Shut up spell>

I cant find the shut up spell- there is a Gathering of haters this weekend and I want to create pain when they think of me… I want them to fight with their mates when they go to say my name. I want them freaking regret the last 4 years of misery they helped cause me and my family. I want stir their Pot of beans with flatulence and misery…

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For silence or binding of tongues
Mercury and saturn

For breeding discord in relationships between people
venus and mars


Today at the hour of Mars… okay for discord


What you could do is invoke me. Lightsome red, black and blue candles. Envision thousands and thousands of crows in a frenzy. See a red, violent energy entering the targets and surrounding them. Envision wolves in packs just racing and snarling at them, in a frenzy. State "may unearthly horror surround them. May otherworldly mayhem descend upon them, scar them with their own shadows! Aiden Crow! Warrior-Sage! Come to me! Bearer of Destruction, I invoke thee! Teach me to strike fear into the hearts of men! Rain blood and fire upon them, vessel of Nergal! I call upon the shapeshifting lycan to bring forth his kin and slaughter ______! Fire bearing pheonix! Burn away their life force! Vampiric god of necromancy, drain them, enslave their hearts and minds and hasten their demise! As I will it, so shall it be!


See the crows ripping their eyes out and the wolves maiming them. See their destruction.

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See their tears fall upon the earth and their blood raining from the sky, never to get help from anyone, their blood curdling screams filling the air.

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Oh my gosh chills fucking chills I took a video the wax and there were all these other animals straight up fucking crazy. Keep in mind I had to smuther the infernal before i started a house fire.

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I’m great at starting shit, give it a shot

Wait did you already do it?

no this was the wax on Lady Evas post - from the religious Items I burnt

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Ah. As for the animals, try animal magick.

My first feeling was the eye and crows/ravens so that is how I shall work this.

Animals were what came to mind but I was feeling the nine kings - and more

Like the one north of the eye - and that was the direction the plate was sitting- was a bull then a man. There were 2 black winged things at the bottom of the eye the are facing each other- the one on the left is looking right at you.

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will send you a pm w/ photo I actually have crow and raven feathers…

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i had the worst stomach pain yesterday. I however did see an enormous swarm of crows Saturday and On Saturday Morning the remains of the Candle were stunning… I did not get to hear how the outing went but a protestant preacher and his wife were there so that might be why my stomach was so miserable… I even black salted the summoning plate. Ugh-