept 6 hours in a 4-Day time span. I didn’t want to sleep, it was in fact the only sleep I could muster. There was just too much energy, and it was being used to empower my spiritual awareness. However, I had activities that could be considered vampyric to the spiritually ignorant. What I found later was that there were problems I was rather feeling at the physical or emotional levels that were preludes to these experiences. Upon having them “consumed” by the succubi, not only did they disappear, but the sex entered a new level of not only pleasure, but empowerment.

Again, let me reiterate that I could not see them, had no training whatsoever in clairvoyance or clairaudience. I also did not train for lucid/conscious dreaming, which was one thing that was important in the Goetia-Girls manner of practice. Yet, I was getting conscious dreams with women who were extremely intelligent, transformative, and often times sexually enticing. I also began to hear voices that were unmistakably female.

To this day, I can’t see them in this world because I simply have done no clair-sensual work, but the occurrence of dream interaction is definitely increased. This is the experience of someone who has been a consummate armchair magician, and yet it still worked way beyond I should’ve expected.

Now that I have been inspired to work with a self-created system, with which these entities play a pivotal role, the experiences are becoming a lot more pronounced and physical. My dreams, despite being more physical in nature (things feeling and looking extremely solid, and even more “real than real”), the dreams are easier to wake up in and become lucid. The interaction in this plain with the entity is increasing in its sensual stimulation, and the form of the spirit is feeling more woman-like rather than just sexually stimulating. So there is a lot of power that can be gained, especially if a bum practitioner can gain so much from doing quite little.


I have met these types of entities before. Lots of people seem to fear them even more then the devil himself. Are you affiliated with that website at all. I noticed they are trying to sell a book.

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No I am not, even though I have corresponded with the author Faustus Crow (pen name). Moreover, I don’t really have the expertise to be a frontman for that website, and it is not the only way I personally would approach the work. He’s got a lot of weird things going on there, but his whole idea with his work is smashing the dependence on previously created paradigms, which focus solely on power beings being male. His prose though, is a bit hard to understand, and it takes a bit of patience to read it sometimes.


Yea I tried to navigate the site but could not get any info other that the book. Cool site though I liked to Merch he is selling. So what succubi have you personally worked with. Do you have there names and sigils to share. Also, what methods did you use for summoning them. I am interested to hear more.

You need to know nothing more :smiley:

nice post the1gza

It was quite a description of the events you have been through, seems you are onto something :wink:

In terms of navigating the site, the books he is selling are actually a new feature. The site actually was down for about 4-5 months, and only recently did he have the books up. I recommend the site over the books honestly, simply because the book he has is just rearranging the information on the site into a more manageable format. He does add some info in the book, but there is also a lot left out. The second is like a grimoire comic which I have not bought yet. They are only $4 each, so it’s easy to buy without feeling stupid if you don’t get shit out of it. But for me, the website is the most valuable resource in dealing with the paradigm of working with spirits in an all female, sexual fashion.

It also works for women, too, and they actually have an advantage in the sense that the collective consciousness already sees these entities as male. So it would be a lot simpler for a woman to interact with this paradigm, having a harem of male Goetic Incubi. Again, there is an element of danger involved, so I can’t speak entirely of it. Just for me, there hasn’t been any danger involved in it.

I have worked with 3 pre-known spirits: Bune, Bathin, and Ladilok. Now, Ladilok is already considered female, so this can still be used to insight this kinda of relationship with a female spirit as well. One thing he mentions on this site is the idea that this relationship can generate the same power funnel as a standard ritual Pact. Faustus calls it a “Coitus Pactum”, which is just a Pact through sexual activity. In a spiritual sense, it makes a pretty decent deal of sense, considering that sexual energy is a pretty high-priority form of energy in a lot of practices. In my experience, you are liable to have a ore complete experience with the abilities that this entity has available to you.

