St expedite help guys

Hello I need advice on St Expedite. Two months ago I wrote a petition in which I asked him to do something If he can bring me a deal within a certain period of time within two months and it didn’t happen now.
somewhere i read that it is not good to write a time slot for him that it sounds unflattering to him. I thought to make a new petition. What to do with the old one? Just write a new one and tell it? I just gave him good offerings and the deal sounded good …

Only give him offerings when he gives you what you asked for.
Better to always use a time limit with him unless it’s not needed.
If he didn’t deliver, then it’s done and over now. Forget it and you can petition him again, ignore the previous one like it never happened.


it’s a big thing I asked him if he could help me get a record deal

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He’s good with business and finance, promise him something valuable, setup a good altar and all will be ok. Good luck :slight_smile:


Yes, Saint Expedite doesn’t work like that, ask him for help when you have an urgent situation, like “I need cash in 48 hours” for a record deal I’d use an Angel like Laviah or Poiel.


I dont believe that St.EXPEDITE could not bring me a recording contract I read from people that someone even wanted to test him whether he really does and this person does not believe St Expedite so he tried to write a petition where he asked him for 25 000 $ and the man was not in urgent need and St Expedite bring him the money in three days REALLY brought.Everybody has different experiences.

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I asked st expedite for something with legal court procedure and i got it. Thanks st. Expedite

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