“Share A Quote” Thread

Bruh, those are way more than quotes.

Try to keep it short and sweet.

At least a TL;DR at the top or bottom.

It is not events that disturb people. It is their judgments concerning them.
-Marcus Aurelius

Truth, for the tyrants, is the most terrible and cruel of all bindings; it is like an incandescent iron falling across their chests. And it is even more agonizing than hot iron, for that only burns the flesh, while truth burns its way into the soul.

― Lauro Aguirre

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Made me read long quote, and give it a Like, thanks! :+1:



May the tears I cried in the past lube the cheeks I clap in the future.


“You’re silent though attacked” They said,
I replied “Responding is the key to every dread”
Silence towards a fool is dignified
And a means to an honor fortified
Do you not see the silent lion is still feared
While barking dogs are forever jeered?

― Al Shafi’ee

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I was finally beginning to perceive that no matter how many dead people I might see, or people at the instant of their death, I would never manage to grasp death, that very moment, precisely in itself. It was one thing or the other: either you are dead, and then in any case there’s nothing else to understand, or else you are not yet dead, and in that case, even with the rifle at the back of your head or the rope around your neck, death remains incomprehensible, a pure abstraction, this absurd idea that I, the only living person in the world, could disappear. Dying, we may already be dead, but we never die, that moment never comes, or rather it never stops coming, there it is, it’s coming, and then it’s still coming, and then it’s already over, without ever having come.

― Jonathan Littell

“It reminds her of something. A game she played when she was a girl. How funny: she hasn’t thought of that game in years. She never told anyone about it; she knew she mustn’t, although she couldn’t say how she knew. In the game, she was a witch, and she could make a ball of light in the palm of her hand. Her brothers played that they were spacemen with plastic ray-guns they’d bought with cereal-packet tokens, but the little game she’d played entirely by herself among the beech trees along the rim of their property was different. In her game, she didn’t need a gun, or space-helmet, or lightsaber. In the game Margot played when she was a child, she was enough all by herself.”

-Naomi Alderman, The Power

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Anything yields to you only to the extent you pay attention to it. In this context, your breath is a beautiful device because it is always on

“Every person in our life is a lesson, every stranger a metaphor.” -Anonymous


Tastes like chicken. :wink:

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911 we got the suspect

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And so you, like the others, would play your brains against mine. You would help these men to hunt me and frustrate me in my designs! You know now, and they know in part already, and will know in full before long, what it is to cross my path. They should have kept their energies for use closer to home. Whilst they played wits against me - against me who commanded nations, and intrigued for them, and fought for them, hundreds of years before they were born - I was countermining them. And you, their best beloved one, are now to me, flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin; my bountiful wine-press for awhile; and shall later on be my companion and my helper. You shall be avenged in turn; for not one of them shall minister to your needs. You have aided in thwarting me; now you shall come to my call.

― Bram Stoker

But he that sows lies in the end shall not lack of a harvest, and soon he may rest from toil indeed, while others reap and sow in his stead.

― J.R.R. Tolkien

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Despite others attempts to identify a certain number with Satan, it will be known that nine is his number. Nine is the number of the ego, for it always returns to itself. No matter what is done through the most complex multiplication of nine by any other number, in the final equation nine alone will stand forth. -Anton LaVey

Happiness was never important. The problem is that we don’t know what we really want. What makes us happy is not to get what we want. But to dream about it. Happiness is for opportunists. So I think that the only life of deep satisfaction is a life of eternal struggle, especially struggle with oneself. If you want to remain happy, just remain stupid. Authentic masters are never happy; happiness is a category of slaves.

Slavoj Žižek


I measure every Grief I meet⁣
With narrow, probing, eyes –⁣
I wonder if It weighs like Mine –⁣
Or has an Easier size.⁣

I wonder if They bore it long –⁣
Or did it just begin –⁣
I could not tell the Date of Mine –⁣
It feels so old a pain –⁣

I wonder if it hurts to live –⁣
And if They have to try –⁣
And whether – could They choose between –⁣
It would not be – to die –⁣

I note that Some – gone patient long –⁣
At length, renew their smile –⁣
An imitation of a Light⁣
That has so little Oil –⁣

I wonder if when Years have piled –⁣
Some Thousands – on the Harm –⁣
That hurt them early – such a lapse⁣
Could give them any Balm –⁣

Or would they go on aching still⁣
Through Centuries of Nerve –⁣
Enlightened to a larger Pain –⁣
In Contrast with the Love –⁣

The Grieved – are many – I am told –⁣
There is the various Cause –⁣
Death – is but one – and comes but once –⁣
And only nails the eyes –⁣

There’s Grief of Want – and grief of Cold –⁣
A sort they call “Despair” –⁣
There’s Banishment from native Eyes –⁣
In sight of Native Air –⁣

And though I may not guess the kind –⁣
Correctly – yet to me⁣
A piercing Comfort it affords⁣
In passing Calvary –⁣

To note the fashions – of the Cross –⁣
And how they’re mostly worn –⁣
Still fascinated to presume⁣
That Some – are like my own –⁣

― Emily Dickinson

I even hear the mountains
the way they laugh
up and down their blue sides
and down in the water
the fish cry
and the water
is their tears.
I listen to the water
on nights I drink away
and the sadness becomes so great

I hear it in my clock
it becomes knobs upon my dresser
it becomes paper on the floor
it becomes a shoehorn
a laundry ticket
it becomes
cigarette smoke
climbing a chapel of dark vines. . .
it matters little
very little love is not so bad

or very little life
what counts
is waiting on walls
I was born for this
I was born to hustle roses down the avenues of the dead.

― Charles Bukowski

“Every man dies. Not every man really lives.”

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“They didn’t understand it and I tried to make them see. One only is poor only if they choose to be.” Dolly Parton

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” Mark Twain

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell