Servitor for talent

Is it possible to create a servitor so powerful that it can literally be summoned there and then when recording music with the purpose of implanting melodies and phrases in to my mind?

It’ll live in a bracelet I’ll wear when recording music and feed on dragons blood incense.

I’ll dangle the charm over the dragons blood every Thursday to feed it as Thursday is the day of expansion and growth.


I will say this… I had a difficult time with guitar for a long time until I began to ask for help.

I do not have this problem anymore.

It is much more than possible. I suggest you give your ideas a try and see where they take you. If you get any results, would you be sharing? Would love to hear something original and new created with this kind of help.


It is very possible! I recommend to put your idea to the test & experiment! It could help a lot & give you a better sense about servitors if any thag you’ll create in the future.


Yep. Just be aware that it will take time to learn and grow. So it may well not have the desired effect for some time.


Who did you ask for help was it a demon or deity?

I will definitely update you if any changes occur :slight_smile:

I’m willing to dedicate myself to it. I plan to keep this servitor almost indefinitely or until I stop music that is.

Do you have any tips on how to make it more powerful? I’m willing to dedicate a large chunk of time to it if it does indeed yield results.

I’m trying to replicate the kind of help a jinn can do. Like literally flood me with talent and bring fame not through manipulating people but by making my own craft so good that people have no choice but to serve me recognition.

This isn’t coming from an ill place or bad intent btw.

I love music but just think it’ll be so much more fun knowing I’m making amazing music that others will love :slight_smile:


I asked Lucifer for this help.

I look forward to hearing of your progress!

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Don’t skimp on food sources. I suggest multiple and abundant food sources of different types. A few examples:
-Kinetic energy generated when you walk
-Energy generated when you do music stuff (whatever actions that entails)
-Consuming any negative/bad/unwanted energy in your vicinity
-Speaking certain common words, whenever you feel pressure on one of your feet either consciously or unconsciously, energy generated by brushing your teeth (or any other action)

Pretty much anything that generates some kind of energy can be foodised (new word).

I think its going to be really important for you to consider what you mean by talent. Understanding this will likely be vital in your servitor design process.
Are you meaning inspiration for creating new music concepts or songs? Are you meaning dexterity with instruments? Do you mean the ability to rapidly learn new music? These are just a few examples.
If you have a clear idea of what musical talent is in terms of you are meaning the servitor to do, I think you will be well set up to design something to meet your needs.

It would likely also serve your goal well if your instructions include something about the servitor being able to go forth and learn from others. So it can go out there and learn what makes musically talented people good at their craft and can employ those learnings in its works,
But I think you would need to be very careful around these instructions, too specific and you risk limiting its scope and perhaps also it just learning to replicate what it finds rather than create something new with those learnings, too broad and it may well expend most of its time just on this part of its mission.
To get this right, I think it would help to have a very clear understanding of what you view as musical talent and how you want the servitor to utilise its learnings to help you.
Sometimes servitor design can be a bit of a balancing act.

My strong feeling on this project though is that patience is going to be very important. It feels like something that will take time to deliver.