Share dreamworkings, lucid dreams and similar topics here

I’ve decided to explore the dreamwork current with a focus on astral travel through dreams and spirit communion. I think it would be a good idea to hear the thoughts of others but also I thought it’d be interesting share some lucid dreams and a spirit experience I had before I worked with the occult, but they are still dreams I remember clearly.

My dreams before magic

Dream 1

I was about six and my extended family came over to visit. I dreamed that it was dark and I walked out of the room. The ceiling outside was made of moving shadows and the floor was made of quicksand. I wasn’t scared. I walked forward and let the sand swallow me. I was in the living room now. The Christmas tree was jet black and glowed purpleish blue. The kitchen was a jungle with leopards, toucans, jackals, owls and monkeys. I wanted to explore it but didn’t get far. I woke up to my grandma’s voice.

Dream 2

I had a vision of a mouse transforming slowly into a dragon with an eletrically charged skin climbing up a tree the size of a skyscraper in a desolate wasteland. There was music in the background that to this day I can not remember fully not forget at all. The last image I saw was the dragon atop the tree with its tail wrapped around it. Where it stepped, life of moss, fungus and insects sprung up.

Dream 3

This was when I was suffering from depression. I kept dreaming that I would kill myself with a car and gun or that a white she-wolf would mutalate me. Then I had this dream that I was about to walk through the door leading to death. But Death stopped me. She pushed my chest and I feel to the floor. It didn’t hurt. Death was a skeleton but she has ethereal flesh. Her cloak was black from the chest down and white from the shoulders up and a wide red sash separated the other colors. Her scythe was golden and the bird on her shoulder had an owl’s head but a raven’s body. A clockwork talisman hung on her side.
“You’re not ready yet,” she told me.
“Not ready for what?” I ask.
“To die. I don’t want you to go through to die.”
“I don’t get it. You’re Death. Why don’t you want me to die?”
“There is a time, place and circumstance for everything. You are weak to bring this upon yourself. You have strength. Use it.”
“So many questions you ask… that is good but you need to ask the right questions. Don’t worry about the extent of life, but how you live. The ‘how’ is more important. ‘Why’ is a good question but not the only one.”
“Can I ask you questions that have been bugging me for a while?”
“Does God exist?” (I was still surrounded by Christians at the time and was pressured to say things positive about YHWH)
Death sighs. “That depends on what you know about God. I don’t doubt the existence of God but I understand the entity differently compared to most. Everyone is correct about God existing and not existing but no one knows God. You don’t worry about God; obviously God won’t do anything for you, you already learnt that. The existence of God is a passive one. I can help you, if you need me to. The help of God is one that will never come.”
“Is there a name others call you by other than Death?”
“Many. You will discover them as you grow. But for now, go away from this place. You’re not ready to travel here. You must become strong first. So go and become strong. I will be there for you when you are ready.”
So I went. Later I discovered Death again as La Santisima Muerte.

Imp Vision

I don’t know if this was an actual dream or not but it was odd nonetheless. I was trying to sleep one night and I turned over to see a pair of black eyes staring at me. I looked away and then looked back and they moved. I did it again and a figure appeared from the shadows. It had little pointed ears. I looked away again. When I turned around the entity was literally in front of my face. It jumped on me and for a hour I could only see clawmarks being made in my vision. I couldn’t scream, as much as I wanted to. It was scary at the time even though it didn’t hurt. I was literally blinded by clawmarks. I was very relieved the next morning when I opened my eyes and the sunlight glowed in my room. It was one of the few times I was truly happy to see sunlight.


After the evocation of Samael yesterday, I could barely sleep.I felt charged with energy almost as if electricity was flowing through my veins… :smile:

Anyways, the few hours I got of sleep. I had an interesting dream…

I was walking through a tunnel and there was barely any moonlight. I blinked a few times, to try and see my surroundings… I was not afraid even though I was lost…
I could finally see… the tunnel was filled with snakes… beautiful… simply majestic…

As I walked, they coiled around my feet… I kept walking and one by one, they all took turns coiling around my feet… it seems it was their way of saying hello…
I should have been afraid, but I only felt protected…

Then I got out of the tunnel. The moonlight was shining brightly outside. It was a forest, and there was a lady in armour, she held a bow in her hand…
She looked so graceful…

As she looked at me, she seemed irritated.
'Where did you go? I have been waiting so long here.'
Before I could say anything…

I.woke.up. :sob:


It seems to be a common theme with my dreams, tunnels and pretty snakes… :expressionless:


You should probably look into Draconian Qliphothic magic. Tunnels and serpents are the two main themes there as well, in addition to Samael residing in 2 of the 11 Qlipha. Plus lucid dreaming is a aspect of the pathworking in Draconian magic.


I will definitely look into this… thanks for your insight :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Here’s a book you can look into;

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I just had my first Lucid dream Last night. April 26, 2018.
So I went to sleep early last night around 11:00pm.
I set up my alarm to wake me up around 3:45 am so I can keep practicing astral projection. I tried 30 min I failed I couldn’t even go into a deep state meditation… I told my self what fking waste of time I should’ve kept sleeping.
So then I went back to sleep and then I realize my body was so light and I was flying. I wasn’t in my room. It seemed like I was in someone else’s apartment there was huge windows and I was flying in front of them. Everything seems so real and then I told myself “I must be dreaming if I am dreaming and I’m conscious of it then this is a lucid dream” I then started to push my hands Through the Windows and laughing so loudly of happiness I start flying through the windows and then back in. I was laughing like a maniac and yelling " woooohooooooooo Yeaaaahhhh!!" I got over-excited and then I woke up…

I was walking down the block when i came across a house/ office building structure, Looked a bit interesting so I decided to break in it, well i broke in and was walking through hardly visible rooms and doors, many entities were present though i could not see them, i kept going along and i was looking for an exit, except there was no exit, it would just lead me to more unfamiliar places. It was kind of a blur, but after a little I teleported to a car driving/flying a highway of clouds that were rock and rainbow going straight over the city and mountains. I woke up

Now a few days later I was on the same walk, seeing the building, I broke into it with a random girl expecting to have some fun. As we broke in, she disappeared and i was all alone, the window disappeared and i could not get out, walking around i found myself in the sewers with people here and there laughing and smoking i was tempted to chase the person who had it so i followed through a few tunnels leaving me puzzled, i started finding my way back through the tunnels and a jester/ clown type guy was appearing out of another tunnel coming straight for me. At first i struck fear but as he exited the tunnel it was casual, walking through once again i found my way to a cluttered garage where i met with the girl. Her and I walked towards the exit sign to find the door was locked in. We panicked, but after rummaging through the garage i found a window with light peeking in, I struggled to break it away and I got out, she didnt make it. I ran as fast as I could through the yard back on to the street and ran all the way up it. Very interesting dream, tripped me out a little bit.

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Need some help with this one.
I almost never dream. When I do it is always extremely bizzare. A lot of my dreams have recurring locations. This one was the other night and seems important. The location seems very occult so I think it holds meaning.
I was in an ice cream store. I was getting ice cream and all was fine. The location is the interesting part. It is (I think) two large rooms. One is ice cream and the other is other candy and stuff. it the ice cream store on one wall by the counter there is a door. Away from the counter is a little archway thing close to the ground. It has like a grate on it and you can see in. Inside seems to have lots of books. The whole place seems happy, but that little feature seems just slightly different, not negative in any way, just different.

I don’t know but this seems important. Any help would be nice. Thanks.

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And the thread Necromancer strikes again.

I went to bed after talking with my succubus for a while, I found myself drifting and I awoken a new room. I looked around, the room was differently oriented, and I knew something was up. Which point I realize that I had full-blown telekinesis, we’re talkin movie level telekinesis.

I got done playing with that, I went out into the world and I met a few people, talk to some random people, and I saw a large construction site, I started having fun with them plucking their hard hats off and tossing them across the way, tossing a few barrels around, not really doing anything harmful, just being a general ass.

I got back to the hotel, and I was attempting to explain something to some lady that was talking to, and she said “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to pay attention, your eyes are just hypnotizing me.”

Out of the fact that I was snatching planes out of the air, snatching cars off the street, and doing all sorts of other fun metaphysical stuff in the dream, that last thing actually stood out. Even though I don’t fully remember the entire deal, that part was the one that stood out the most, the half-remembered portion that reminded me of my hypnotic abilities.

I have a lucid dream last night, that I were some type of forest, and i were overlooking this pond which have many fishes in it. Also some creatures that look like merpeople, though at first i couldn’t tell as i have saw were a fish head, and it body swimming underwater a few times. Then i thought to myself i want met a mermaid, then out of the pond one showed itself, expect it have a white fishhead with blue stripe on both side of the face, while the rest of the body look like ur standed mermaid body. Eventually this mermaid started to talk to me, i think its were testing me, as i told the mermaid I’m a vampire, i can’t remember what the mermaid said but i think its were either eat me, or kill me. Then its started to chase me all the way back to socality where i would meet up other humans around town, and its keep chasing me all the way to a food store, where there were human would cut up this fishhead mermaid.

Continuing the discussion from Share dreamworkings, lucid dreams and similar topics here:

I would like your help on how i should interpret my dreams.

It all started while i was sleeping at my boyfriends house. They are weird entities there and nights are always interesting usually. But that night I cant recall a single thing of any dreams rhe only thong i know it’s thats i’ve screamed for the first time of my life in my sleep. But like, all night long. Since thei’re is so much going on I just figured that someone had fun scaring me that night and I didnt think much about it.

