“Share A Quote” Thread

“Bitter are the roots of study, but how sweet their fruits.” -Cato the Younger


“he who sweats more in training, bleeds less in war”


“Looking back, I saw that my whole conscious life I had not understood either myself or my strivings.
What had seemed for so long to be beneficial now turned out in actuality to be fatal, and I had been striving to go in the opposite direction to that which was truly necessary to me.”
The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn


For he spoke, and it came to be;
he commanded, and it stood firm.

Psalms 33:9

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‘‘Make your choices alone. Don’t let anyone judge you, because no one is going to live your life for you.’’

“If you really feel you cannot and should not do something, then trust your feelings - don’t do it”

The above are mine and although they are nothing new, I hope they at least help someone, as there was no one to tell me this when I needed it.

" I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being" - Hafiz

“We are only vessels. We are here, because we carry something, which cannot exist in this reality”

“Magic can be limited only by the boundaries of one’s own ability”

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” - Ghandi

“There’s no justice in this world, unless we make it ourselves” - Genghis Khan

“Evil benefits from total chaos or from total order. Good benefits from the balance between both. In total order, there is no growth. In total chaos everyone and everything is at constant risk. In the end you will understand, that in its essence, evil is madness”

“Throughout our entire existence, we fight for control, for a way to adjust our environment to suit our way. This is the eternal, but futile aspiration - to be able to shape our way of life”

“You will never feel truly alive, until you do something good for someone who cannot repay you”

“We’ll either find a path or we’ll make one”


“Those who are quoted, are those who will be remembered in history.”
- The Jimy

“Create a quote, stay in people’s memory”
-The Jimy

“I were first recognized when I created a quote. You can do that too.”.
-The Jimy


“Don’t get high on your own supply.” - Anonymous


A very prestigious man went to meet a guru.

He came to the guru with honor, sat down with the guru and the guru prepared tea for them both.

He begins to fire questions at the guru.

“I have come for you to teach me the meaning of life. What happens after we die? Who is the ultimate creator?”

The guru tried to answer “Who is to say the Creator is a who?”

The man cut him off “Have you met God? Has he spoke to you?”

The guru just looked at him for a few seconds…

“I will tell you over tea.”

So the guru pours themselves a cup, carries the teapot over the mans cup, and fills it. Then he begins pouring more. Tea began to spill out of the cup

“Thats enough” the man said

The guru continued pouring.

“Are you crazy? Why do you keep pouring?”

The guru looks at him with a smile, and gestures to the cup

“I cannot fill this cup anymore, as it is already full. You are like this cup. Come back to me when you are empty.”

I don’t remember where I heard the story, and I filled in a few blanks that I didn’t remember. But it’s basically the same message

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“What we do now echoes in eternity.” - Marcus Aurelius


The founders of the mysteries would appear to have had a real meaning, and were not talking nonsense when they imitated in a figure long ago that he who passes unsanctified and uninitiated into the world below will lie in a slough, but that he who arrives there after initiation and purification will dwell with the gods. For many, as they say in the mysteries, are the thyrsus-bearers, but few are the mystics, meaning, as I interpret the words, the true philosophers. - Plato

" I was fuckin’ happy. And if not happy, I was content. And content is more than most people can hope for"

  • From “Vida” , a really cool tv show.

“This is the awe-inspiring universe of magic: There are no atoms, only waves and motions all around. Here, you discard all belief in barriers to understanding. You put aside understanding itself. This universe cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be detected in any way by fixed perceptions. It is the ultimate void where no preordained screens occur upon which forms may be projected. You have only one awareness here—the screen of the magi: Imagination! Here, you learn what it is to be human. You are a creator of order, of beautiful shapes and systems, an organizer of chaos.”
Frank Herbert, Heretics of Dune


Whether you think you can or cannot, you are right.
-Henry Ford

I personally apply this quote to ALL of my magickal workings (heck I apply this to my life in general). I believe/think/know my magick and spellwork is powerful and I always achieve the results expected.

