Should the Mentally Ill NOT do Magick?

Good point Al. A bit hypocritical for this kinda society to label others as “mentally ill.”


In my experience, its about what you feed into something. I’m depressed so sometimes I feed negativity into my work. So when I do, I stop and try to feed something more positive into it.

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What I mean is this. I went through shit. I held on to my anger, so I’m used to being angry. I was combatant, only wanting to fight the world and win. No plan for afterwards beyond just proving myself superior in the most ego serving way. I would judge others because I felt judged. I would recite spiteful messages in my head to others. When I started studying the left hand path, I fed my anger into it. I took it as a way to give a middle finger to the world. I believe the lhp can be a positive life affirming spiritual path, but I was just angry.

A few weeks ago, I had my panic attack and saw in my mind an image of being sucked into a cold dark wet hole. I realized that whole was of my own creation. Anger, spite, fear, revenge, hate, apathy, these things are like a drug. We become addicted, and they destroy us from the inside out. I like to use Nurgle Daemons (from Warhammer) to represent what that feels like.

Mental illness, even as minor as mine, makes it difficult to get away from that anger and self pity. Its hard to fight to remain in good spirits. It’s a challenge to hold on to the positivity. We feed our magick with the energies we surround ourselves with. So people who go through mental illness can end up feeding anger into their path. They begin creating their own dark hole that hangs over their heads. They get a sense of dying or fading away. It’s terrible. Course, I’m only coming from my own experience.

Humans interact and maneuver through the world with symbols. Magick is the greatest expression of this. All symbolism is relative. Each person perceives a symbol by their own experience. Show me a sword and I’ll say “Strength, courage, and honor.” Show me a gun and I’ll say “Violence, murder, and modern day barbarism.” Both are weapons and both are capable of killing. However, one means something different to me than the other.

The meanings behind symbols are often more emotional. So we emotionally charge symbols. Someone with mental illness can end up charging something with negativity, and thus receive negativity.


I have phobias, and maybe OCD, a good (i.e. “not completely bad”) thing is that perhaps some of my problems are more about society than mental health… I still practice but indeed there’s the issue about operations possibly reflecting the inner state, thus resulting not balanced.

Considering some of the posters on here , and I just mean SOME ( don’t get your panties in a wad)

I say go for it

I’ve been diagnosed with Bipolar and I can’t for sure say if getting into Magick has helped or hindered me, as I’m just starting, but I have felt pretty shitty the last week or so and that’s the time frame that I’ve been trying to step up my efforts. But I can’t say if the two are related for sure.

Also, @AdamThoth I’m stealing that Hannibal pic for my desktop lol

EDIT: Though, I’d be interested to know if anyone knows if psych meds affect trances, connection etc.

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Love it lol :joy:

In my part of town there are many mentally unstable people and drug abusers.

I can tell you for a fact the spirits use them as revolving doors, going in and out of them at will. Can’t begin to tell you how often someone would start channelling whatever wandering spirit just happened to pop by.

It’s not a matter of whether mentally unstable people do magick, it’s more like will they do it or will they have it done to them.

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Curious what your thoughts would be on a person who suffers extensive mental illness attempting to continue practicing magic?
Traumatized as a child by abandonment, physical emotional and sexual abuse, suicidal, depressive,
Suffering from OCD, ADHD adult version, Bipolar,
Borderline personality disorder, married into an alcoholic drug addiction spouse who perpetrated domestic abuse and who was narcissistic. Stepped into satanism to regain a sense of control over their life, but ruins all their relationships by swinging between extreme insecurities and crazy sex drives. Curses a bf one day because he was found cheating then next day is casting love spells when they get mad and leave over the insecurities and accusations… lately Always questioning their own thoughts and actions because the dont know what’s real anymore or what theyve been projecting.

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