Sexual OCD

I have for long time suffered by sexual OCD. In the beginning I theorized that it has something to do with troubles in the pineal chakra as I can imagine something without sexual object come into the imagination against my will. But I have also though about the sacral chakra. I have often done LBRP and demonic elemental circle practice but none of them have worked so fare. It troubles me because I can’t masturbate probably to direct sexual energy using visualization.


Sorry this isn’t a magickal response but ERP has helped me immensely get my own OCD under control… a different type but yeah it’s a horrible illness and I wanted to follow this thread to see what others might suggest magick wise for helping

What’s the OCD exactly? It sounds like you have the sexual desire but you’re uncomfortable masturbating?

There’s a couple problems with this post.

I feel you need to further elucidate on your sexual OCD in order for anybody to understand what your exact obstacle

I had to look up sexual OCD, and didn’t even know what it was. Even then, without an explanation of your experience of it, I’m not sure I really get where you’re at or coming from…

The second problem (imo) is your looking for a mystical or esoteric thing to blame for your sexual OCD when the reality is it’s probably a matter of mind/body chemistry. Again, imo.

If I understand correctly, the problem you’re struggling with is you can’t control your visualizations and sexual thoughts, so you don’t feel that you can direct the energy correctly.

Kinda like trying to hold onto a greased pig.

It has been a problem to me to find the correct word and even more since English is not my first language. However, I have problems in regards to visualization. I can’t imagine a thing without something unwanted comes into the picture (inner picture). It is a problem in mind/body chemistry but I know chakras have influence on that chemistry.

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You need to learn to focus. From what you have described, it seems to me that it has less to do with mind/body or chakras, and more to do with a lack of ability to focus on one thing to the exclusion of others.

Your mind changes your visualisation to something sexually exciting because it craves stimulation. It doesn’t like to work, and would rather dart around willy-nilly. There is a reason the Buddha referred to it as the “monkey mind,” after all. You need to discipline it, like a puppy who whittles on your carpet.

My advice would be to practice one pointed meditation. Learn to zero in on one thought, or external object, and let anything else that pops into your head drift away. It will be difficult in the beginning, but eventually, you will find extraneous thoughts interfering less and less.


Agree :100:

Only thing I would like to add is cannabis gives me the exact effect you describe OP so I can somewhat relate to your experience and it can be especially annoying for the magical practitioner.

if you’re able to stimulate yourself until you’re close to the point of no return without having sexual thoughts. (Just focus on how it feels) then once you feel it getting real close your eyes for a second open them.

Think of what you desire for 3 seconds open your eyes like it’s a camera shutter while still seeing what you desire.

Close them a second later. you’ve just developed the image to your brain. You’re done in 5 seconds of controlled focus. You don’t need to orgasm you’ve already built the energy. It’s released into the picture you developed.

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I do practice daily chakra chant meditation within the demonic elemental circle, so I’m trained to focus but I do spend energy. It annoys me that I have to focus all the time to do visualization as I also use to simple masturbation for pleasure.

I think OP is referring to OCD-i, which is persistent and unwanted intrusive thoughts and images. In this case, intrusive thoughts of a sexual nature.

The best advice I can give you @Student is to deal with OCD in real life: medication and/or counselling.

You might also find that EFT helps: What Is EFT Tapping? 5-Step Technique for Anxiety Relief

And as others have said, try and develop your skills in single-point meditation. Pick a thought or object to meditate on and keep bringing your thoughts back to it when you experience an intrusive thought, or when your mind wanders.


There are no demons that can remove it?

I personally think as above so below so there’s a spiritual root to everything

But treating something medically does just as good a job of changing something spiritually again going as above so below in my thought process to hold that opinion

And I’d just trust medical doctors who have knowledge of OCD over anyone advising on it online who hasn’t experienced it

Case in point - I was misdiagnosed and treated for anxiety by a doctor who didn’t realise it was OCD… I got far far worse treating it as anxiety to the point it got so bloody obvious next time I presented myself to a doctor that it was full blown severe OCD

Because comforting and reassuring the OCD anxiety just fixed things in stronger

ERP on the other hand and learning to sit with my anxiety slowly instead of escaping it - and thinking I could control anything with wierd rituals (not occult ones, personal ones) actually got me living again and able to do anything beyond focus on the intrusive thoughts

