Skull Of The Dead - Astwihad Initiation ( Necromancy upon the path of smoke )

Where have I been ?.

Okay so i’ve been working extremely deep in the ahrimanic current, Zohak aka Azi Dahaka ruined my life to rebuild it. I have worked with many Divs and even Ahriman himself.

I came to the understanding that Zohak destroyed my life to see if I was ready for the next great work. I have now become a prophet for Az Jahi the dark goddess, The Blood Moon, Ahriman’s lover, the queen of darkness eternal.

She is the goddess of death, destruction, necromancy, vampyrism and baneful magick.
Now Kurtis Joseph needs no introduction, but me and him including various other magicians are working on a new ahrimanic tome.

I have worked and gone through dark and unbelievable workings in this subcurrent of the path of smoke. One of the rituals I did was a initiation and empowerment rite called ‘ The Skull Of The Dead ‘.

Where I evoked Astwihad the bone divider, a teacher of death. In this ritual the skull of the dead was placed in my head, to give me access to the powers of death, the skull acts as a nexus and gateway to the dead themselves.

Az Jahi, The Druj Nasu and Astwihad and the dead themselves are now one with me internally and externally. I have dedicated myself to this path so much I have dedicated my left hand to it, marking it with the skull of the dead.

All I have learned will soon be revealed in a new tome coming out. You will learn baneful arts, necromancy, vampyrism, how to capture the shades of humans.

Meditations of the blood moon, necromantic intitaitions, death rites to literally kill your targets, empowerment rites. How to create fetishes like the venoms of death, how to receive the skull of the dead a blessing from Az Jahi and The bone divider Astwihad, The Druj Nasu will literally carry the skull to you.

There are other rites too, I must say I have worked in almost every form of necromancy and death magick. However this current of necromancy is unlike any I have ever experienced, heard or seen.

This is honestly some of the most powerful shit I have ever done and I can’t wait until this power is also in the hands of this community.


Conner Kendall.


I just brought kurtis book ahriman im very much interested in necromancy and to get initiated skull of the dead but it not for beginner correct theres a process one must go through , love to be i itiated AZ jahi vampyrism


How can I invoke astiwad vampyre

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