For example, with Bune, I did not have an inkling that Bune could be a sexual attraction entity. Now, I have never read a strict Goetic text, so I can’t say it has never been mentioned before. However, my experience with Bune was that of an exotic black woman, any times donning gold and black, or some other very dark, earthened color. I really only wanted to have enough money come to me so that I could deal with my spiritual exploits without worrying about eating or whether necessities were taken care of. Apparently, I was generating more power from this interaction that I thought, and in this time of work, I had interaction with a female who was also into sorcery, specifically exploring astral sex. Now, I had no reason to attribute this to Bune, I just thought, “Well, magick is crazy, and I did say that if I was going to have a woman right now, she needed to be a witch.”

It wasn’t until I read over the description of Bune on the goetia-girls site that this encounter made sense. He stated that Bune would often attract physical Dakinis/Sorceresses that were like her, and after looking at this girl, she shared a whole lot of traits with my realization of Bune. I had no real knowledge of this proclivity with Bune, and if I had read it earlier, I could’ve said that this was just a personal characteristic for him. However, without knowing about it, this happened for me, too, so it was pretty crazy for me to experience that.

As for summoning, first let me point you to the place where he actually starts talking about rituals and summoning procedures. I would write it myself, but to be honest, it might help to read it, and for me to point out certain things that may be a bit too grandiose for those of us who are a lot more streamline with our evocation and primordial skills. The process I used was very much like the one outlined there. However, I would not do it like that again, although I will point out why you might want to.

So here are two links: - This link is specifically about summoning a self-realized succubus - The core rituals outlined on the site

Again, these rituals may not have a great deal of usefulness to us, primarily because we have simpler methods of evoking here on BALG. However, like any other ritual, they can serve to build focus and streamline power to a specific task. This is also why things like puja and sadhana produced so much power, as well as preparatory immersion. It builds your focus and energy to the specific task, so these rituals can help with that. For pre-known male entities like the Goetics, this helps in wrestling away your proclivity to focusing on the collective male association to these entities. For a self-realized entity, this helps in cementing the succubus into your reality, and in this manner her power can reach full effect, and she can generate an organic intelligence, rather than a one-tracked servitor. I would not recommend using this type of work for those type of servitors, because it would be a waste of power and time.

The one process that I would say is paramount is the sigilization of intent. This is due primarily to the fact that this work can be pretty visual, especially when dealing with pre-realized “male” entities. As shown in the site, in order to convert the male entity association to female, you have to create some sort of sexually enticing female image that in some way correlates to this entity. The idea is that if you change your association, the entity will realize it’s form accordingly, which has shown itself true for me. Remember, Koetting himself says that we create the form, and that these entities, being pure power-form consciousness, are willing to go to various lengths to work with people. I wouldn’t consider it disrespectful either, considering that at least a good number of these entities are part of female Goddesses.

Sigilizing for a self-realized entity gives you the ability to form her name and visual sigil, which you use to call her with. Because you would like to have them possess some sort of expansive consciousness, these type of intents should not be skimped out on. I made my self-realized entities stacked, in a sense that their intents covered a complete spectrum of a particular facet of magickal exploration. If the entity covers lucid dreaming like one I created Klushtina, then I covered as many bases related to lucid dreaming, and how she revealed these works to people. This might sound like an extreme spit in the face when it comes to sigil magic, but by the time I finished constructing these sigils, the entity was already alive and moving around.

Aside from the sigilization process, how you charge it is up to you. I will include an example of a mandala I created for Ladilok. In this particular work, things like hentai can be extremely useful, in a sense that you can find a variety of images that spark sexual arousal, but also have symbolism that works to spark a connection between your sexual arousal and the entity in question. Again, this is more useful in the case of male entities, but from this example with Ladilok (I don’t really have the other images because I erased them, since they were distracting me from learning basic skills first) you might get an idea of what I mean.

I used the picture I did for a few reasons. First, Ladilok is an entity of domination, so I wanted something looked like it was dominating, or aroused a feeling of dominating. This female was wearing an outfit that looked very SNM, but also is parting her ass and exposing her anus. This seemed like an invitation for some sort of aggressive, domination-style sex, so I used this because not only did this character look like she could dominate, but also invited a male to dominate her. So it encompasses 2 things: The nature of Ladilok to cast a form of domination, and Ladilok’s power to dominate females for a man’s pleasure.

