Stay Eternal Forever

hello I made a pact related with my blood with my wife to the demons I also ask to be forever connected to her and never forget. Is it possible to ask to remain eternal on the astral plane and therefore not to reincarnate?

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That outcome is up to you.


You can be connected to her but it just will be different. Reincarnation isn’t real.

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This is gonna be an interesting thread


Demons can’t control her free will to reincarnate so even if you’re connected she still has her own free will. So if she chooses to and you don’t then it will happen even with the connection.


Its possible but forever is a long time remember that. You may get bored.

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Real eternal life will not be boring. A vessel that’s completely filled will be satisfied.

Says you


Lol hopefully truth is bigger than me. Deception can feel good/right for awhile. I believe that’s why we don’t have much (supernatural) experiences as we like. Looking out for us the Source will only allow so much.

you don’t have much experience, it’s best to not group everyone with you because you don’t know everyone’s experiences only your own to speak of, your source will only allow you so much.


And how did you determine that? By ‘mystically’ reading a translation of a translation of a copy of a copy of a copy of a text with the “Holy Spirit Vision”? (Otherwise known as reading the Bible and hoping you’re the first person in history who’s brain accurelty conjured up the “true” interpretation of the Bible. Yes, that has definitely worked before.)


I have no comment regarding the free will part, but I believe there are those who can control afterlives, not necessarily demons though. There are deities associated with reincarnations, especially those from Asian traditions, so I believes it’s possible. Not necessarily through manipulating the free wills, but I believe there are ways to… hijack the process, or even shutdown the choices.

Anyway, clarification please? Why can’t demons like King Paimon or Dantalion control her free will?

I don’t quite agree with the “boring” part. While it can be boring, it’s the highest goal of Taoism, and you’ll have an infinite amount of things you can do. It depends on how and what you do after you’ve reached that state, in my opinion. However, the teachings may vary from lineage (or sect) to lineage.

…Your information contradicts many ancient teachings, and I’d like to see your source of information, if you don’t mind.

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If you want entities that deal with death and the afterlife you’re better at looking into psychopomp Gods but even then she is still the last say in her afterlife, beings that deal with death and psychopomp guide the soul to their next destination be it religious values or not. So if she wants to reincarnate you nor demons have that control to say nay. Neither king Paimon or Dantalion are tied to the afterlife let alone to actual Gods who guide the dead. There are things that are above demons “pay grade” and in my opinion the framework of reincarnations are one of them.


OK, but if the demons twist her free will “before” she passes away, and her free will becomes perfectly twisted, even though the demons don’t have control over her mind in her dead state, her twisted free will will only leaves her no choice but to follow the OP, right?

Free will is the ability to make your own choices. You don’t “twist” free will, you can persuade and even to some degree manipulate if there’s a sliver of desire that points in your favor. The OP can go as far as to do that, but again in the end he won’t know if it works until they’re both dead and if it does work good but if it doesn’t than he has to accept it.

I’ve made bonds with people that are expand after this life but it was both consensual in the bond being made.


Yeah I would say its more like controlling a poppet than free will twisting like Velenos said. That doesn’t mean poppet will enjoy the situation.

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thank you for your feedback. I asked the demons that I made the pact they told me that it was possible but I had to want it for me as well as my wife and also to continue to do meditations and increase one’s spiritual energy. For the pact linked with my wife we ​​signed it with two of my blood they agreed

You’re speaking from the ego and you should just know that everything changes form throughout time and nothing is constant so flow with the changes

Did you get it confirmed? When it’s something you strongly desire there’s is a big chance of bias.

You can’t make a pact for an unwilling individual unless your wife actually wants this and “signed” too then the pact only includes you.

So unless your wife is also signed and is aware of this you more than likely frontloaded yourself, there are cases where consent isn’t needed (such as unborn children type shit) but she’s not that case.

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