Simple Yet Powerful Reconciliation Spell

This is a simple Reconciliation spell if you want to get back with your ex.

You will need 1 picture of the target ,2 red candles ,Pin and sigil of Amon.

-Inscribe your name on one candle and the person name on the another one keep them both horizontally with some distance between them.

  • Place Amons sigil in the gap between the candles and meditate on the sigil Activate it once you feel the shift in the air or after you have successfully opened/activated the sigil light up both the candles.

  • Take the target’s picture printed in front of you gaze into it think a out the person coming back to you
    visualize the person is filled with only your thaughts and just missing you and sorth of things.

  • Insert the pin into the forehead of the targets picture where 3rd eye is located

  • Once you have place inserted the pin say “Name of the person come back to me in the name of Amon i command thee”

  • Recite this for 9 time with every repetition move the candle on which the targets name is inscribed towards the candle on which your name is inscribed by the 9th and the final repetition the candle with the targets name should be next to the candle on which you have inscribed your name.

  • Once it is done gaze into the candles flame and visualize the outcome has happened the person is back with you happily once you are done end the spell let the candles burn down on their own and place the picture with the pin on it inside a box and forget about it or simply burn the picture after the spell or after the results have manifested.


I did your ritual last night :crescent_moon: I’ll update. Thank you :heart:


What happened with your ritual?

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