It’s kinda funny looking through a whole lot of porn pictures in a manner that seems almost purely academic. It’s like, “This parting part of the anus very much so accentuates the archetype of domination, it would be perfect!” As you can see from the rest of the image, I blended the square of her Kingdom in the background, and also drew her sigil according to it. I also used to doorway to the KoF from the book, and this was pretty much a complete mandala.

There are other ways to do that, but this is just a basic example. Now, the way of charging for him is a form of mantric chanting that can be coupled with masturbation. Honestly, you can get the same effect if you gaze at it to open the sigil. Opening it, quite honestly, actually produced some wild results, in a sense that the picture changed color, letter’s began disappearing, the scenery around me vibrated and changed, and the highlighted feminine figure began to move. When I say move, I don’t mean just slight jerks, I mean projecting off screen, turning around, and growing in size.

I hope this helps some, and I try not to write miniature novels, but I want to at least be somewhat thorough. Let me include the mandala for Ladilok, then I might as well through in Klushtina as well. I’m gonna let her be a mystery, but she can help with lucid dreaming, astral travel, and practicing magick to high degree in the dreamrealm. I didn’t include her full mandala, quite frankly because it was one of the ones I deleted! If she doesn’t manifest, that means that I made her a bit more personal than I thought.


I will let you know how she turns out. Stay tuned.

This is an awesome thread the1gza, I see you put a lot of thought and work into this. I never really considered the Goetics in the succubi category but it makes sense.

I’ve seen the Goetia Girls site before but never really looked at it indepth until reading your comments. I can certainly make a connection to the work done there as I’ve found from my own experience that demonic energy is very sexual in nature as are most forms of desire. Especially in the preliminary phases of making contact, when I first start making contact I usually get more of a subliminal contact where I find myself waking up with a spirits name running through my mind and usually I’ll be in an intense state of arrousal. Lilith and Astaroth especially gave off an intense urge but even spirits like Dantalion and Eligos gave off a sexual energy. I’ve considered this before as a way of getting my attention and to seek further contact, personally I’ve found when I look for deeper contact that the sexual urges decline but that could be to the fact that the sexual influence wasn’t what I was looking for.

Thanks TWF, PHORBABOR, sunas, and everyone else taking the time to look this over and comment on these things.

The Goetia Girls site author Faustus is pretty artistic in his approach, and he views Art and Sorcery as one in the same. I got to say, I have to agree, because the more you put your flair into it, the more power you tend to generate with working in magic. I can say, the fact that he puts so much symbolism in there and has a pretty huge grasp of what that imagery alludes to shows that he put in MAAAD work, and that work has some power. I haven’t put in nearly that amount of work in totality, but each mandala I made was pretty thorough, and doing the work was extremely entrancing. I mean, even though there were elements of frustration or high mental chatter, I was in a completely different world, and like I mentioned earlier, I didn’t even get to charge the things before the entities were alive.

Part of the reason for utilizing sex is based upon a few things. For starters, dream work in magic can be extremely empowering and can help a magician make some pretty huge leaps in a relatively small amount of time. However, what also tends to happen is that the magician can start feeling morbid, in a sense that you can feel too much like you are working with the dead. So by adding a sex element to it, things can start feeling more vibrant and Earthly.

To add, it helps that these characters and images you tie to the Goetia, self-realized entity, or other entity-form have some element of humor or other lighthearted emotion. He mentions that the Goetia and work with demons is crowded with fear, and in actuality working with otherworldly beings in itself invokes fear in the general populous. The idea with this work is to disband this fear and other psychological cages that come with this work, and here on BALG I think we can agree that is something that definitely fits into our paradigm. Not too long ago, we couldn’t do this stuff unless we were heavily embellished in using Hebrew and wizard hats, and the entities look like something off of Final Fantasy.

