Someone stole my stuff but now it's back! 😄

Someone stole the crystals @RiseorDie gave me and the sapphire and other crystals @AdamThoth gave me…
I’m so unbelievably angry right now. The crystals rise gave me were on my altar but they had to do some serious snooping to find that sapphire. And wtf did they leave garnet and amythist hell take it all…

Is there a way to curse who ever did this? Damn I don’t have anything as it is and they wanna take that little bit from me.
Mother fuckers…
It’s the damn point of it …

I’d rather they stole the garnet I bought that myself but I value what is given to me.


That’s a real bummer, they will be cursed till they give it back.


I’m sorry. You have to know who did it. i mean how mny people have access to your altar? The number has to be limited. So do a spell. Return whats mine. OR do two spells hex the HELL out of anyone who steals from you AND do a return whats mine spell. Thatbwaybwhen someone’s life starts falli ng apart and it is someine who had access to your altar you will know who itbis, and make them not have a minutes peace until they return what they stole from you. Use that rage you feel and the loss and put it to good use.


They had to have came while I was at work. My sister has jewelry missing too

But it’s weird they took just enough to think it wouldn’t be noticed they even left my collector two and five dollar bills and my silver cerificate one dollar bills. Who ever it was wanted to take just enough but not enough for it to be noticed. At least not for a while.


Spirits are 9th dimensional and what not why not evoke Belial and see if he knows?


You can also ask Andromalius for help on it, this kind of thing is his specialty.


I think I already know who .


As nikki said a curse of return or misery and torment would be appropriate. If you have worked with the crystals alot you should be able to follow the connection you have with them and use them as a gate to the target.

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I could with the sapphire but I just got the crystals. But that should be enough.

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Then it was someone you know and see regularly. Someone with a money problem. Maybe a slight drug problem. If it was someone who didn’t see you or know you they’d have taken everything. They woukd not care if and when it was noticed.

Exactly and i know who was next door yesterday at my sisters. And I know they have been having to borrow money from other family members. I’m sure they think the can pawn the sapphire


So you have a alot of options. Planetary wise.
For attacking mental health and causing madness
Moon and mars
Health - mars and the sun
Emotional health and finances - mars and venus
Restricting travel,business, communications - saturn and mercury
Warfare and death, suffering in most forms - saturn and mars <- greater and lesser malicifics, may not be easy to reverse or reversible in the long run.


Then go to the shop. you may have to pay to get it back, but at least you’d have it. Do you have pictures of the stuff? If so bring it to the shops near you and let them know if someone brings them in to call you.

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I’m sure I’m gonna come up with something. Just might give em nose bleeds until they give me back my stuff :smiling_imp: haven’t used that nasty little curse in a while.


Well your more lenient than i would be, I have serious issues with thieves from having stuff stolen in the past.
Lunacy,madness, emotional torment and physical decay seem fitting in my eyes.


Ouu @Eye_of_Ra !! I need that one!!

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They didn’t steal anything else?

Not that I can tell

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They will be devoured whole and misery shall ensue upon them. There will be bloodm

If someone stole my alter items. I would curse them for sure

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