Spell to increase height?

Is it even possible?

I’ve done it with qigong. Gained 3/4 inch in my late 30s. I was also working with the White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program (MAP) at the time, so there might have been some overlap, I can’t remember.

I guess spells work the same underlying truths in the end, so I assume they can be used to the same end.


Can I know how you did it? What work did you do with qigong? I would like to increase my height too haha

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The key here is the Solar Plexus Chakra / Thymus Gland.

Eating veal thymus glands are used by master butcherers to reap those effects.
I have eaten some of veal thymus gland myself when i worked in that profession,
that’s why i know.
When combining it with drinking fresh veal blood, which have to be still warm from killing the animal,
it provides huge amounts of ready available, already organic, growth hormone to the person consuming it.
It’s the original and oldest form of “steroids”.
I can’t point out how much power / Size i gained that way, because i have a genetic condition which leads to similar effects already.

-the genetic disease i carry in my body, which results in similar effects.
Actually combining the technique and my natrual condition,
i can gain a better balance into my muscle power, increasing the physical strength further.

The 2 reasons why i prohibit myself from doing that:
1.) It’s leading to very intense aggression - which is already there as a side effect of working with demons - i’d likely find myself on a killing spree or bullying without any real reason to do so.
2.) i know through observing those people i learned it from, that it can lead into another sickness later in life - a sickness where first water, later even blood is released directly through the skin because the Body simply can’t hold these in it’s correct to state anymore. And while i know some cure methods to prevent that,
i do consider it a thread to my potential as an immortal.
So doing the technique only makes sense to me in a very controlled fashion.
Also, without working in a butchery or farm yourself, it becomes rather difficult very fast,
to gain a source for the actual fresh blood.
It’s not like a butcher will sell it in the main train station on the counter. :wink:

The Gland is also considered one of the valuables parts of the Animal because it naturally shrinks/is removed when growing into adulthood.

I taught a practice of inner sun awakening, where you create a personal Ball of radiating Energy due to tummo breath and raise that inside of yourself into your Own Solar Plexus.
That technique is basically activating your own Thymus gland under your control,
so it also goes along with the same concept.
It’s not a simple Spell to cast tho.
You need to actively control your own human fabric, to even get the necessary Energy to get the Energy Ball created.
Doing it relaying on some one else’s Energy (like asking a demon or god or angel to do it for you), offeres that entity a full possession over you.

So be careful there.

It’s said, the Real incarnated God-Kings in Egypt - the Pharao’s used the Thymus glands of their followers to control their body’s completely.

And i can only agree.
The degree of control it gives you over either yourself or others is devastating.




Sound like pure snake oil to me. I don’t think drinking growth hormone from cows is going to do anything for height - medically, anyway, magikally, why not? Blood serum levels are insignificant, it needs to be human, it needs to be extracted from the pituitary gland (in the brain) and it needs to be injected subcutaneously, before the patient stops growing in early adulthood, to affect height.

How do know? I have human growth hormone (HgH) deficiency.
It’s a condition that causes one type of dwarfism, and in extreme cases like mine kills the patient. I showed signs of dwarfism by age 2 and had ‘failure to thrive’, but by 3 I was dying. I was treated with injections of HgH collected by processing the pituitary glands of human cadavers (donors) from the age of 4 through 14. Not cows
 human. I could have had another couple of cm extra if I’d carried on until 18, but the cost wasn’t worth it (NHS, and there’s no way my parents could have afforded it private) since human growth stops after puberty normally, no matter how much more HgH you take, after around 18-21 you get no effect on height.
This medication cost, back then, 32,000 GBP per year.
If they could have treated it by having me drink bovine growth hormone, don’t you think they would?

Oh, fun fact, if you like the macabre - treatment stopped for a year while they researched synthetic HgH in a hurry - less tight controls allowed one pituitary gland from a person with Creutzfeld’s Jakobs to be included in one of the batches - it all got mixed together, wasn’t tracked and they didn’t know who had which batches anyway. THey only figured it out because too many people being treated with HgH in the UK started to die of it - CJ is fatal in about 4 years. There’s no test for it. I didn’t know if I would die from it or not, but I was told if I lived to 27 I was clear or naturally immune but should never donate blood to be sure about not passing it on as a silent carrier. Just another reason I don’t fear death - I got to comes to terms with my own when I was fairly young.

On the plus side, people with low HgH levels appear to live longer and are more likely to reach 100.

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True, but you have this expierience through Doctors medicating you this way,
i was explaining how it works, how it can be done for more like 30 GPB per month,
and indeed, the Gland normally deactivates at around 18-21 years old,
which i didn’t deny at all.
I explained possible way’s of controling and re-activating it. :wink:
Besides, for me the goal never was to push this Body to grow bigger,
my interest always layed in the potential life time that can be gained,
in the concept’s of it pro-longing the time we can spend here on earth.

Besides, i’m really sorry to hear about your sickness,
and wish you to be healed in the best possible way.

Well, i’m not familiar with any Doctor to use Dark Magick Practices and call it the same way we do.

From what you’ve described, however, it sounded a lot like they did this,
just in a laboratory way, of course, extracting the specific human growth hormone (HgH),
is an much more cleaner and exact method then drinking and eating.

