Staring at candle flame

Hey guys. Just wanted to ask if this was strange. Anyways, I can’t really meditate well. I can only do it for five minutes before I just snap out of it. It was weird today because I decided to do trataka which is called candle gazing.

Right after my meditation, I started to do the candle gaze. I was able to stare without strain for about two minutes then it started to strain. All of a sudden, I think I went cross eyed and saw two candles then it was back to one and I felt a huge pressure on my forehead, after that moment, I was able to stare at the candle no problem for the next 15 minutes before I got bored and stopped. Thinking ill try it again with a sigil later. Is this a strange occurrence?


Pressure on your forehead can relate to third-eye activation, if you do a search on the words pressure forehead ajna chakra you’ll turn up loads of results of people having similar experiences when meditating.

It’s a good thing. :slight_smile:


Did that pressure on your forehead feel like hitting your funnybone?

The pressure just came out of nowhere 5 minutes into staring at the candle.

This happens to me while gazing at a candle, my scrying mirror, or empty space. I start to see apurple dot in space along with the pressure in my forehead. I assume it is my Ajna Chakra.

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If your getting a reaction from your third eye maybe you should try opening a sigil and asking it to appear in the flame.

Or you could do it with a bigger fire.
I just use a small cooking pot and rubbing alcohol and it burns for quite some time.

Fire scrying has been pretty difficult for me,but I’ve heard people advising to start with fire scrying.

Sounds like you could be on the brink of a great experience!

Good luck and congratulations!
Keep us posted.

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[quote=“Musta_Krackish, post:7, topic:2622”]If your getting a reaction from your third eye maybe you should try opening a sigil and asking it to appear in the flame.

Or you could do it with a bigger fire.
I just use a small cooking pot and rubbing alcohol and it burns for quite some time.

Fire scrying has been pretty difficult for me,but I’ve heard people advising to start with fire scrying.

Sounds like you could be on the brink of a great experience!

Good luck and congratulations!
Keep us posted.[/quote]

Belial’s first War King has been very insistent that I open that particular chakra, as well as getting far more proficient at astral travel. Seriously though he won’t shut up about it, but at least he gave me some good ideas/motivation.

Does your purple dot appear to float toward you?

I would see this dot or “circle” either purple or blue outlines and on the inside of it it’s always red. Sometimes the outline would disappear and it would just be a floating red “dot” and no matter where I see it it always floats to me and sits in front of my face right between my eyes or directly in front of one.

What does this mean?