Servitor creation

So I want to manifest my first servitor to kick off the new year. What recommendations would you all have to make one legit? From you experiences, do they have emotion or are they mindless and bound to one motive? What do you feed them with? Tell me your experiences please and how you made yours. Thanks


I’ve only made one so far. I learned about them on this forum and then spent about a month or so researching and planning it’s construction.
I built mine with the help of my demon teacher.
You need to have an energy source for its creation and it doesn’t have to be your energy. For example: mine is half of my demon teacher and half energy I took from the screaming schizophrenic off her meds next door. Mine is very very bad and I didn’t want him to be that connected to me.
Next you can (don’t think you must) make a sigil. I made mine out of bind runes.
Have a physical home for the servitor where you could also keep anything related to it’s job.
Carefully write its programmming/instructions. Make sure it only takes commands from you, has no thoughts of its own, and will cease existing when you write it in it’s instructions. (Or not. Maybe you want a sentient friend).
Make sure you cover all angles!! If there is anything wrong with the servitor it is because your instructions were lacking.
Give him form and breath life into him 3 times.
You will have to show him how to start. As the puppet master you will have to actually move his body in the motions you want him to perform, over and over again until he can do it on his own.
For food: thoughts, chanting, sunlight, crystals, breath, idk the list might be endless


Got it. What should I be doing? Meditation and visualizing what exactly?

You can form them into whatever you want: a human, a shadow, a car, a boat, a clock, a sword, etc. It solely depends on its function and your preference


I Guess what I am asking is the construction means. Do you form it in front of you? Inside your mind? Do you let energy out through your hands? Like what do you do if that makes sense.

Oh well idk about other people but I was nervous about doing it alone and I wanted it to be strong more than anything so I asked for help from my teacher. I’m sure you understand why - clear instructions in one place are lacking! I was piecing this all together.
I pricked every single one of my fingers (as I was led to do in the moment) and Evoked my teacher. I felt him connected to me at the fingers so we were face to face, touching fingers, like a mime mirror.
It was then time to build up energy. Idk where He sourced his but I took mine from my neighbor.
I put the energy ball we formed down in front of me as I wrote the programming and sigil from my notes to a new piece of paper.
I chanted it’s name as we formed it into a human shape.
I formed it in front of me with my minds eye then breathed life into it and clapped my hands to release from my finger tips and send to it’s destination.


Very nice. I cant wait to try this out

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Did you end up making a servitor?

Not yet. I have been busy with other operations