Does it requires clairvoyance or psychic abilities to be taught by spirits?
Clairsentience at a minimum.
This is the way I normally describe it:
So if a spirit for instance teaches me to play piano I will experience eventually that I can play?
I learn through energy mostly. Hand signals and body movements. I have a very close relationship with Arch Angel Raziel. He moves my body whenever he wants to signal yes or no. He is also very good at putting songs and thoughts in my head. And when I sit quiet I can hear him. It takes a long time to develop this with one spirit. I evoked him several years ago and he never left me, we ended up developing a bond.
No , can start with Visions and Dreams , but it will be more befit if your senses be opened
A bit of a side note… That sounds exactly what my experience with Raziel was like when I asked for help with a addiction I had. I felt like I wasn’t in control of my own body. It wasn’t painful at all but more like the steering wheel was handed over to someone else. He’s a Angel that’s very deceptive if you go off his appearance alone as he describes as much older man with wings. Yet he doesn’t lack potency. Very much a iron fist in a velvet glove.
What you did please to open your clairvoyance and clariaudience ?
Lol I didn’t. I recruited the help of a magician, who he works closely with to evoke him, in order to help me overcome my addiction. At the time I really needed help and to focus more energy on my job to keep it. Long story short it worked. Raziel forcibly tore me away from my addiction and removed any desire I had to return to it. That’s at least the best way I can describe it anyway.
IS this Magician is member here?
Oh no but I’ve worked with members here as well. They are just as good. He’s someone I found online a few years back while doing research into spirits and different types of magick.
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You can evoke him your self using the The Angels of Magick book by Damon Brand. It’s very easy and Raziel is very easy to call. Things can start slowly… angels can be shy. But Raziel does help if you keep working with him when he appears to you. And for me… well, he is not the old man…. He is very easy on the eyes! Hot as Fuck in my opinion! A little warning though, when you evoke something, you must treat it with the respect of a lover no matter what it is that you evoke. Then you will receive great help!