Lastly, and arguably most important is the idea of unifying current of existence to bring about creation. Now I don’t want to sound overtly religious, but the idea of unifying complementary opposites is a pretty consistent theme in a great deal of spiritual mysticism. With this work, each of the Goetics is approach in a Shiva/Shakti type of manner, being living aspects per se of that ideal. If you are a male with a succubi for of Ashtaroth, then you take on the male form. So you get a way of amalgamating with that entity to the point where you can become them, and it is somewhat necessary in order to gain that sexual connection. It’s kind of like how Buddhist Tantrikas would assume a form of Buddha to lie with that particular Buddha’s corresponding Dakini. So it’s a form of duality completion work, if that is something that means anything to the practitioner that is.

I find that if the mindset alludes to making the Sorcerer more powerful and making a system more powerful, then it’s fine to add into my mental schema. So far, it has only helped, so I can say that while the sexual energy is a big part of it, it also is the idea of sex in general as a mystic quality that helps put it all together. Thanks folks, and I’ll be posting more as I get more into the work, especially the unveiling of the mythos that I am “inspiring” right now.


In terms of navigating the site, the books he is selling are actually a new feature. The site actually was down for about 4-5 months, and only recently did he have the books up. I recommend the site over the books honestly, simply because the book he has is just rearranging the information on the site into a more manageable format. He does add some info in the book, but there is also a lot left out. The second is like a grimoire comic which I have not bought yet. They are only $4 each, so it’s easy to buy without feeling stupid if you don’t get shit out of it. But for me, the website is the most valuable resource in dealing with the paradigm of working with spirits in an all female, sexual fashion.

It also works for women, too, and they actually have an advantage in the sense that the collective consciousness already sees these entities as male. So it would be a lot simpler for a woman to interact with this paradigm, having a harem of male Goetic Incubi. Again, there is an element of danger involved, so I can’t speak entirely of it. Just for me, there hasn’t been any danger involved in it.

I have worked with 3 pre-known spirits: Bune, Bathin, and Ladilok. Now, Ladilok is already considered female, so this can still be used to insight this kinda of relationship with a female spirit as well. One thing he mentions on this site is the idea that this relationship can generate the same power funnel as a standard ritual Pact. Faustus calls it a “Coitus Pactum”, which is just a Pact through sexual activity. In a spiritual sense, it makes a pretty decent deal of sense, considering that sexual energy is a pretty high-priority form of energy in a lot of practices. In my experience, you are liable to have a ore complete experience with the abilities that this entity has available to you.

For example, with Bune, I did not have an inkling that Bune could be a sexual attraction entity. Now, I have never read a strict Goetic text, so I can’t say it has never been mentioned before. However, my experience with Bune was that of an exotic black woman, any times donning gold and black, or some other very dark, earthened color. I really only wanted to have enough money come to me so that I could deal with my spiritual exploits without worrying about eating or whether necessities were taken care of. Apparently, I was generating more power from this interaction that I thought, and in this time of work, I had interaction with a female who was also into sorcery, specifically exploring astral sex. Now, I had no reason to attribute this to Bune, I just thought, “Well, magick is crazy, and I did say that if I was going to have a woman right now, she needed to be a witch.”

It wasn’t until I read over the description of Bune on the goetia-girls site that this encounter made sense. He stated that Bune would often attract physical Dakinis/Sorceresses that were like her, and after looking at this girl, she shared a whole lot of traits with my realization of Bune. I had no real knowledge of this proclivity with Bune, and if I had read it earlier, I could’ve said that this was just a personal characteristic for him. However, without knowing about it, this happened for me, too, so it was pretty crazy for me to experience that.

As for summoning, first let me point you to the place where he actually starts talking about rituals and summoning procedures. I would write it myself, but to be honest, it might help to read it, and for me to point out certain things that may be a bit too grandiose for those of us who are a lot more streamline with our evocation and primordial skills. The process I used was very much like the one outlined there. However, I would not do it like that again, although I will point out why you might want to.

