Sharing my own philosophy

I think that my philosophy is not very popular, especially for the Moroccan Muslim community in which I live, but since I am free and have a deep desire to develop my abilities and skills I want to share what I have realized (I am 15 years old by the way). I believe that people created the gods, I believe that all gods and religions are only the spiritual experiences and views of their founders, and therefore we can not imitate them. It is their own truth and not absolute truth. I believe that every individual creates his own reality even after death (as he believes) The truth can not be limited to one belief, but we must respect others’ beliefs as they are (unless they are harmful to you).I believe that human beings possess all the qualities of divinity within them, and the magick is just a way to manifest those powers.I believe that the source of this universe is not a specific body or being, but each person sees in his own way.

What is your opinions?


@Mehdi84667 I don’t think all gods were created by humans. Some of them, yes, but not all. It seems a bit weird to assume that. When you go off an meet a guy called Nick in the bar you don’t assume you created him, so why should spiritual experience be any different? If a person appears in front of us we assume they are objectively real. That is absolute Truth to the best of my knowledge. I approach magick in the same way. As for death my opinions as a Necromancer have been noted elsewhere.


I respect your opinionđź–’đź–’


Firstly, that you may find the works of Timothy Donaghue very much down your alley, he’s written a few articles about this topic, this comes to mind:

I don’t entirely agree insofar as I think spirits existed before the human race, in fact I think they genetically and maybe spiritually engineered us based on a primate template (which we did not technically “evolve from” in the mundane meaning of that word) but it’s not a difference of ideas that bothers me, since my old man also thinks more or less this, and we have been able to work together on things with zero friction or disagreements. :smiley:


I know it sounds weird but If they existed befor us who created those spirits or “demons”?


Cool!thanks for replying

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I think the Source (definted in the Kybalion, another freebie, and pleasantly short - link below) gave rise to “laws” which consisted of limitations (things that were one thing, and not another) in order to experience something “other” than itself, and thus to increase its Life.

Those laws over time became complex, first a single point of awareness arising, then splitting into two to become aware of each other, then more, and more, and that with time these became sufficiently complex to give rise to forms beyond our comprehension, some of what are what we call gods, others are beings and forms we don’t encounter.

I was intrigued and delighted to see a post not unlike this, albeit using terminology I don’t use, by @ashtkerr recently:

One could equally ask of course, if nothing existed before us, and we are the ultimate creator gods, what are the dinosaurs?

This explains my concept of Source, I had that concept prior to reading it but this clarifies it, and does so as a manual for metaphysics rather than as religion, or a thing to be grovelled to:


It’s my belief that the initial self-awareness of the Spirit was the inciting event which caused the Big Bang (which is a misnomer, it really should be called the “everywhere stretch”).

I believe that the universe has certainly built itself upon the laws of science, and I do believe that the dinosaurs existed before us.

I believe that all living things which can breathe have the capacity for magic and creation. And, abiotic matter, that is things like rocks, water, and air are all vibrating at a particular frequency and that frequency attracts like energy towards it.


You should probably try Chaos magic. Especially the random belief stuff. And read Robert Anton Wilson.

Honestly your philosophy sounds similar to mine. Not exactly the same but very much like how I view the world.


Lucifer told me the easiest way would be to imagine it as a tree. This is why humans have this deep relationships with trees and the idea of the world tree. Imagine a primordial seed that cracks open with force like a big bang and a great tree grows from it. The branches forever self replicating and expanding.

The branches grow buds and those buds are “eminations” and “ideas”. Those “ideas” gain counciousness and get to a point and say " hey! If i exist other things must exist"(a real world example:you see the gears start turning in the mind of a small child like oh there is mommy and daddy. I am seperate from mommy and daddy. What other things are in this world beyond mommy and daddy) so they go out and want to see other things.

Example: They become a being and meet other beings and group together. Humans see these groups and the groups intention is they want to assist the humans to be like them. The humans instead assume that group must have created them and then this huge misunderstanding develops. Then all the group of beings can think to do is be parental to those humans until they can “grow up” and realise they are able to become “adults” as well.


This lines up with what i’ve learned about the trees in kabbalah and the sephiroth and qliphoth. With each having expressions in the mulitiple layers of reaility. Only difference is the concept i learned was that each layer of reaility has the whole of the tree in instead of it being a branch of the last.

So there is one for the causal/mental/astral and physical. As well as a microcosm of the tree in each sephiroth and qliphoth. This being represented by how each has an expression in different areas of life. Another view point for this idea is with the planetary correspondesces as each planet activly has influence on the others all the time just of varying degree.

Alot of targeted magic becomes pretty simple with this idea just a matter of figuring out what you wanna change and which energies you need to shift around.


You are probably right. The vision of initial seed which could be called The source is still wildly growing in my minds eye. It hasnt calmed down where i can really trace the branches and understand. Seeing multiple trees. I just see flashes and not the whole picture yet.


This is why i use the trees as a kinda energetic map when im trying to figure out a new planetary rituals. It kinda gives me an idea of what will interact with what first how things may mix,which layer of reaility am i targeting, what may explode in my face. That kind of thing. More often than not it saves me alot of headaches and speeds up the manifestations.


I think there exists a certain group of spirits which existed before mankind and they somehow elevated us and have been supervising our evolution. But there are also spirits which have been created by man as egregores and have achieved self awareness. But does it matter which is which as long as the magick works?


My upg denotes a similar idea.


Agree on all the above! :thumbsup:

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