Spirit visitor

Last night there was a presence in my room. Neither good or evil, but it felt strong. It bothered me because it was there and staring. Moved around a bit. When i decided to get out of bed he started talking to me. Tall, rather slim figure, had a hoodie with stripes. Green stripes. Most of the time had his back turned. He said not to be afraid or try to banish because we are all the same. He said look inside your whole body, there is the same matter we are all made of. I saw something dark, cosmos like.
Around this entity there was a dark mass, but still, not running in the walls.
The conversation was telepathic, because one night i woke up and heard a strange language and strong, not human voice and my body woke up before i did and translated that to ‘Stephen, you can do this, i know you can. You have to do this’.


Nice story indeed, did u perform a ritual or any invocation before

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Just my evening ritual:black salt candle, meditation, greeting King Belial.

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So what i suspected was right. Remember this, once u call one of them, all of them could hear u and thus u become a brigde for them to this realm


The other multitude of dimensions layered upon each other view the plane of earth as a grid. When someone peeps through outside the grid, they’d want to say hey, check you out, your energy and all. If they like you, they might stick but if it isn’t malevolent, a sincere verbal request is enough. Wish it all the best too!

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I’m a spiritual voyeur :stuck_out_tongue: i peep too much and they see me. Most are ok, rarely happens to meet angry, violent energies, and yes, some do stick around and show me or tell me things.