So here are two links: - This link is specifically about summoning a self-realized succubus - The core rituals outlined on the site

Again, these rituals may not have a great deal of usefulness to us, primarily because we have simpler methods of evoking here on BALG. However, like any other ritual, they can serve to build focus and streamline power to a specific task. This is also why things like puja and sadhana produced so much power, as well as preparatory immersion. It builds your focus and energy to the specific task, so these rituals can help with that. For pre-known male entities like the Goetics, this helps in wrestling away your proclivity to focusing on the collective male association to these entities. For a self-realized entity, this helps in cementing the succubus into your reality, and in this manner her power can reach full effect, and she can generate an organic intelligence, rather than a one-tracked servitor. I would not recommend using this type of work for those type of servitors, because it would be a waste of power and time.

The one process that I would say is paramount is the sigilization of intent. This is due primarily to the fact that this work can be pretty visual, especially when dealing with pre-realized “male” entities. As shown in the site, in order to convert the male entity association to female, you have to create some sort of sexually enticing female image that in some way correlates to this entity. The idea is that if you change your association, the entity will realize it’s form accordingly, which has shown itself true for me. Remember, Koetting himself says that we create the form, and that these entities, being pure power-form consciousness, are willing to go to various lengths to work with people. I wouldn’t consider it disrespectful either, considering that at least a good number of these entities are part of female Goddesses.

Sigilizing for a self-realized entity gives you the ability to form her name and visual sigil, which you use to call her with. Because you would like to have them possess some sort of expansive consciousness, these type of intents should not be skimped out on. I made my self-realized entities stacked, in a sense that their intents covered a complete spectrum of a particular facet of magickal exploration. If the entity covers lucid dreaming like one I created Klushtina, then I covered as many bases related to lucid dreaming, and how she revealed these works to people. This might sound like an extreme spit in the face when it comes to sigil magic, but by the time I finished constructing these sigils, the entity was already alive and moving around.

Aside from the sigilization process, how you charge it is up to you. I will include an example of a mandala I created for Ladilok. In this particular work, things like hentai can be extremely useful, in a sense that you can find a variety of images that spark sexual arousal, but also have symbolism that works to spark a connection between your sexual arousal and the entity in question. Again, this is more useful in the case of male entities, but from this example with Ladilok (I don’t really have the other images because I erased them, since they were distracting me from learning basic skills first) you might get an idea of what I mean.

I used the picture I did for a few reasons. First, Ladilok is an entity of domination, so I wanted something looked like it was dominating, or aroused a feeling of dominating. This female was wearing an outfit that looked very SNM, but also is parting her ass and exposing her anus. This seemed like an invitation for some sort of aggressive, domination-style sex, so I used this because not only did this character look like she could dominate, but also invited a male to dominate her. So it encompasses 2 things: The nature of Ladilok to cast a form of domination, and Ladilok’s power to dominate females for a man’s pleasure.

It’s kinda funny looking through a whole lot of porn pictures in a manner that seems almost purely academic. It’s like, “This parting part of the anus very much so accentuates the archetype of domination, it would be perfect!” As you can see from the rest of the image, I blended the square of her Kingdom in the background, and also drew her sigil according to it. I also used to doorway to the KoF from the book, and this was pretty much a complete mandala.

There are other ways to do that, but this is just a basic example. Now, the way of charging for him is a form of mantric chanting that can be coupled with masturbation. Honestly, you can get the same effect if you gaze at it to open the sigil. Opening it, quite honestly, actually produced some wild results, in a sense that the picture changed color, letter’s began disappearing, the scenery around me vibrated and changed, and the highlighted feminine figure began to move. When I say move, I don’t mean just slight jerks, I mean projecting off screen, turning around, and growing in size.

