Space weather and spell work/rituals

I know many people on this forum use energies from Moon phases and planetary influences in their work. As we are nearing the peak of the Perseid meteor showers I was curious if anyone else uses space weather to enhance their work. I had searched prior threads and really only seen discussions about the showers occurring. I like to use the extra energy from the showers and and incorporate it into whatever I am working on. I also keep an eye on sunspots and if they erupt and send that radiation energy towards Earth (hate it when it just scatters elsewhere). I live in Michigan and if the eruption is large enough I can see the Northern Lights. Even if the CME isn’t big enough to see auroras here I still feel and use that energy. I have found that calling in the energies from either meteor showers or solar eruptions add a punch to whatever I happen to be working on. I will use the energy during day work too because it’s still happening even if the Sun doesn’t let me see it. Does anybody else do this?