I don’t suffer with your type of OCD, so whether ERP is worth checking would be down to a medical professional, all I really wanna say is careful what you’re doing. What seems like the most helpful thing to people who don’t understand it - can be actually incredibly harmful

I’d also be looking for the easier way if anything presented as an opportunity but sitting with the intrusive thoughts and confronting my fears head on but in a way I wasn’t gonna pass out safely with a skilled therapist was just all that gave me my life back

The truth is that medical doctors don’t really know what OCD is and what actually causes it. They have theories but there is to much “may be” which I have a problem with… What I do know so fare is that it has something to do with the chemistry in the brain but there must be a link to the energy system as thoughts are electricity in the brain.

I’m not saying that you can’t fix something spiritually

I’m saying that what looks helpful isnt sometimes

It’s a fairly spiritual process really if you think about it - my therapy I did… mastering staying in the anxiety instead of escaping it and facing fears head on

No drugs involved. Just decent psychology. Had to be thought to think differently. Changing my mind. Doing the opposite of what I thought could keep me safe

Your average doctor often doesn’t know much about specific conditions

A specialised therapist/psychologist who practices evidence based practices … handles tons of patients with OCD over years.

But you don’t have to do anything. And should do whatever YOU think best. Just not the easiest illness to explain to others. And make sure it’s YOU not your illness deciding. Mine took over all my decisions it got that bad I wasn’t able to even think about anything else

We don’t know what causes lots of stuff… we still have effective ways of treating many illnesses even if we don’t know what caused it

To know the cause is the cure. Because medical doctors and psychologists don’t know the actual cause to OCD they can’t cure it.

And yet we still cure other things like headaches without really knowing why we get them sometimes

You don’t always have to know the cause to make something better

Sometimes the better does the work you need to be better enough to find the cause

I also have pretty serious types of OCD including some sexual OCD as well. Somehow through my work with the spirits I realized that supressing the compulsive thoughts, images or scenarios that unwillingly can enter the mind of a person with OCD, only feeds the OCD. It seems that OCD is like some kind of parasite that lives within you and feeds off you. It tricks you into constantly feeding it so it can keep it’s control over your life from within. Supressing, responding and reacting to these compulsive thoughts only makes the condition worse, sometimes we react physically but mental and emotional reactions to the symptoms of the OCD can feed it just as much. In my opinion from what I have realized so far, the best thing to do is to drain it of it’s power to reclaim it for yourself again. This can be done by not reacting or trying to handle it in any of the ways above and instead allowing whatever comes to mind to be there until it fades on it’s own. However in my personal experience this can be extremely difficult to do and especially since it needs to be done consistently and continually. What makes it even more difficult is the nature of OCD, a lot of times it naturally brings to mind very forbidden stuff, inserts thoughts in your mind that completely go against what you want to have in your mind. I find this very hard to deal with while working with spirits as well since the OCD itself does not have respect or boundaries. If you manage to not feed it, it will fade but in some cases like mine for example it may never dissappear completely, the effects of it are just minimized but a lot if done correctly. Subliminal messages for OCD can be very effective when trying to help yourself in this way. I don’t know how it is for other people with OCD, but I should mention that I know the thoughts are harder to control when I’m hungry or have slept to little. Daily meditation and magickal practice is very important for better results. I have some other thoughts about things that could help as well but this is probably enough for now. I hope somebody gets something good out of this.

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Sorry if this is no longer a relevant topic. I always recommend Marbas for healing no matter what. Of course, you will have to put in the effort as well. I struggle with harm OCD so I can relate in some way.
Maybe petition Marbas? I would offer him a cinnamon snack, oranges or anything orange flavored, or chocolates you like. I always like to offer Marbas oranges since they’re tasty and good for you. I also usually offer my blood but it’s not required at all. I particularly like to do it with Marbas because in my eyes my health is more valuable than a mind control or a outcome petition.
Marbas is also very good at engineering and technology.There’s a lot of things that spark my interest in that category so I will be working on that with him soon.
Marbas can heal body AND mind. He usually answers immediately and seems to be more fast acting than others (depending on the situation)
But please when asking him for help, initiate something. You will have a speedy recovery when you reach out to doctors as well.