I hope this helps some, and I try not to write miniature novels, but I want to at least be somewhat thorough. Let me include the mandala for Ladilok, then I might as well through in Klushtina as well. I’m gonna let her be a mystery, but she can help with lucid dreaming, astral travel, and practicing magick to high degree in the dreamrealm. I didn’t include her full mandala, quite frankly because it was one of the ones I deleted! If she doesn’t manifest, that means that I made her a bit more personal than I thought.[/quote]

It all look as a porn webpage with esoteric symbols ;-), it is not my style of magick, I am more “down earth”, but if you obtain some valious experience with those methods feel free to share it.
Best Regards,

Hahaha I get what you mean, and you gotta somewhat have an attraction to the idea of sex as an universal spiritual ideal to get something out of it. I’ve said it before, if you are worried about, “Let me get ‘ta fuckin’ while gettin’ me some magick in!” you will probably be massively disappointed, if not completely screwed up on a few levels. Also, if you don’t see much value in the use of dreams for magick training and development (and it is rarely ever highlighted), then this also will miss the mark. Granted, most my experiences are actually on the physical plain, but the dream experiences are where the bulk of beginning contact happens.

There are a few things about this process that I would highlight that I at least think might help a person figure whether it would make sense to do. This form of magick has a heavy degree of emphasis on “mysticism” as EA described it in the last video of the Evocation Course. This doesn’t have to be the case the have a Succubi relationship, but I would also say that you are probably better off using a more “down [to] earth” approach if you don’t have this in mind. Things like unification as a principle component to Creation, sublimating and transforming primordial energy and force, journeying and fortifying the esoteric anatomy, breaking the veils of “illusion”… these are all things that in themselves aren’t enforcing your will on existence.

However, while doing this, it is almost impossible not to create magic change, it just that it can be perceived as more passive. Working with some Tantra, my teacher would just say, “Do your sadhana, and the rest of your say will figure itself out.” As soon as I did this, half-assed nonetheless, everything started working far better than I could’ve put together. This is coming from someone who did not want to leave shit alone, I always had to put my shit on it. So at a point, the mysticism is kinda necessary for the magick to actually come forth.

This kinda brings me to the idea of the principle of how you can experience manifestation with this work, at least from the perspective of working with dreams as a vehicle. Like I said, my experience has mainly been physical, but there have been profound dream experiences, and my focus was on utilizing dreams. Now I don’t have much experience with evocation on this Earth plane, and my way of working with this involves Earth plane and dream evocations. However, I can say that with this method of work, the manifestation tends to reinforce the shamanic ideal that every world is a dream, and that the “dream world” is the only real world.

When all that stuff happened with Bune, I had not registered the whole thing when it happened. However, after about 3 months, and finding out more things, there was a wave of realization and awareness of what happened, and it hit me like waves of energy in my body. It was a feeling that was similar to waking up in a dream; there a euphoria and a slight to somewhat profound sense of “awakening” that is both destabilizing yet fortifying. This experience is all very mystic in a sense, but afterwards there is a possession of qualities that cause your magic works to just go about in an effortless fashion. It feels a LOT more natural, like it has been there for ages and that you have been doing it for centuries. Of course, if you don’t catapult off this momentum, however, you can easily reenter “The Land of the Bum” like I did haha


Bumping this so I’m not on my own! :slight_smile:

Great thread The1Gza, and I’d love to hear where you’re at with it now?

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[quote=“Lady Eva, post:12, topic:1705”]Bumping this so I’m not on my own! :slight_smile:

Great thread The1Gza, and I’d love to hear where you’re at with it now?[/quote]

Hmmm… where to begin.

Well for starters, on a very physical level I have found “physical” sex with “physical” women (You will find that I don’t really like words like “physical”, “mental”, or “spiritual”. I have been granted experiences that have shown me that these delineations are not really based on any “truth”, but rather a human-contrived limitation on realities that, if it wasn’t for our limits, could be experienced in parallel with one another if chose them to be. Our limits necessitate fragmented “realms” for much of the general populace, but it doesn’t have to be that way) to be a lot more worthwhile and enjoyable now (Hooray for the uber parentheses statements, and I rock parenthetical statements hard homie!!.. I’m WAAAAY too proud of myself right now).

