Sleep paralysis

Does any one know a quick and easy method for inducing sleep paralysis? I tried relaxing on my bed and not moving and after a while I became numb. I then got the stop, drop and roll feeling, but it was hard to fight it off. I got the urge to move. It was excruciatingly painful and I had to move at a point. I’m not good at lucid dreaming and tried the wbtb and wild techniques but they also don’t work, I always end up falling asleep. I would really appreciate the help.

To enter sleep paralysis it’s best to be laying on your back, not sure why, it seems that we’re more susceptible to enter into the state. There are binaural beats specifically for astral projection, and lucid dreaming. Meditate while listening to the beats, DO NOT try to force relaxation, trust me it makes it nearly impossible if you force yourself. Another thing I’ve read is keeping a dream journal (I’ve never done it) but it’s supposed to help you notice patterns in dreams, so once you are in the dream you are aware that it is a dream. I have the issue too with the feeling. Honestly only thing I can say is that don’t panic and let it happen. Once you’re in sleep paralysis you’re more than 80 percent there. Practice makes permanent.


Any specific ones you’ve had success APing with yourself?

Sleep 3.5 hours or so, wake up, maybe stay with your eyes open for awhile, then lay down as if returning to sleep. Try chanting something in your head, or tapping your fingers, or focus on your feet. Eventually you will either enter a lucid dream or experience sleep paralysis, or both.


No I’m the most proficient by any means when speaking about astral projection. Maybe like 2 or 3. It’s what has worked for me though. Specific ones no. I simply look on YouTube for binaural beats and go through a couple until I find one that suits me. I’d say pick one you’re comfortable with though. If you pick one that gives you negative vibes, you can subconsciously fuck yourself and the experience as a whole.

This helps too. I still have trouble as well. Counting backwards can help. I usually count backwards from 1000, by like 900 I can definitely feel a difference. You’re really just watching yourself fall asleep.

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That’s the wbtb (wake back to bed) method. It doesn’t really work for me since the moment I close my eyes after getting in bed I instantly fall asleep. I tried one where I woke up at 4 am, read a book or write down what I had just dreamt before I woke up, then head back to bed.

Then I lay in bed and focus my eyes while looking up, (I think thats how you explain it). But after the images start showing up, I always fall back asleep. I’m looking for a much more simpler method.

“doesn’t really work for me”— Maybe, maybe not. It took practice for me with constant failures over the course of weeks. If you haven’t found another method, just keep working at it. Moving or tapping your fingers might be the best for you if you fall asleep instantly. You might also just be too sleep deprived, so you may need to experiment on this during a period where you slept well the previous night.

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When I was a child I would imagine running down a rabbit hole or wormhole in space, once you fall through imagine it going off in all sorts of directions even upside down. Of course after numerous times it started to freak me out so I stopped.

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