Sigils burning with green flame?

Burned three sigils of deities I had been using for over a month to retire them for now. Halfway through burning, the flame turned green… Wtf? :thinking:




I uhh don’t know? :woman_shrugging:

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Me neither. Sounds powerful


What did you have them on? Parchment?

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Smoke and mirrors. I have had that happen many times, and it is because of the chemicals in the ink or paint, nothing sinister, lol. Sometimes it is because of the chems they use to process the paper, too.

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2/3 of them goddesses

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Has it happened before? Why not try to recreate the process and see what happens? Just take the same paper and scribble random writing and burn the letters. See if the flame turn green. Do it for SCIENCE!!!



:woman_scientist: After doing some research, i suspect the culprit was the old old “pan” that I burned them in. I’m not sure, I’ll check when I can, but it could’ve been made out of copper, which would’ve added the green color once it got hot enough… Either that or I’m one helluva witch :sunglasses:


ok that actually makes sense, i’ve experienced a green flame when working with goddesses. cant go into details but its powerful.


Do they happen to be goddesses ? I’ve had similar happen when working on a project with Lilith and bune


Lilith, Hecate, and Lucifer
the green flames made me instantly think of the chthonic realms, so… and my Underworld meditation journey with Hecate was pretty powerful, so… if the green flames were in fact from preternatural causes, i would say it was her energy causing the phenomenon

… i still have to check if that “pan” was made outta copper though…


Hecate does love her flames I’ll tell you that, green flames would especially be a good sign from her


hmmm, nope, no copper here, i’m pretty sure

the color of the flame resembled that produced by boron during flame testing
i suppose it is possible that this “pan” (it’s really a lid) was treated with boron for its anti-corrosive properties…

i guess i will have to try to recreate the green flame without any magickally charged materials and see what happens… FOR SCIENCE! :woman_scientist::microscope::chart_with_upwards_trend:

below is the lid i have been using to burn shit (hmm now that i think about it, i have never seen green flames produced in this lid before and i have burnt several sigils in it previous to last night’s mysterious green glow)

well, i’m gonna try to recreate the green flames and i’ll let you all know what happens :slight_smile:


hhhmmmmmmmm nope, no green flames this time… :thinking:
i used the same paper, the same ink, the same matches, same wax… the ambient light outside wasnt too different since it is overcast today…
only thing i can think of that is different is that i was burning charged sigils yesterday whereas today i just burned ordinary paper i’d scribbled on… :open_mouth::sparkles::mage:
i knew i shoulda grabbed the camera yesterday :woman_facepalming:


but juuuust to make sure, i will try again after sunset

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Welp, tried again after sunset and the only interesting thing that happened was a curious couple of deer poked their heads out of the forest…
So I guess the only thing left to do is charge some sigils from the same deities and see if I then get green flames again… I’d planned on evoking them again anyway so it’s not like I’m gonna charge their sigils only for science… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ll upload the other video too if anyone really wants to see it but uhh… It’s really uneventful just like the first video lol