Struggling don’t know what to do

I feel so weak I practice everyday trying to make myself better I have two goals that I really care about and I’m trying my best but seems like nothing is coming into place just want to be on the winning team just want to see something manifest anything to show me things are coming but all I see is nothing I don’t know how you guys do it but you do I’m glad to see everyone have succes I wish I could have some to


I feel you .


Can I ask you, just what are your two goals?


Good question…


I actually have 3 but I feel like when I fix my main 2 goals I won’t care that much about the last one but my first goal is to fix whatever is wrong with me I feel a negative vibe all the time and I was never like this I feel depressed and anxiety all the time when I meditate I feel ease or peace but then 5mins later I am back to that mood I was always goofy happy positive this just doesn’t feel like me and the 2nd one is love but I feel like me being depressed and anixety is messing that up


Might seem stupid to you but those are my goals


Maybe you need to cleanse yourself and surroundings?

Give this a try I Am's Solar Grounding & Banishing Ritual

Another way is to cleanse yourself through showers and baths. If I’m feeling negative or just down, I’ll take a hot shower and cleanse my mind, body, and soul. Inhale and exhale deeply, and imagine all the negativity, anxiety, and depression that your feeling as a black goo covering you. Imagine the water as light. As it moves and flows across your body, see it washing away all the pain, sadness, and negative emotions that your feeling, imagine it going down the drain, leaving you for good. You can do the same with using soap as the “lifter” that breaks through this “black goo”. Finish by visualizing yourself clean and shining with a white light that emanates in and from you. I usually think to myself, “Nothing can hold me or influence me unless I allow it” or something that has special meaning to me. I’d advise you to find a mantra that resonates with you specifically.

Another thing I would 100% recommend you to do is integrate this specific meditation into your daily routine from @C.Kendall’s Soul Travel guide

Now if you want to work with some of the Gods and so on to empower you and help you, I’d recommend Lucifer before anyone else personally. Definitely someone who always wants to help those who truly want to be helped, especially dealing with depression and negativity in their life.


Like you said, your depression and anxiety are more than likely interefering in this, so that has to be dispelled with and controlled first. Check this out and call on some of the spirits when you feel ready or if you want to


Shit, and before I forget to tell you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or making a post looking for help. We all have our struggles, a lot uf us here suffering with depression at least once before. Need anything PM me. I don’t know all that I could, but if I can help you out in some way, I’ll be happy to.

Also use the search bar. There’s a ton of great information and posts on the forum concerning depression and love. You’ll have a lot to read and enjoy. Keep your head up and best of luck man.


I hear ya, you’re not alone. I had the same luck and was doing poorly mentally but didn’t give up, mostly because I had nothing else.
Eventually after a few cleansings, and the right spirits I was able to get results. You can do it and like others said abuse this forum like it’s Google.


You seem like someone with a lot of mental clarity. Putting positive energy at the top of your goals is exactly the right thing to do. You’ll get what you’re after in the long run.

Putting love in the second spot shows that you’re after the feels in life more than money or power. That’s also very cool. Keep that up.

I think that yoga and dance practice are specifically helpful for people like us. Magic and spiritually minded people drag their energy upward away from the lower chakras. In other words, we get in our own heads too much. Physical arts energise the lower chakras and help to restore natural drives.


That’s the second time I’ve heard someone recommend dance practice. Hmph.


Thank you for all the info and help and I will be sure to pm you if need anything.

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I will start dancing over again I do get more of a happy boost after I do that lol