Something Been Bothering Me

I Cheated on my wife now let me explain
it’s eating me up terribly I don’t want to manifest my own thoughts I’m just always thinking about what If she finds out they don’t know each other at all so it’s no way she can just text her but I am a well known person people like to gossip about me the person I cheated with is kinda popular, for her to bring it up it could get around I don’t even want little chatter about it but mostly keeping it away from the ones I love Right now I’m my worst enemy thinking about it all day everyday Any Advice ?? On this type of thing keeping something hidden

There are plenty of spirits that can help you keep your secret.

According to Damon Brand’s 72 Angels of Magick, the Shem angel Yahahel, for example, can compel someone to keep a secret.


What about keep a good reputation

The Shem angel Nelachel has the power to stop slander (in legal terms, slander refers to spreading untruths about someone, but Brand says the angel can also stop someone from spreading true stories as well).

In Henry Archer’s book, The Magick of Angels and Demons, the combination of the Shem angel Chaviah, and the Goetic demon Naberius can “recover your reputation when it has been tarnished by truth or lies.”


There are plenty of demons that can help - as well as angels as DarkestKnight said.

But, you are right about manifesting the problem. IMO, you need to do some work on the inside about the betrayal. There’s a lot to come to grips with there.

First and foremost, would you do it again or can you say with as much certainty as possible that it was a one time thing and a mistake at that.

If it’s just about not getting caught this time and you want invisibility to keep harming an innocent person, I’m not sure how far you’ll get.

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Lie if anything comes up.

“the Goetic demon Naberius can “recover your reputation when it has been tarnished by truth or lies.””

Naberius has done good work for me with my reputation. I was in a serious and quite embarrassing jam a few months back and made the call on him. He can also make you “eloquent” and sound “rhetorically” skilled when you need to explain yourself.


FYI- I’m not big on lying- mainly because I am not good at it. I tend to give myself away too much :roll_eyes: but…there are Demons that can make you invisible so you don’t have to lie- like undetectable.

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You’re in control of that. If you were all over this chick in front of other people then it would be kind of hard to save face and not eat crow. If not then take control of the situation by taking control of the flow of information. You leak what you want leaked. You need to plant some seeds of doubt about this person in the minds of their friends and your girlfriend so they’ll believe you when you say she’s crazy, obsessed with you, on drugs or whatever if she spills the beans. Make yourself the victim and lean heavy into whataboutism when confronted.

Balam, Ose and Baal

tfw you literally just suggested working with a demon that’s helped you because it teaches rhetoric

It’s debatable if invisibility means undetectable but still visable or it means literal invisibility. I have it on good authority that it means the latter but I’m not going to share all of my secrets when the information is there for everyone to see.

What Flora said…
Baal can handle this problem every which way. Just be humble yet confident when you call on the King. And come prepared…

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It can mean both or one or the other depending on who you contact and what you ask for. This is the type of request I think long and hard about and one where I word the actual request carefully though…

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Yes, stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about what happened because you can’t change it, what’s done is done…and stop thinking about what CAN happen, should the wife find out, because it hasn’t happened.

Be careful with that type of thinking, because law of attraction comes to mind. If you keep thinking about it, eventually, you’re going to manifest that situation. Instead, focus on yourself, work on changing your mindset and focusing on the here and now.

Not judging at all. I’ve been there and me and hubby are 17 yrs strong now. You have to work through it, forgive yourself, and focus on your family…no one else.


Be a man and admit what you did. It’s ok, it’s normal.
Everyone on here telling you to hide it would be wanting to “kill the bitch” if roles were reversed. Hypocrisy.

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