Never ever doubt yourself or your magickal abilities. :triumph:

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“Not all dark places need light” - Jeanette Winterson


“We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged” - Heinrich Heine


“Whether they be professed Christians or not, they all cling to the silly belief that it is a “duty” to save, or at least to prolong, at whatever cost, any human life, however worthless – a duty to prolong it, just because it is human. As a consequence, they are prepared to sacrifice any numbers of healthy and beautiful animals, if they imagine that it can help to patch up the failing bodies of people who, most of them, would not have been allowed to live or, rather, would never have been born, in a wellconceived and well-organised society. In their eyes, a human idiot is worth more than the most perfect specimen of animal or plant life. Indeed, as our species degenerates, its conceit grows! And that conceit helps to keep men satisfied, though they be completely cut off from the vision of glorious, healthy perfection that dominated the consciousness of the world in its youth and that still is, and will remain till the end, the inspiring vision of a decreasing minority.”

“That sinful will, coupled, as time goes on, with positive hatred for the eternal, natural Order, has found its latest main expression in the system of false values which stands, at an interval of two thousand years, behind both the Christian and the Communist revolution – the system according to which “man” is everything, and man’s “happiness” the end of all desirable activity – and in an increasing effort not to stop the silly application of “science” to the prolongation or preservation of superfluous lives – oh, no! – but, on the contrary, to encourage it, and then to organise the every day more enormous Menschenmaterial for the benefit of the Forces of disintegration. These, i.e., their agents, tend, admittedly to do away with the vast international slum which the world has become, but… only in order to drill the slum-dwellers – ultimately – into factory robots with one ideal: work, work, work; “production,” ever more production, and cheap enjoyment – ever more enjoyment – quantity, and ever more quantity… till more and more millions of bastardised world-citizens have completely killed Nature for “man’s” sake; till there are no more deserts, no more forests, no more inviolate mountain fastnesses, no more broad landscapes free from human habitations and from the sound of wireless dance-music; no more jungles – for the dullest of human beings is, in the eyes of the Communist as in those of the Christian, and of all believers in man-centred ideologies, worth more than the noblest royal Bengal tiger or than the most gorgeous banyan tree.”

—Savitri Devi

“The esoteric system is all based upon the ultimate motive. Ultimate motive is the service of truth itself, a complete dedication to the service of the realities of existence”

Manly P. Hall

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The gifts of the moon.

The Moon, who is caprice itself, looked in at the window as you slept in your cradle, and said to herself: “I am well pleased with this child.”

And she softly descended her stairway of clouds and passed through the window-pane without noise. She bent over you with the supple tenderness of a mother and laid her colours upon your face. Therefrom your eyes have remained green and your cheeks extraordinarily pale. From contemplation of your visitor your eyes are so strangely wide; and she so tenderly wounded you upon the breast that you have ever kept a certain readiness to tears.

In the amplitude of her joy, the Moon filled all your chamber as with a phosphorescent air, a luminous poison; and all this living radiance thought and said: "You shall be for ever under the influence of my kiss. You shall love all that loves me and that I love: clouds, and silence, and night; the vast green sea; the unformed and multitudinous waters; the place where you are not; the lover you will never know; monstrous flowers, and perfumes that bring madness; cats that stretch themselves swooning upon the piano and lament with the sweet, hoarse voices of women.

“And you shall be loved of my lovers, courted of my courtesans. You shall be the Queen of men with green eyes, whose breasts also I have wounded in my nocturnal caress: men that love the sea, the immense green ungovernable sea; the unformed and multitudinous waters; the place where they are not; the woman they will never know; sinister flowers that seem to bear the incense of some unknown religion; perfumes that trouble the will; and all savage and voluptuous animals, images of their own folly.”

And that is why I am couched at your feet,
O spoiled child, beloved and accursed, seeking in all your being the reflection of that august divinity, that prophetic godmother, that poisonous nurse of all lunatics.

— Charles Baudelaire

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”

Joseph Heller

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“Analysis told me, however, only one fact. Belief is the root of this power. Not to tell yourself you may, but to know you can. I have journeyed far enough since, in the seasons of my life, to understand by now that the skill is not as exclusive as I then supposed it. The sorcerer-gods are only those born knowing the key to the brain’s inner rooms. That is their luck, but beware-the meanest may search out the key, or stumble on it, and become gods also.
Having achieved one miracle, the rest seemed little more than a process of mathematics.”
-Tanith Lee, “Quest For The White Witch”

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