Servitor magick question

Hey everybody. I have asked a few questions over the years about sevitors. I have an on again -off again relationship with a guy who I care a lot about get into servitors but he had some bad psychiatric issues that troubled him for a while from it.

I thought he was done with magick and I don’t discuss anything about my practices as I like keeping this to myself. We have since moved in together a few years ago and he recently he expressed interest in doing servitor magick again. I did try discouraging him due to his mental health issues and disinterest in learning protection and spiritual cleansing. But it seems he’s made up his mind.

So I am kind of wanting a bit of refreshing my memory. What kind of stuff will I possibly have to worry about with him? Besides him maybe going kind of insane again :unamused: he isn’t interesting in anything like banishing, cleansing, protection, or spirits of any kinds.

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You can do banishings and place protections on the spaces he is in, as that doesn’t go against his will, sounds like, it’s not that he doesn’t want to be protected it’s that he’s too lazy to learn?

You can also encourage him to keep it positive, as like attracts like, most negative entities will have no interest in positive workings.


Yea, that and he just does not have really too much knowledge about magick in general. He distrusts witchcraft but is interested in magick. I tried explaining that it’s pretty much the same thing but I just gave up on that after he freaked out last time.

I think that the servitors will have some protective mechanism in it to help him with business but I’m afraid one of them will be to punish someone.

Thanks for the info @Mulberry… I’ll do cleansings of the areas he’s most likely to work in then.


Do you mean to say the servitors he made caused the issue or bad things to happen? If so I would take that as a sign that something was wrong in the creation process or when working with them, he either gave them some bad energy or that he forgot to feed them and give them a better food source (sunlight, moonlight, or whatever else), or maybe he just left them unattended with nothing to do at all.

Either way I would take that as a sign for him to work on cleaning his own energy first. If he’s got an interest in servitors but not in learning anything protective, what about making a servitor with him for protective purposes (clearing the space, clearing his energy, protecting him, etc). You can’t get more simple and set-and-forget than that.

Also keeping a ‘fatal flaw’ or killswitch that would make it easy to destroy the servitor if need arises. I’d say it also depends on how he was interacting with the servitors, if he was just treating them like created spirits with a set purpose (as he should) or trying to interact and communicate with them more than that.

There’s a lot of variables here but keeping things positive as Mulberry said would be big. When creating the servitor you can specifically tell it that it should not cause harm to others, if that’s a concern for you.

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I think he ended up leaving them unattended. This happened a few years ago but he said he never wanted to destroy them, so I’d just hoped it would fade away. I remember reading they can become trouble and should be destroyed but that never happened.

@tox1n I really like your idea about him creating a servitor to cleanse the space, him, and to protect him. I will mention it to him and suggest he add it to what he is working on. Thanks for your suggestions.

That’s probably what caused it then, you can set servitors free if you lose interest and don’t want to kill them, but otherwise they can fester and cause issues, especially for people who don’t do any protective work.

Glad to hear it and you’re welcome, hopefully it works well for him.