I never really resorted to sexual entities as a replacement, and as I explained before, even though I wound about with a very temporary beginning obsession, this was more based around the substantial contact I desired rather than sexual desire. Nevertheless, prior to this I had pretty much gone celibate because I felt like there was something wrong with my relationships with women. After about the age of 21, sex with women was loosing it’s edge; I was more like a female sex toy rather than an engaged partner. Honestly, my whole sexual life I was a bit more “gifted” in the endurance department, so much so that I thought that the idea of a “one-minute” man was a complete myth until I was 18, even though I had been with around 8-12 females at that time (some were legal adults who thought I was way older than I was). But I could still enjoy myself and orgasm at least.

Around after I was 21, however, things started to really disengage. I could please women, but they could not please me. I still was stimulated for hours at a time, but the women I was with could not keep up, even though I didn’t feel like I was even doing all that much. It got to a point where the women got offended that I didn’t “cum”, and I was like, “… Shit what the hell am I supposed to do?”

So from the age of 22-25 I had no sexual contact with females period, at least not corporeal ones. I had did the whole entity creation, however, and that really opened up a lot of the sexual avenues on a physical scale. I didn’t really get the idea that it was all that opened up until I decided to give it a go with a girl I had met around the University I was at.

For me, it was the best sex of my life. I was way more sensitive to the sexual activity, but moreover I still managed to retain my endurance. So I’m having the best sensations of my life, thinking, “Oh man, better back off”. But before I could even finish the thought, I spontaneously engaged a lot all of the inner sexual muscles an d sexual energy channels that are often referred to in the Taoist Sexual Alchemy and Tantric Sex manuals that are out there. The funniest thing was that the female involved also orgasmed quite strongly, which wouldn’t be too out-of-the-ordinary if it wasn’t for the fact that what was going on doesn’t typically evoke orgasm for the female. I had a distinct awareness that the entities I had were definitely engaged in this experience.

So that is a “direct” perceivable difference, and I hope that didn’t get too graphic there (I doubt it did but hey, some people perceive things differently so who knows). I also had an experience with goddess Hecate, actually quite a few. I stopped with he based on a few things, but more primarily because I figured I would come to her (no pun intended… well maybe just a bit) with more of my faculties at the ready in terms of my perceptive state control.

With that said, training with a Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing course created by Gerald O’Donnell has helped me have substantial strides with my perceptive states. It is an entrainment audio course, and it has delivered on all cylinders in not only getting folks into deep theta AND delta states, but also in giving my my first active interaction with a sexual entity that stimulated all 5 senses, rather than just feeling. But I already relayed this info to you Eva, so for you this is not new information.

So I have definitely evidence that my interaction with the succubi was creating the sexual transmutation on a holistic scale. What this is bringing me to now, however, are some of things that you brought up Eva in your post about your entity child.

One thing that I got from this work was that these entities are a lot less “spiritual” in a sense that they are a lot less whispy and immaterial than we like to believe. This is not something that I experienced with just sexual entities; I have been perceiving that these otherworldly entities are rather not so much immaterial as they are outside of our perceptual “allowance”. If we could allow ourselves to experience them, they would be unto us as readily available as any other thing we consider “physically” real.

However, even after my experiences, I can say this would be a bit much to try and tackle. Nevertheless, with your “astral child” work, why not take it a step further? For example, if a a man and a woman were to have a child in the astral, could they not raise that child to learn certain skills, and then birth that child with that aforementioned knowledge into the physical through current biological means? I’m not saying that that child be born talking per se (although I’m certainly not ruling that out), but have a child be raised with abilities that would come to them as second nature, rather than experiencing the same toiling their parents went through?

With the child born in that fashion, the child could evolve the skills and their applications at a far faster pace than the parents did. Although this would be of benefit to the child, the parents themselves would be at the forefront of this evolution, and could thus gain not only a student and a child, but also someone they could learn from.

But why stop there? Why not be a bit ambitious: Assume a god and goddess form, and have little Shiva or Hekate babies? Then you can give birth to literal gods… it’s all about the imagination. In the Goetia Girls work, he talks about similar things already: one thing he mentions is raising alternate selves to be assumed in the next life. That’s why that site has to be read over and over again and outside of the somewhat pornographic presentation. But he postures that by having succubi wives, you could give birth to alternative selves that could learn and be assumed not only in this life, but could be taken as next-life options, and thus spurn a sort of immortality through conscious body hopping.