After that when i was dreaming i was seing shadows of crows. It’s really beautiful and not scary at all. When I light candle thr wax always melt in fhe form of birds. It’s super weird.

A few days later I was dreaming and then i saw a tall flame right in front of me. I was surprise when I saw a man-like a snake charmer who lead me to a dark cave with torch and he told me to dance while he was playing music. I was then transported to a dark road and i heard the voice of the man in my head telling me that i could talk with them now.

Since then, i hear his voice inside my head during the day and we have conversations that are really helping me.

Do you kbow who it could be? Does that dream make any sense to you?

I am on a navy ship sailing through the ocean. I am sitting in combat trying to shoot at these giant creatures on the ocean that tower over the ship. The first looks like a shrub, but it is all tentacles and teeth. It shreds and dismembers any person that gets close. The second looks like a giant weeping willow. It spreads its branches and shows people their greatest dreams and wishes come true, but when one gets close to examine them, it surrounds them with its branches and absorbs them. The captain of the ship wants to stay out of range of the guns and fire on them. I want to get within optimal range of our fragmentation/phosphorus rounds to destroy them so they can harm no one else.
~end dream

I have lucid dreaming every time love it hardest was at the start suffocating or being in a coffin every night but that’s 12 years now :slight_smile:
trying to get over that knock at the door during the dream I get out of bed open the front door but no one there I don’t bother any more getting up till the second time but love my second life of lucid dreaming and the whispers in my ears during the night that I can’t make out :slight_smile:

I have a lucid dream last night, that I were some type of forest, and i were overlooking this pond which have many fishes in it. Also some creatures that look like merpeople, though at first i couldn’t tell as i have saw were a fish head, and it body swimming underwater a few times. Then i thought to myself i want met a mermaid, then out of the pond one showed itself, expect it have a white fishhead with blue stripe on both side of the face, while the rest of the body look like ur standed mermaid body. Eventually this mermaid started to talk to me, i think its were testing me, as i told the mermaid I’m a vampire, i can’t remember what the mermaid said but i think its were either eat me, or kill me. Then its started to chase me all the way back to socality where i would meet up other humans around town, and its keep chasing me all the way to a food store, where there were human would cut up this fishhead mermaid

@Matin_Noori This is the dream share thread I mentioned in your other post. :slight_smile: :+1:

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Great thanks!

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Strange dream last night Demons were falling from sky I was to water them down with hose but didn’t work so I ran fallen to the ground flat too afraid to look back to see how close they were now they my weakness Dame that.
What I should have done stand and fight dame that it was only and lucid dream
But there’s a way around :slight_smile:
Now the gods now my weakness

A post was split to a new topic: How to improve dreaming frequency and retention

Another so wired dream so out

Demon or person it had human figure but with crab red so eyes
it showed me the human inference to war in history to all country’s it asked to for my Permission to next phase I said yes he was gone
Some dreams are short

I had a dream some days ago while i was at a sleepover with a friend. He ended waking me up because i was making weird noises while freaking out. Looked like a nightmare to him.

During the dream, i was in a big room. They were some tall romanic pilars and a semicircular arch in the center of the room. Full stone beige colour. I don’t remember the floor but i know they were some drawings, mostly blue colour. Good light.

I was in the center of the room with… Someone. Not female, not male. Haven’t seen their face. I don’t even remember how was actually dressed, i think they wore some dark cloat and a hood. Suddenly, i saw a dark anomaly in front of me, like a black hole. I tried to see through It and everything was deformed. It wasn’t pitch black, just dark colours moving. I knew it was a portal and i had to enter it for some reason. This person started talking, i don’t remember what kind of voice they had. They said i had to enter the hole to travel, and they added “the first one travelling was Marcus Aurelius. He saw two archangels (one of them was Michael), in which battle helmets saw the reflection of the end of times”.

I entered the hole. Started to flip around myself. Everything was moving and i saw two pitch black points surrounded by a white aura, I started to think these dots were actually the two archangels. I ended in a dark room with no windows, just a bed and someone sleeping in. I was still floating and could not stop, so i started to panic. I tried to wake this person up, couldn’t reach them, so i took the blanket and tried to slap them while asking for help. Once they incorporated, i could see their face. No face at all. Their full head was a black eye. But a small mouth at the chin. They were speechless, this small mouth was wide-open. I think they were scared/surprised too. I was begging for help in my lenguage but they didn’t seem to understand, so talked in english “help, help, help”… They tried to take my hand while i was still floating and panicking while looking that… eye.

Then my friend woke me up because of my noises. And i could explain to him (reason why i remember almost everything). We started laughing and he said “that looks like a lucid dream where you ended in the room of a poor fool while he was sleeping. Can you imagine? Someone wakes you up and you try to help them because they flying. I would be surprised too”.

Pretty cool dream but really weird hahah