Spirit Vs Soul

The same way I would explain soul travel or evocation. But that’s not proof of an unconscious that we all share and that everything’s the same.

Let’s take archetypes for example. One person could have Satan as the archetypical devil and evildoer in their unconscious, whereas I would have a liberator. And the first person will never experience Satan as a liberator because he does not have that idea in his unconscious.

We don’t share the same symbols, same archetypes, etc. That’s my argument vs collective unconscious.


@Baal I mean, personally, I’ve come to accept the astral as a real place and that we really do travel there in our dreams. Same with you or do you have a different explanation?

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Oh sure I believe in the astral realm, but I don’t think it’s the same as collective unconscious.

The collective unconscious really is a perversion of the idea of an astral realm.


I am curious as to why the complete shutdown in place of sharing experiences that led you to have the mental paradigm of all outside of self is false(egregors) as alot of what you post revolves around this concept but other than what looks like theories wrapped in this idea i havent got a clue where you are coming from.


That I agree with. I was never saying that the New Age version of the “collective unconscious” was a thing. Just that there does seem to be a realm that we all do share in dreams etc.


Yep, that’s why I used them as an example. The New Agers love to neglect the darker side of things and over emphasize the “positive.”

Kind of like Asatru romanticize Odin so much, when he was a fickle, traitorous, deceptive figure.


Lmao is it bad my brain extended this to the old ones… And the memes already exist. :rofl:

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@Dinmiatus and it’s interesting that you bring that up too because Christianity really has been diluted from it’s “flood everyone who defies you and burn witches at the stake” days. Christianity has been as much New Ageified as any other religion. The only difference is that, in this case, it’s probably a good thing. No one here wants to get burned at the stake or stoned right?


From what digging i have done the whole “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” babble was the result of a purposeful mis-translation. Keeps comin back to “thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to life”.

At one point i got really curious as to why all the hate on ze witchy folk.


@Dinmiatus Not so sure about that. I have reasons to believe it was very purposeful on some level, but that may just be me.

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It possibly was, most likely to benefit someones political agenda at the time. All politicians need an “enemy and force of evil” to rally the masses into their fights.


@Dinmiatus or a Spiritual one. Personally, when Christians talk of God speaking from the sky and Angels flying down from Heaven I do lean towards believing them. After all, it’s not like I’ve never summoned an entity to visual appearance. It’s just that I have every reason to believe that the entities themselves are lying cons. At the end of the day though, who knows really? Someone probably does. Not me though.

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Possibly, The problem is there is so much cultural and tribal assimilation and demonizing done that pulling it part is a massive work in and of itself. :persevere:


An interesting read is The Book of Tobit.
For one, Baal is mentioned immediately, then Raphael, then Asmodeus. This to me relates the Qabbalistic axis of Netzach to Geburah, but mixed in Qlippoth, as Raphael is stationed in Tiphareth, not in Qlippothic Thagirion. Baal rules the Netzach Qlippoth equivalent, and Asmodeus rules the Geburah equivalent in the Qlippoth.
Going through genealogy can he boring, but can also be enlightening. Gabael is an involved character that isn’t removed far from spelling Gabriel for example.
This is pretty much sympathetic magic and theurgy dispensed as advice to Tobit from Raphael. A primer in exorcism.
Then there is the issue of Metatron as Enoch and Sandalphon as Tobit, angels incarnated.
These soulful spirits want to incarnate as humans to have a human experience, or the task had to be done matter to matter?
Also, places tribes and names are all mixed together.

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Sorry for being late to reply everyone. Spirit is difficult to explain. Not every human has it, but everyone has a soul. I’m not referring to spirits that we evoke or invoke but the spirit within our bodies as human beings/living gods. The thing that makes spirit with a capital S hard to define is that it manifests itself in so many different ways. Compare Jimi Hendrix and Justin Bieber. I know someone who watched Hendrix in concert and said it was almost like a religious experience as opposed to Bieber’s concerts. One has spirit and the other either doesn’t or has a weak-ER spirit.

Hendrix had more “Soul” in his music than Bieber does. James Brown was the “Godfather of Soul” music. He could sing and dance so well, Fred Astaire admired him!

What is a Soul?

The soul is the self, the “I” that inhabits the body and acts through it. Without the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity, a computer without the software, a space suit with no astronaut inside. With the introduction of the soul, the body acquires life, sight and hearing, thought and speech, intelligence and emotions, will and desire, personality and identity.

What is a Spirit?

The soul and the spirit are not the same. The body needs the spirit in much the same way as a radio needs electricity—in order to function. To illustrate this further, think of a portable radio. When you put batteries in a portable radio and turn it on, the electricity stored in the batteries brings the radio to life, so to speak. Without batteries, however, the radio is dead. So is another kind of radio when it is unplugged from an electric outlet. Similarly, the spirit is the force that brings our body to life.

In the sense of a computer, the soul is the operating system and the spirit is the electricity. Hendrix and Brown as talented as they were, their souls expressed the full potential or energy of their spirits.

People say the same about James Brown. Mr. Brown was a minister, by the way. Bieber and Astaire being also talented, their souls don’t express their spirit strongly enough. (I’m just saying.)

As magickans, we must use our will which is an extension of our soul, to tap into our spiritual power. This as we know, is easier said than done. “The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak.”

Hendrix, Brown, and yes, Astaire’s spirits are strong because they had soul. They were “super badd”!

I don’t know else to explain it.


I agree with you in a sense but I will have to disagree in that I don’t think everyone has a spirit. I’m sure we’ve both met people without it. One example (of many) of such people would be all the people who just blindly go with whatever is in style or trendy.

Those without spirit are empty husks of people. Sheep. At least in my eyes. They typically follow the herd, never questioning why.

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You’re exactly right. They don’t have the Black Flame of Spirit.

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