So I met a girl

Does that actually work? That sounds corny as hell.

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I had a guy send me a dick pic once and it looked so small it was like a thumb. A THUMB.


Send her your dick pics in a dream every single night… different positions, angles, background music etc until she gives up :+1:

Or just a classic love and lust spell.

Maybe both :thinking:

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I had one guy be a dick when i told him i dont like dick pics that i never asked for and he called me a lot of things


I had a guy tell me I must be fat because I didn’t want to send him nudes. Trash, lmao.

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Do this mayne:
Get some:

• Cinnamon
• Eucalyptus Essential Oil
•Bay Leaves
• Olive Oil

Mix the ingredients together and consecrate it as a Love/Sex Oil. Then rub your Dick with it.

This is called “dressing your cock”.

It’s an Male Adaption of what Milfs in Hoodoo do called “dressing your pussy”

You are essentially enchanting it.

Combine this with a Potent invocation of Hellfire or The energies of the Demons and you will be good.

Or you can call on Kalfu, Baron Samedi, the Tiger or Boar spirit animal, etc


Yikes that mean

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You could also make “cologne”.

Here’s what I did:

• Boil Water
• Add Oudh incense chips
•Add Bay Leaves
• Add Cinnamon

I Invoked the Powers of Saturn (Death) and Venus (Sex) into the liquid. Poured it into the spray bottle I had.

Went to work the next day with it on…the women loved it.

I was casket clean
Ba dum tiss


I don’t call women fat or sluts but I don’t like women who make fun of a man’s penis. You wouldn’t want me making fun of your body.

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You want to work on your self-concept not her interest. It’s your self-acceptance that ropes women/men in. The greater the level of self-awareness and acceptance the better off you’ll be.

Any spell directed at a seeming other in this regard is usually not a very potent device except to the degree it can align or even shift your consciousness to the desired outcome.

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I make fun of my own body all the time, particularly my tiny tiddies


Well do that. I make jokes about my body looks too. But I think only we get to make fun of our own bodies.

I used to have tiny tiddies then I went keto.

do they do dicks

If you use cinnamon essential oil, do not overdo it in this mix. Otherwise you will want someone to put you out of your misery.

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