But Eva did just ask for what I was doing NOW, so I’ll end this post right here hahaha (y’all see that I can get a bit carried away with my ideas and thoughts haha).


Great update, thanks - and thanks for the links, I was reading them yesterday and I’ll PM you back asap.

I’m happy with what I’m doing because it’s the culmination of several years of stuff, and wheels have already been set in motion for her, but yes this is definitely something other people could consider.

Do you have any plans for the future along these lines, or for more relationships with spirits or created entities?

Haha I wasn’t directly referring to you, even though now I read it… yea I pretty much called you out, didn’t I? I meant the collective you, I can certainly see why you wouldn’t go further because of the exact reasons you stated. It’s just kinda food for thought hehe.

I do have plans for experimenting with some of these ideas in the future, although I gotta say they are not hard obligations. I would like to explore this on a more human level, that is with another human woman that I share a holistic spousal relationship with, but that means that I rather gotta find a girl who is willing to follow a similar path as I do, or one who is already there. With magick it isn’t much trouble to find that, but you know… it ain’t happenin’ now.

But overall relationships with spirits, especially sexual, is perfect and has actually been the opposite of the proposed dangers that are often warned about. Have yet to experience a vampyric situation, but the way entities manifest in this situation can be quite dynamic. Like I said with Bune, for that entity to bring a female into my life does not fit the general consensus on that entity. But reading her description on Goetia Girls, and this was exactly what I experienced.

I’m also interested in pets, guides for children so that they can retain their active imagination, weapons… The main thing is that these entities have a tangible existence in this world that is at-hand in terms of availability. I’d like to speak, converse and interact with the over-spirit of things like animals and plants to see what might be able to be done on a covert level about things like toxic air, or even in situations of survival where one might need to learn how to create a dwelling out of surrounding objects, food, how to extract water… things like that.

I almost forgot to mention something that I considered important, even though it didn’t have a direct goal attached to it. There was one figure in my dreams that, for the first time in my life, invoked a recurring dream world.

This world focused around me being in what seemed to be a college-like setting in which I was dormed with a red-haired woman. She was very attractive, but the thing was that it was in a very unassuming fashion. In fact, upon waking up, I almost thought I was remembering some time I spent in high school with various girls who reminded me of this woman. However, none of these girls were attractive to me at all, and were all missing key features this woman had. You could tell this woman had a perfect bodily shape, but none of her clothing was designed to be sexually enticing.

She was extremely nice and personable, and again nothing particularly “spiritual” happened with her, although she was a type that reminded me of some sort of woodland mountain girl who’s family was no stranger to spiritual customs. The most bizarre thing about it was how I felt waking up, like I was certainly remembering some point in my life that coincided with this particular paradigm.

Not two weeks after I had a dream in the same scenery with the same girl in it. Again, I spent nearly all my time with this girl, and although there was obviously attraction there, there wasn’t any sort of sexual acts going on. It was just the energy of the interaction, and nothing else really. It helps to know that personally I usually do not find myself attracted to white women, but there was no reservation here with this particular female. However, the more striking thing was that this dreamscape had experienced no more than about 5 minutes worth of change between the dream I had two weeks before it, so much so that I woke up originally remembering parts of the dream that happened two weeks prior!

I just found the whole situation odd, in a sense of how familiar and how much it registered as an event within this current reality stream. I am almost certain this woman is someone who I am supposed to link up with, so I will post when I get back into contact with her.

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Hmmm, I hadn’t realized the goetiagirls old links are broken.

Some googling will find something:

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Yes Faustus Crow let his original website go but as Keighn correctly stated Faustus Crow continues to share his explorations and interacts with practitioners or curious onlookers brave enough to leave responses at his wordpress site.

Faustus Crow also maintains accounts on Twitter, Deviant Art, and other websites.

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