
My mom just had a stroke. I was wondering if I can get some RHP intervention. :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope she makes a full recovery.

Raphael will be with her whether she stays or goes.


RHP only? I work with Polynesian entities that heal.


There are several angels that can do this. Raphael is the best but he is not the only one. Although if you have no means to contact the the shem angels then reaching out the archangels would be your next best bet. Have you heard the GOM series of books on amazon? Most of it is Angelic and is good starting place for beginners.

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I highly recommend AA Raphael too. You can use Lady Eva’s Raphael mantra on the forum or Joise Grouse video on youtube

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I am sorry to hear it. Hope you are taking care of yourself.

One of my loved ones had a very similar thing occur to them earlier this year. I had friends to help me with healing rituals, and I also did 11 days with Melahel (Shem angel, using the 72 Angels of Magick system) and ad hoc with Raphael (using the Archangels of Magick system) and Metatron, as well as another entity.

My loved one went from ICU to out of physical rehab (barely a requirement) in precisely 8 weeks and 1 day. And my loved one is in, or approaching, the twilight years and the winter of their life. They are not young.

If I find some free time I will talk to Raphael for you.

Take care :bouquet:


She’s doing fine. :+1: Had some minor brain bleeding which led to some minor seizures but the only thing is she’s a little weak in her left side.


Spoke to Raphael, he responded by giving me a vision of him doing energy healing on your mother, it is your mother who had the stroke yes?

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