Spell for Others

how do i focus any type of spell to be towards someone else? especially if it requires them to keep an item on them. what if that’s not possible.

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Does this person know you’re doing magick about/on them?

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no. it’s a parent. i know they wouldn’t accept my path but i want to do a money spell for them. for us.


but it’s also a general question. other ppl yes they consent

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Can you put the object under their bed, or in a bag or coat that is often with them?

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under bed yes. i thought about generally in the house on a shelf. and i thought about a purse but they might find/spend.


Aside from your question on the item, you do magick for others in the same way you do it for yourself, only the target is different.

So if you call a spirit instead of “I” and “me” you say the other person’s name.

If you do magick without spirits, just make sure your intention includes the other people.

Fetish links (something that belongs to that person) can make magick stronger, as can pictures, names, and birthdays. Ultimately, things that can tie your magick to a person can greatly enhance it, though they aren’t necessary for success. If you use a fetish like or a picture when you’re doing the ritual just push your intention into it so it connects more deeply with that person.

You mentioned an object you want them to have, bring that to ritual too and assign it its purpose through clear and focused intention.


very helpful thank you.


@portion_traveler Here’s another alternative that’s fairly simple too. This comes from Raymond Bucklands book on color magick.

Take a piece of green felt or construction paper and make a pocket out of it with tape or even better glue. This needs to be big enough to hold a small photo of your target.

Place a small photo in the green pocket you’ve created and add your items or fetish if they fit.

Burn a candle ( green or gold preferably) once a week while focusing on the desired target getting lucky money and windfalls and just having the experience of more money in thier life.


Sorry @meow I accidentally replied to you instead of the OP :person_shrugging:


I actually have something similar although I haven’t been “feeding” it (candles, energy, etc.) It’s for my boyfriend and just has little things like a protection sigil, a small crystal, and other stuff. I like your candle idea!


can the same be done when it says “feel excitement like you have it” do i feel it or do i imagine them feeling it?

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Whatever you want, one or the other, or both.


for clarity you’re talking about placing items like if someone needs to carry a coin on them then you can simply add that to the pocket instead as an option??

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Yes exactly so my friend

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