So, I’ve completed the Pendulum Ritual to discover my Guardian Demon...opinions or insights welcome

Hi all, like the title states, I’ve decided to attempt to discover my Guardian Demon and I figured last night was as a good night to do it. Here is the ritual/method that I used …

Now, I’m really new to all of this, and I’m not even sure what it means to have a guardian demon, but I’ve been reading, researching, meditating and practicing like crazy! I started with a simple vanishing, meditating into a decent trance state, did the Complete Central Pillar Ritual ( from NAP… Orobas I feel led me to discover NAP as odd as that may seem) and then I performed the pendulum ritual as described above.

Now, I was obviously initially concerned that on a subconscious level I would have a bias towards certain demons that I was either familiar with or was interested in, but this wasn’t the case. While holding my homemade pendulum over the 72 slips of paper with the demon names on them I was shocked at the aggressiveness and forcefulness of all the “No” responses. I cold actually see the pendulum being pushed, crazy neat. Anyhow, I received an initial yes from two demon names, Malphas and Belial…neither of which I’m even remotely familiar with. Also, the pendulum refused to move while over the name King Paimon. Wouldn’t even so much as twitch. I put his name with the two “yes” demon names and repeated the question with those three. Another obvious yes from Malphas and Belial and another very still pendulum from Paimon, no movement at all. So I posted my results on that sight asking why and they responded that King Paimon can act a little different, he isn’t connected to me so he simply didn’t feel the need to answer at all. Seems legit, I suppose, but all the other demons seemed eager to aggressively answer in a yes or no fashion :man_shrugging:t2:

-So, anyone have maybe a different insight on King Paimon and why he didn’t play along?
-Any insights on how best to work with these 2 guardian demons? I’m correct in thinking that a guardian demon and patron demon are different, right?
-Concerning Belial and especially Malphas, What should I expect working with them? I can’t hardly find anything about Malphas anywhere…but I’m excited to dive right in.

So, thanks to all for making this site a great place to learn and explore and thanks to whatever force it was that led me here in the first place. It’s really starting to change me for the better already!!!


-So, anyone have maybe a different insight on King Paimon and why he didn’t play along?

In my experience, King Paimon reacts differently to certain people’s energies. He is of a more “proper” standing mentality than others may be, meaning he holds himself with poise. He doesn’t eagerly jump at opportunity, it’s also why in my experience, he has very little interaction directly with most people outside of their initial curiosity.

-Any insights on how best to work with these 2 guardian demons? I’m correct in thinking that a guardian demon and patron demon are different, right?

**Belial is easy to work with, you respect him, he’ll respect you. I’ve been on a bit of a personal journey with using rituals related to him that have led me to some weird places. Kind of one of those that if you let him do what he wants with your manifest, he’ll take you wherever you want to go. You just may not know you want to go there yet.

Malphas, I have no familiar workings with, so I can’t comment on.**

-Concerning Belial and especially Malphas, What should I expect working with them? I can’t hardly find anything about Malphas anywhere…but I’m excited to dive right in.

**Belial, again in my experience and workings, will throw you for a fun ride if you let him and it’s worth every single step.

I suggest starting with reading the entirety of the Lesser Key and then moving onto EA Koettings books on the subject of the Ars Goetia specifically. Always read everything you can and think about it on both an analytical level and a creative one.**


EgoDeathIsFale, Thanks for taking the time to read and reply to my post, and thanks a ton for sharing your insight and knowledge with me! Sounds like, if I’m game, I’m In for a crazy ride…I can’t wait!

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May I ask what kind of pendulum you used?

I made it, from an old ring tied to hemp which was used to tie reeds into bagpipes

So I can make my own? I was thinking of buying a crystal one… should I?

Sure, you can make your own and It stands to reason that you’ll likely have a better connection with one you make as opposed to a generic pendulum you buy in a store. But, use something that you feel you have a connection with.

Also, if you’re serious about learning the pendulum then give this short guide a quick read …:point_down:t2: Lots of good stuff in there


Ok thank you. I will let you know how that goes

Good luck!

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Thank you !

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