Sex magick for wealth and money, and visualization

Hello. Some time ago I read that for manifesting wealth and money through sex magick, a good technique is, while doing self-sex(masturbating) to imagine, together with the goal(money)you are doing sex with the lover towards whom you feel the most intense attraction, imagining that your lover is filling you with the energy of your desired goal. What´s your opinion? I have never read something like this. Thanks


Needed $10,000 to settle a debt. Got just over $11,000 in 2 and a half weeks with sex Magick. (Mainly with a female partner)

I’m not normally the type of person to sit around and whack off all day, but on the days I knew I wasnt getting any I did an am and pm self session .

I would say use it on something you know you can attract quick so you dont become addicted to masturbating.


I have my doubts about tat, first not many chiks are into, second its a shower spell wen u shower tink all red money come to u, third its mostly covens which i read involve mostly goetia spirts, and involve jewelry etc. But mot many post results here, its nice u come whit tat amount so fast

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The girl doesnt even have to know what you’re doing, and you’d be surprised how many witches are out there. Most are into folk, and chaos magick but is still powerful in it’s own. When you’re hanging out in occult circles just be careful not to piss anyone off and have good protection setup.

Money is fairly easy to come by when you know the rules of the game. I’ve dedicated myself to a life of wealth with the most powerful disruption causing Angel’s and Demons, I have great mentors and a powerful network all built from scratch. I didnt just find it on the ground or win the lotto. Once you realize money is just an energy and understanding a few principles of money you can practically pull it out of thin air at will.


Great, but im not fluent in enghlish, wat it mean disrution whit angels and demons,? Tru i have study wealth magik im not hit the jack pot yet, and its the first thing, rule a true magician must have, money, tru spirts are a short termin. Or fast wealth, i been searching on all over the world for spells, numbers, spirts, pacts, squares, amulets, necklaces, djin magik etc, a long way, u must have good teachers, thanks 4 afvive dude, impress results,.

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have any ideal about the best demon or angel to reveal how one can
Improve his Visualization

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All of the methods in this post are valid choices.

The best choice for me is to visualize the woman that I’m having sex with to be the carnal representation of my desired outcome.

The most important thing, as always, is to forget about the ritual.

“Adventures with Sex Magick” by Damon Brand is the most useful book I have read about the topic for now

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