Some of my sigils

This sounds almost like NLP - Neurolingustic Programming. How subliminal patterns can be used as triggers to manipulate the subconscious mind.

A common tactic is using sex, fear, and other basic emotions to sell products. Then, once you see that product, it triggers that emotion. You end up buying the product or idea because of an emotional experience, not because you need it or some logical reason.

Another tactic is the Hegelian Method where you have two competing ideas and then a “synthesis” or compromise of the two ideas is formed. By using the first tactic above, we are conditioned into accepting the idea. For example: Feminism, Corporate welfare, Social Justice, etc.

So yes, having a way to combat these constant mind manipulations on the astral plane is a pretty good idea. There are Abramelin squares that do similar like, “to hinder Sorcerers from operating”, “stop all Magick”, “Ward off the evil eye” etc.


Yea dude nlp is along the same line as what Im describing but what I’m describing is more related to imagines rather than with words. I call these sort of manipulations ‘preformal modification’. That’s because the influence acts below the awareness.

Lol, that would be the Hermetic principle of cause and effect in action, with a touch of the law of mentalism. You might not like universalism, but if you are going to delve into any concept of magick then you are going to have a pretty hard time getting away from Hermetics. Even shamanism will eventually touch upon it at some point in an individual practice.

Hermetics is a system of observation and interaction with the natural world.

Not the same field, not the same league, not the same sport. Look, not to be a ball breaker, but learning as much as possible about something is going to make taking a crap on it much easier. There is clearly a gross misunderstanding regarding what Hermetics are in this conversation, and suffice to say, if it were construed as some form of universalism, it would be unlike any form of it in existence.

How do you feel about MK Ultra? This is essentially what you are describing, and it is absolutely effective and powerful. I think it’s a very cool rabbit hole to dive into; not enough occultists are exploring the possibilities with modern tech, so you could potentially break some new and revolutionary ground. Keep us posted.

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…I have been trying to find ways of explaining what I mean by Universalist but it’s such a broad and rich concept.

I see all humanity like glowing lights. Based on a given dynamic, all humanity changes color so I see the great variability throughout the masses. Change the dynamic and the lights change again. Then on a blank template all the lights organize thenselves into pools. Then I see the pools with a stream flowing to each pool. So I go upstream until I find a great stream from which all the lesser steams flow. As the main body of the current flows, streams break off forming new pools. But the current is eternal. The idea is to be as near to the current as possible. This is called the path of the ‘Forerunner’.

Now imagine the whole structure described above like a map on a large peice of paper. When a person forms a conclusion, they enter a pool. As a person constructs a wholler paradigm, we see where they relate to the stream. When we are in deep contemplation, perplexion, consideration, actively and intuitively thinking, we enter the great stream (of thought). As we form conclusions we close that active moving energy and enter the various pools. The path of the forerunner is to stay in the great stream and rather than simply forming conclusions, the forerunner collects them on his way to the current. But by the energy and capability of the individual, they might spontaneously jump further ahead in the stream bypassing multiple whole conclusion pools, this is good. For it is not a good thing to become stagnant within the pools. The stream is where the flow is.

To me Southern Baptist or Hermetics or Catholicism are pools. They represent founded forms. Some pools are deep whilst some are shallow. Some pools are rich while others are clear. I myself have always tried to avoid popular pools as much as possible. I’m on the path of the Forerunner. I believe I am capable of accessing the near most current thoughts.

Using this view to gauge all paradigm and system I’m also able to see the consequences of associated pools themselves. Then I organize the consequences into two different categories: The Individualist and Universalism. These two forms slash with one another such that the clash affects us all in oir daily life. Everyone on earth who acts by their intention or belief can be slotted as either being an Individualist or a Universalist. The key marks of each are that Individualists recognize themself as their own cosmos complete with their own cosmic laws. Whilst universalists assume all individuals are but cellular bits of wholer bodies.

Universalists try to take the pools and start connecting them. The Individualist abhors this act. Universalists center in the pool not the stream whilst the truest Individualist centers in the stream. The reason the Individualist centers in the stream is because that is where one experiences perpetual revolution of self, perspective, and thought. Through this newness comes forth form. But the Universalist derives form from the pool.


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Ack! Then why are you posting it!? XD

Or as I’ve been trying to preach, based on my own experience, it isn’t opposition; it’s cooperation. This is how the universe holds itself together.


This is what I call an ‘impression’. This impression was drawn from when I tried to basically remote view the our cosmos’ past. This impression represents a stage of the cosmos when it was still forming together. By cosmos I mean cosmos as we know it.

This is one of my personal sigils. It’s basically an entire volume of knowledge and experiences from The Deep and will also connect you to what I call Subspace but I stopped using the term subspace because I found out it is heavily used by sex crazed people.

No I am not a Nazi. This sigil causes movement upon the most fundamental level. First causing a tilt, then sway, then spiral. It represents an entire branch of paradigm for me and is related to the lhp. For me this symbol is wholly unrelated to Nazi and pure occult.


This is one of my seals. It represents me.


This is a special puzzle. Somewhat of a mind bender. I use it to practice activating a certain part of my brain. I try to train my brain sometimes with things that push it’s capabilities. This sigil also has to deal with the process of breaking from the microcosm to encounter the macrocosm.


Another mind bender. Also helps to attune to lhp energies.

I created this sigil. Disassociate from any resonation or reference you may have. Simply put, this sigil is called “Transformatism”. It can put one in a state or perpetual transformation.


