Stopping nightmares

Searched a lot for it, but I only found ways to induce them, not to stop them.
I have this friend that has really brutal nightmares, along with sleep paralysis, but I don’t know what to do. Any ideas that could help her would be welcome.


Maybe your friend would benefit from lucid dreaming. Making them nightmares her bitch. It worked for me, I suffered from sleep paralysis and nightmares for years until that.


The only thing I have been told to do is repeat. “Don’t dream of cute, fluffy bunnies. Don’t dream of cute, fluffy bunnies.”

Really can’t tell you if it works, never had to try it. As I can’t remember most of my dreams.


Her dreams aren’t lucid. Quite random, really.

While searching for lucid dreaming and such in the forum, the way that I’ve seen as the most effective (judging by how many people tried and said this) was to take notes of their dreams and try to remember them. Did you do something like that?

Thanks, I’ll search for it

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Archangel Michael could help. Light a white candle for him, a glass of water and a picture or statue or any other symbol of him… then take few minutes to ask him to help. Then draw his sigil ( white paper - red ink + few drops from the wax of the candle ) and tell her to put that sigil under her pillow when she goes to sleep.


If you can’t lucid dream, as you wake up and the sleep paralysis goes. Lay down close your eyes recall your dream and mentaly change it to a different outcome. Works like a charm.

You have more control when your awake. Move the arm gently back and forth so as not to fall back asleep.

It helps change the feelings and dreams.


No, I didn’t. But in my case the dream was quite real and therefore I had no need to remember it and write it down. Sleep paralysis and nightmares in combination can do interesting things, didn’t felt like dreaming at all for me. I discovered by accident one day that I was able to influence the general flow/outcome of these dreams and since then I am working on my lucid dream skills


I Agree with @A_Pariah, suffered from sleep paralysis for a long time as a child and control is definitely what is going to help. Also use basil. You can rub some on your third eye before sleeping which is the best option imo or consume it, put it on your nightstand, under your pillow etc. It enhances the ability to lucid dream, it protects against the bottomfeeders and relieves nightmares.


Has your friend conducted any rituals or has this just suddenly started with no knowledge of the occult?

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A lot of problematic emotions and ideations can subside when you pay more attention to them not less. But by attention I don’t mean the ordinary neurotic thinking mind, with its concepts of attraction and aversion. I mean a kind of unconditional awareness.

I recommending doing the following:

(1) a centering meditation in order to calm down and inhabit your body.
(2) once you feel established in a relative sense of calm, allow the imagery of your nightmares to flood your consciousness.
(3) rest with the images and sensations of the nightmares without resisting them. Allow yourself to experience them totally without pushing them away or labeling them as good or bad.

What thoughts and emotions really want is to be heard and understood by the rest of your being. When they have been witnessed in their totality they can self liberate.

This approach isn’t for everyone. It can be stronger than it sounds. Only try it if you feel pretty stable psychologically.


Petrified wood under the pillow and consciously think about as many horrible terrors as you can. It draws them out of the subconcious snuffs out the flame in that part of the mind. Ive seen this work for practioners and ‘muggles’ alike many a time.

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I had a someone come to me once with a similar issue, so I made them a sleep charm to put under their bed. It was a small sealed wooden box filled with rosemary, mint, mugwort, dragons blood resin, and copal. With the Icelandic sleepthorn burned into the top of the container. Though ink would probably work just as well. They didn’t have any problems after that.

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No, she hasn’t done anything.

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What type of nightmares, can you describe one of them?

Since she has no magical practice or experience could this simply be stress related as opposed to demonic visions?

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Could be. I have never really talked to her about her situation at home, but she has some issues like anxiety.

As for her dreams, they seem to be quite vivid despite its apparent randomness. I won’t show the conversation as English is not our native language, but I’ll put it shortly:

Firstly it looked like a retarded deep web porn with mutilations, random guys and a dwarf (lol). Then, it skipped to a scene where a distorted figure of her mother killed her father. My friend then choked her mother.
The final part is a dream that she’s had multiple times. She kept fleeing from some kind of mafia through cities, where absolutely everything was red. This dream is also filled by pills and pharmaceuticals.

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This doesn’t really sound like trance states from beyond the veil. What your describing are stress related dreams regarding problems with authority or parental authority with the family violence dreams.

The same with the recurring Mafia dreams represent problems with authority figures or people telling us what to do.

Your friend may feel they wish to rebel against someone’s control or society and is running from an unpleasant or controlling situations and is searching for answers.

Same with seeing pills everywhere represents that need to be accepted or ideas that need to be swallowed whole. Again it sounds like a person or situation may be forcing your friend to accept new rules, new facts, or challenging beliefs.

My answer wouldn’t involve a ritual to shield but to advise your friend that they should get out of the controlling relationship to stop the stress and move forward with better friends and mutual trust with no strings attached.

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