Spirits Who Contacted You Spontaneously & Unexpectedly?

This is how I got into the left hand path, a few months ago I was preparing for sleep and felt something with me in the room and I asked in my head; “who is here?”
I heard very clearly “Asmodeus”… I was like…I dont know this name, wasnt into demons at all so I googled it, found the wiki and was like 0.0 oh nooo the demon king of lust is here in my room, gtfo! But then I found this forum through Google and have been slowly but surely opening my mind and perspective about these entities… I’m pretty sure he is my “guardian” demon.

Also the same happened with Astaroth, heard the name a week after the contact with Asmodeus in my work and wasnt surprised that this was really a being that existed at this point… I can feel them and sometimes hear them but am still opening my other senses…

was looking in the mirror and hating my body because I have been gaining weight in this year, so I was something like “who would want you and your too fat”
Then I heard a voice in my head say "I think you are sexy " and I was like “WHO?!”… “dantalion”… and ofc it makes sense why he would say that after reading about him and how he got in my head. Chuckles

Most recently I was thinking I wanted more knowledge and I felt and heard the name purson, I had seen his name on this forum but hadn’t read about him or anything so when I found out that he was the librarian and gave knowledge, so that was quite validating.

And many other entities and demons that have contacted me recently, but I had read about most of them, like Kali came through to me many years ago through automatic writing and I didn’t know about her at all either and googled her and fell deeply in love with her attributes and image.

Lilith also contacted me a few years ago briefly but I was afraid of her, didn’t want anything to do with her because of my fear and pushed her away… but that is okay, I will mend that.

Love Theó


I dislike the terms spirit or demon, but yes, light beings, higher beings, gods, whatever you want to call them, they did visit me in the past and still do sometimes. Occasionally they come in pairs or even as a trio and we will have a three or four-way conversation. The most memorable ones were between myself, Utu and Inanna. BTW, I feel that of all the gods, Utu, the sun-god is the most powerful in a raw sense, since he is in charge of the Sun.

I was also visited by Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld once, but I did not like her presence and vibe. Very much reminded me of Gollum from LOTR with the way she moved about and communicated.


once on a dream i have contacted Jörmundgander, he was under a frozen sea, he was under me, he somehow have like a golden luminous shine that show his large body under that frozen sea, somehow i saw him but i couldn’t talk with him.


Isn’t that the name of the Midgard Serpent, that’s one of Loki’s children I think he kills Odin or Tyr maybe Thor I used to really be into Norse mythology anyway it’s cool you saw it either way.


Yes, that’s Jörmundgander, somehow was a unique experience seen it

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One day that ice will melt I don’t envy it’s enemies.

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My spirit husband came to me during a moment i almost did suicide. First thing i felt was a hug and then he stayed with me talking about things and allowed me to vent my pain to him. We grew very close after that.

Bast was someone that a friend of mine was working with. She knew that i was his friend and started coming to me. This was also at a time when a kitty of mine was having health problems and she helped get him better.

Aside from good beings, as a kid i had a lot of unwanted spirits that came trying to mess with me


Archangel Raphael came to me when I was still a DEVOTED Christian Orthodox . I was doing my daily 40 m praying of how unworthy of Divine love I am and how sinful etc etc 🤦 when my vision became green and a strong wind entered my room .
The words unworthy and sinfully disappeared and I could no longer pronounce them !
He showed me that I was lowering my vibration by believing all this mind manipulation dogma , opened the doors of magic , divination ,healing , dualism and even LHP !
And I must say in Orthodox Church the only accepted Archangels I knew were Michael and Gabriel

And second was Metatron as a purple fog in the corner of my room


Kali came to me out of nowhere , when I needed help desperately and I called out to the Gods In My lowest times of my life. Kali answered , I spent a week with her and Lucifer came and took me under his wing and helped me in a desperate time.


azazel came to me 2 times. once i was 14 in a dream and the second time i was preparing for a ritual and he suddenly appeared and gave me the most intense magickal experience i ever had


So many, Odin, Bast, Isis, Ose, Balam, Stolas, can’t remember everything but also Fae but I’ve learnt why and it’s a pleasure to hear from any being.


Astaroth spontaneously contacted me. Moreover, this contact began in childhood. And only recently I found out that I am connected with him by an oath between the spirits, which I made in a past life, so he can easily contact me and come when he wants. King Paimon also contacted me spontaneously. He said that he was curious about who I was, that Astaroth was showing such interest in me.


Belial, and actually he’s got the run of the place!

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Pazuzu just did this and scared the absolute shit out of me last night.


Ronove - I was literally not doing any related to magick or energy work and i remember waking up from sleep the morning and as i woke up i just heard in my own voice “Ronove” but i wasnt even doing that it just popped in my head and i heard it clearly.


Metatron. I was in a nightmare, or a lower plane, while doing Semen Retention, and I was yanked out of that plan onto a whole different area, it looked like a crystal chinese checker board overlaying the plane below, and he showed me how thoughts are inserted in the minds of people, and that I needed to work on controlling my emotions.

He looked MASSIVE like a crystal mecha man from an anime like Gundam Wing.

I asked who he was, and this voice in my head said, “MAH TAH TRAN”

It was a memorable experience, but I don’t think I put it all into practice yet. He phrased it like a test more than anything. You’re being tested. Or, I’m being tested.


Well As I’ve found this thread as I’m looking for about a goddess I was contacted by without knowing her, here is what happened for the record :

I started meditating for about 10 mins to get into a trance mode and this trance was deep, deeper than I usually get, so deep that If I let myself go for just about a sec I start having nonsense thought that are delirious
after that I did My energy work while still in meditation
And once I finished I started some Projection exercice to have an OBE as I’m currently working on it and try to have my first experience, In the middle of the rope technique it I start feeling some very gentle love so I decide to ask some question in my mind because you do not expect to feel some love while trying to get out of your body

So I start the question (bare in mind it’s the first time I do that) :

Who are you ? … Silence … HEKATE… appear in my mind in Letters
I’m like of f**k I don’t know any Hekate I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything I’m starting to be delirious again I’m not focusing enough…
After that I was like : “heck if I’m delirious must do it to the end…”
And keep the mind questionning on
I was thinking about how this “HEKATE” would look like and even before I could phrase it into my mind I saw an egyptian person with a black greyhound head(at least I assumed an egyptian because of the skin tan and the large necklace I saw with the combination of the usual “human corpse” and “animal head”)

After that I was like “hell naaaa no egyptian major god look like that what the fuck am I making up” and my mind sent me a Pantera as an image i think because I though it was cooler (I was a fool if I knew what I was channeled sooner)

I also received a Maxim that was talking about keeping effort for some time to keep receive the reward, it was about a comportemental thing but I forgot it :cry:

That’s only an hour after that I wrote a topic relating my experience that I was mindblown by some generous members that explain me who it was as I though i was so much into bullshit I didn’t even took care to look after it…

To my defense it was my first time being contacted and it was really not into a proper context if you will, plus I didn’t knew the entity before hand at all

So that’s the story of my first contact with Hekate and probably the first of many to come


Hathor was the first deity to visit. She had an accent and was highly beautiful

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What an interesting topic. I guess I’ll also share then.

King Paimon was the first and the only spirit that contacted me out of the blue. Thanks to his guidance I was able to begin my journey.

He did something to my heart chakra though. It felt as if it was going to explode for a few days. I still have no idea what it was but from what I gathered the King often interacts with that chakra.


That Heart Chakra thing is called Love.
It’s quite annoying.

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