This is my darkest sigil representing my darkest lhp workings and ideals. It’s also a mind bender. It’s special shape that causes one to draw inwards, dark energy.

Part of my darkest work. This deals with the most sinister form of manipulation on the planet. Thought seeding. This is a map to train thoughtseeders.


This reveals the inverted and upsidedown self.

This is related to a science I created which I later found out was basically dianetics. Apparently, without any background inscientology, I came up with a whole series of ideas directly related to Scientology thought. This is a picture representing a deviation calld an ‘Isolated Splitoff’. Basically the same concept as an engram.


This is an advanced sigil which reveals how isolated splitoffs form parallel energies.


This is a training module to help understand how to stir the energy which becomes an isolated spitoff.



I’m very interested in mk ultra. I have been developing magicks basically like a sponateous mk ultra. The idea is that changes in one’s subtle energy body can be felt by those around. Also, one can manipulate the subtle energy bodies of those around them by changing their own. This in turn stirs emotions which is the core energy used to create splitoffs. I’ve used my sorcery on a few people and it worked great. Once I did it with my cousin, I told him before hand I was going to shift my aura. I used a black fire aura. He got freaked out and didn’t even recognize me. He said I suddenly felt completely alien to him as though all along I were some strange thing. We’re both into all sorts of wacky paranormal stuff. We used to go ghost hunting together. I also tried this with my ex girlfriend but I did not inform her that I was about to release my aura (by relaxing it). Right after I did, she spoke up and told me she felt a strange rush of energy pass through her body. I’ve always wanted to go full demon mode and test my ability out on a person or an animal. Once I had the opportunity. A dog attacked me so I zapped it with pure energy I released from my brain. I just open these red eyes in the back of my head and ZAP! dog turned and ran instantly like it got struck. I didn’t so much as make a sound or gesture, just pure intentional release of energy.

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:laughing: wasn’t a challange more a statement based off my own experience with different reality maps.

For example Qabbalistic magick uses the trees of life/sephorth and the tree of knowledge/quillpoth.

Black magick of ahriman uses the cirlce of counter creation which applies the different fires of creation and their shadows.

Norse traditon uses the world tree.

Experientially they manifest differently in thw life experience


Heh. Yeah, I understood. I was just joshin!

You are doing some extremely, extremely interesting work, IMO. I love the use of structuring (mind puzzles) to create various states. It seems to me almost like a 3-D geometrical variant of what is being attempted with numeric squares, but somewhat more attractive to my tastes. Please tell us more; this is the kind of stuff that takes magick to the next level.

Is all of this spawned from your own personal works? I know you said you accidentally came up with some points that scientology presses, but was there any other resource, reading material, physical experience, etc that pointed you in this direction? This is really intriguing to me, and before even diving in I can already see how some of this could be used to great effect.

On MK Ultra. I only stated the similarity because of my own perception of your words. My understanding of the MK process is that it accomplishes 2 primary things in the victim.

  1. You can fragment the victims mind via media without them even realizing it, and thus control their actions or thoughts. Essentially rudimentary mind control.

  2. By triggering certain states in mass amounts of people through common exposure you can create an autonomous energy current within the collective subconscious, which can then be accessed or used at the discretion of those who know, and at their leisure.

On a side note, I also feel this has a lot to do with tulpa phenomenae, at least on the generative end.

What is your take on this? And on a side note, what is your academic area of expertise? I only ask because the images above are screaming to me of very high numeric, spacial and artistic intelligences. I like to analyze everything, lol, and curiosity just kills me.

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Energy is always trying to find a balance but some workings involve disrupting that balance. Accessing the spiritual layers of reality by pure intention is very hard for it’s own reasons. You must be passionate about your working so the emotional energies emenate strongly.

Our mind/emotion complex fascilitates most occult phenomina. Everything is filtered through our emotional responces and perception. Reality itself seems to be dictated by our perception. Without freewilling agents the universe becomes but an automation.

I am a freewilling agent and have explored the living thought streams myself. There I encountered other minds and later related material composed from those minds. I have relied very little on outside media. I’m trying to interact with reality by myself by my own instincts and natures. Then later I see if my works relate to anything existing.

The central pillar of my work is based on what I call ThoughtLight. This is the idea that thought is a current of energy which is alive that we invoke into our physical brain. Then thought binds with emotional energies as sequences and scenes play out in magickal fashion. Emotional energies act as alchemical variables to summon more complex and processible energies.

The key is to realize that thought/emotional responce provoking dilemma exist still to this day as being here and now and throughout time and space access the same thought streams. That’s how I met many beings, through attempting to take on the dilemmas of life, the struggle for life, and nature myself.

There a separate extention of all this which to me is true sorcery. That’s when you detach from your physical apparatus(body) and learn to interact with spiritual realities wholly apart from the human mind/emotion complex itself.

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Yea man it’s been a dream of mine to stand before a congregation and teach people my magicks extending my aura to them directly in person. If only I could find interested parties willing to study my work and use mt implementations. But I’m in no rush. I like having conversations about all these things.

I’ve wanted to pull people away from their current personality and perception of the world and reveal a braoder reality to them. I want to break down existing notions of the spiritworld, gods, demons, and angels and awaken a new sorcery which is in fact an old sorcery, the oldest sorcery. That being the exploration of the cosmos itself, the history of the earth through time across emotionally charged dipemmic gateways, as well as beyond light into conceptual dimensions and realms.

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