Spirit to Help To Obtain a New Home

Hey All,

Currently, I am renting a room in a house with two other people, plus there are two living in a downstairs suite (one of which is an asshole and plays guitar with amplifier late at night), so I would like to find a place of my own. This is not an emergency by any means, just a goal I would like to accomplish, as I have been moving between places since my bout of homelessness 5 years ago and would like a permanent place to call “home.”

I searched the forum for some names and Bathin and Seere came up, as well as Halah’thor, from the Book of Azazel.

i have no experience with any of these spirits, except for a short evocation of Seere during the Goetia challenge, and I am only familiar with Halah’thor’s ability to establish careers.

I am wondering if anyone has used a spirit for help in finding a home to their specifications?


Lucifer will help you find a new place to live. Ask him for freedom from your current situation in order to facilitate a better environment to ascend.


Welcome to the forum.

Have you personally used Lucifer for this?


Yes, I was in a very similar situation.


Law of attraction is really strong for things like this as well as working with spirits, I have used it for material things with great success, it delivers far faster than working with it for money (in my experience) because there are many more routes for material things to come to you.


That is a path I didn’t consider. Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:


Thank you. I know Lucifer brought another member of this forum a new home, but he had been pestering her to work with him for a while before she asked. I’ve only done one evocation of him so don’t really have any relationship with him. :thinking:


He’s eager to help all ascend. I didn’t know him very well at the time of asking. However, be prepared, in my experience, his methods for manifesting, are… Chaotic.


@Lady_Eva Did you use the Law of Attraction in conjunction with spirits for material things, or just the LOA on its own?


No option but to use both, really.

Good luck with your goal. :slight_smile:


LoA on its own a lot, especially in my white lighter days, then with spirits as well, fwiw all spirits have referred to it in positive ways as well, in my experience.

It’s the method I have had most consistant results with for this kind of work throughout all my days, even when I was young I discovered that acquiring some small symbol of a thing I wanted, and thinking about it as though I already had it, worked really well.

It doesn’t usually clash with spirits because it’s just opening energy channels and (arguably) operating from the interface of you and Source, so your LoA work may make it vibrationally easier for the spirit to perform his own work.




My suggestion would be Eleggua, to open your roads to a new place. It takes a team :slight_smile:


When you see a house or apartment where you want to live DarkestKnight, get some earth and maybe a small stone from the property and keep it.


For the clearest source of information about the LoA that I’ve ever come across, look up the Abraham Hicks books.


I used Bune and as usual, Bune delivered super fast. I even had a visualisation of the house before it came on the market and told my other half the colour scheme. 4 weeks later it came on and we got it straight away

Let me know if you need my Bune ritual.


A small stone and earth is my favored method. Could be incorporated with Bune.


Hi Sasha I would love to read your Bune ritual. I’m in a opposite situation, been trying to sell my flat for months and months and dropping the price but still no takers. Thanks


Ok, I will message you


When I was in a situation like this…looking for a home for a long period of time…I reached out to Lilith. At the time she was the only one I was working with and we had developed a great relationship.

I simply asked her to help me buy a home before the year was up (this was around March or so of that particular year). She told me that I would have a house before the summer was over.

Time passed…things seemed damn near impossible but I ended up finding and buying a house without a single hitch and moved in during the month of August exactly as she stated. I swear, even looking back and how everything unfolded i’m still in disbelief. It would have been impossible without her guiding me the entire way.

You could reach out to her…but I’m assuming you could reach out to anyone in which you have developed a close relationship with.