  • And yes, that is indeed correct it does allow for extended life span.
    well, at this point i feel like i’m only repeating myself anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:
    And thank you, i didn’t even know that Medical Treatment in this form exist,
    i heard about it right now from you.
    I had to reseurch and combine the puzzle pieces for myself,
    with the technique i described above.

Interesting that exactly we meet here and have a talk about this subject. :wink:



Which is why I said “magikally, why not?” But then it doesn’t need to be freshly killed still-warm veal blood - that’s up there with boiled black cats heads imo - there’s nothing to be added by this more than anything other magikal ingredient that symbolises growth, and it’s a darn sight harder to get.

Well, i’m not familiar with any Doctor to use Dark Magick Practices and call it the same way we do.
From what you’ve described, however, it sounded a lot like they did this,
just in a laboratory way, of course, extracting the specific human growth hormone (HgH),

No it’s not magik, it’s hormone therapy.
I’m also estrogen deficient, and thyroid deficient, but for those, I can take the hormones in pill form. For HgH that doesn’t work - the hormone gets digested instead, which is why drinking it in blood won’t do anything medically, and why you have to have injections. Some things are just like that - insulin for e.g. also must be by injection and can’t be put into pill form.

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It is possible, I don’t know how but I have seen my friend with whom I share a house, growing taller, he must have grown at least 3 or 4 inches. He is one hell of a lazy guy but one thing he got hooked too is running because of its fad in bustling cities.

When you run or do any activity with feet (playing basketball) the pressure points for pituitary glands get activated and growth hormone gets generated. What baffles me is he is of my age in early 30s and as per medical science growth hormone no longer gets produced after teens, if lucky till early 20s. But this guy did it.

@Mulberry Could you please tell which qigong form you practised?


Insulin can be taken in pill form and is even on the market as pills.
The problem with that is exact dosage - a pill which is diguested seperate from Sugar intake can kill,
due to low Sugar supply.
(It’s actually one of the options for modern invisible kill assasination, which is used to get rid of people)

So Digestion is de-forming Chemicals which had been taken in,
to transform them into body parts, arranging them into a new structure.
You are right that the HgH from humans isn’t available except for Medical use.

Have you considered to conjure a situation where due to the sickness being Medical Research and advancement, Cost’s can be covered by investors in exchange for data and participation in such a rare disease?

There are special programs out there for rare disease research.

From what you’ve mentioned you may already be connected to them and have to ask for Universities to aid you with financial covering.



Activating the thymus gland after it’s normal shrinking for adulthood is definately possible.
It had been used and there are still bones in our Earth showing it.
As well as in some museums.

And while it’s well possible that we still don’t know enough on all the puzzle pieces,
my demonic conversations indicate that it is possible to control it by will and exercise.




No offense. I am specialised in Endocrinology and what you say is completely unaccurate.
Once you’re 25years old, your bones’ epiphysis close, so you DON’T grow more up, regardless of the growth hormone you have in your bloodstream. Growth hormone promotes general wellbeing and energy after reaching that age, but it will NOT make you grow.
I appreciate that you took your time to write your post in order to help OP, but we always need to remember that, after all, we are organic beings, and sometimes having the feet in the ground is necessary.


Yes you are right. But sometimes posture deficiency may be cured and may result in height increase for example, Pilates is very efficient for that purposes.

Hgh can help people at older ages, yes it decreases the length of telomeres so the life span is negatively affected however it really gives boost to people - they look younger and they become much more efficient. Moreover, lately a new drug has been invented to increase telomeres so that Hgh would be used without any sacrifice. Indeed, intermittent fasting also added after Hgh therapy which also have a very positive effects on telomeres, hence the life span, other things being constant.

Afaik, limb lengthening surgery is developing too, for people who wants to gain more inches even after their bones’ epiphysis is closed. For example Germany’s Betz institute is one of them. That may help some people who needs seriously some more height, I hope.

As for magick, yes that is possible, but I know that it requires really a big power, you either need to be very lucky or very powerful as a magician.

Anyway if you are not you may work on glamours that make you look taller,and may combine them with pilates ( or quigong, martial arts etc) and daily streching. Altogether they will yet create wonders.

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Well said.
Obviously here is a debate about whether magick can modify directly physiology and the tangible world, and in which percentage.
Regardless of the debate, what you say sounds quite sensible.



I see what you mean.

However, my answer was not dedicated to you only and yes I ‘ve discussed another dimensions of the question but I thought it was something required. Why ? If you ever search the forum you will see same question many times, but you will not find a long discussion about it, a real discussion I mean, for example is magick here is related to SC mind or SC mind creates a blockages for such kind of shapeshifting magick or archons may interfere for possible reasons to disrupt a large scale awakening so and so, and yes I did not see even a recipe.

What people look indeed more than a lengthy discussion a daemon name and a simple ritual and they will look for results within days, and will come back to complain if the results were not as expected That what happens in love rituals, luckily maybe there is none for height increase.

Anwyay, I know Duke Sallos may be helpful with such problems but things depend on many things some you may control and most you cannot. Abramelin’s The Call of Your Guardian angel ceremony may be helpful too but as said shapeshifting is not an easy procedure, afaik at least not easy for every level.

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We need first hand account from someone who got taller to settle this but can you imagine people coming to you and asking, gee, you look taller, what did you do, some surgery?