Semi Astral Projection

Everytime I lift up out of my body and begin emerging to the astral plane my excitement/bewilderment shocks me back into my body. It’s taken quite a long time to get some techniques down to begin soul traveling, and I just can’t seem to stay airborne. The last time I attempted to leave my body I saw several lights around me as I pushed through some sort of black wormhole. The farther I got the more willpower it kept to keep going. Right as I would have emerged to what couldve been the astral plane I’ve been trying so hard to reach I suddenly found myself in my body again.
Basically I don’t consider myself to have truly astral projected when I havn’t been able to interact with the plane like I would like to.
Any advice would be appreciated.

[quote=“thinktank123, post:1, topic:3826”]Everytime I lift up out of my body and begin emerging to the astral plane my excitement/bewilderment shocks me back into my body. It’s taken quite a long time to get some techniques down to begin soul traveling, and I just can’t seem to stay airborne. The last time I attempted to leave my body I saw several lights around me as I pushed through some sort of black wormhole. The farther I got the more willpower it kept to keep going. Right as I would have emerged to what couldve been the astral plane I’ve been trying so hard to reach I suddenly found myself in my body again.
Basically I don’t consider myself to have truly astral projected when I havn’t been able to interact with the plane like I would like to.
Any advice would be appreciated.[/quote]

This is a common problem for a lot of people. People usually get “sucked” back into their bodies for one of two reasons; either because they get to excited or becaue they don’t have enough energy to sustain their projection.

As you continue to project out of body, the excitment you felt initially will begin to wane–eventually to the point where it is no longer a hindrance to maintaining a projection. However, for some people, the inability to get over this issue quickly is self-induced. By continuing to allow yourself to “get excited” every time you project, you are subconciously programming your mind to get excited with each subsequent projection, exacerbating the problem.

While it isn’t easy for everyone to immediately overcome this issue, there are a few things that might help. Visualize yourself projecting out of body–really allow yourelf to get lost in it, without hoklding back your feelings. Do this repeatedly, until you reach the point where it is difficut to feel any sense of excitment with the visualized projection. By allowing the excitment to dissipate naturally in this fashion, you will be less likely to suffer from this problem during a real projection.

I have also found that the circumstances under which you project can make a difference. If you are trying to project in the middle of the day, when you are wide awake, you are more likely to get excited during the exit compared to an exit which takes place first rise in the morning or when you wake up in the middle of the night. By trying to project first rise in the morning–or any time you wake up at night–your mind will already be in a naturally relaxed state–calmer and less prone to excitment, allowing you to project with a reduced possibility of ruining it due to empotional overload.

Another benefit associated with morning or middle of the night projection efforts is that, often times, you will already be half-way there…or even on the verge of an exit, giving you less time to think about your problem and mind-screw yourself.

Some commonly encountered “symptoms” associated with low energy are the inability to move/move well or the in ability to see/see well. In terms of vision, everything may appar “fuzzy” or even completely dark, while movement issues can be charcaterized by the inability to take even one step without extreme effort. Basically, it feels like your astral senses and functions are trying to run on low-power. Difficulty concentrating is another one, as is having extreme tunnel vision, although the latter is not always associated with an energy deficit.

Initially, you may not have any of these problem, but within a short time of leaving your body you may find one or more of these things starting to take hold. Obviously, energy work will assist you in overcoming this problem. I suggest you read Robert Bruce’s books on astral projection–a lot of great information on the subject, as well as common sense ways to overcome many of the problems beginning projectors face.

Lastly, some people find it is more dificult to stay in a projected state when they are within the immediate vicinity of their body. By moving quickly away from it , you’re less likely to experience this problem.

I noticed you said that your excitment tends to end your projection, rather than ruining the exit attempt itself. For most peole, excitment is more of an issue during the exit atempt rather than the projection itself, as a calm, relaxed state is crucial for achieving an exit, but less important for sustaining the projection. Still, it can certainly cause problems in either area.

Aside from the things I just mentioned, I have found that the following tricks may help you maintain a projection when you feel like you’re starting to lose control–courtesy of Robert bruce. Try looking at your hands or spinning in circles, as they may help you stabilize a shaky projection. If it works for you (it should help), you can do this repeatedly, as often as needed, to help re-stabilize. Results can vary, but in many cases it can be very helpful. I have also found that just yelling out words such as “stabilize”, or “clarity” have helped me maintain a projection when things start to go fuzzy or I begin losing concentration. You can apply this to any problem which is related to an energy deficit, such as yelling out “light now” when a room is dark, etc. How this works, I have no idea, but all of these things have worked for me in the past.

Of course, the best thing to do is address the problem at its root, but these temporary fixes may help you to maintain a projection that otherwise would have been cut short.

Ohhh…and by the way, as soon as you left your body, you succesfully astral projected, even if you only walked two feet or it lasted 2 seconds. Traveling to the plane of your choice is not always easy, especially for a beginner, so give yourself some credit–you have already projected succesfully! Having the ability to travel to any plain for as long as you want with fully functioning astral senses is not an easy thing to accomplish, at least when doing it all by yourself. This is someting I am far from being able to do and what I would consider the sign of a master projector.

[quote=“thinktank123, post:1, topic:3826”]Everytime I lift up out of my body and begin emerging to the astral plane my excitement/bewilderment shocks me back into my body. It’s taken quite a long time to get some techniques down to begin soul traveling, and I just can’t seem to stay airborne. The last time I attempted to leave my body I saw several lights around me as I pushed through some sort of black wormhole. The farther I got the more willpower it kept to keep going. Right as I would have emerged to what couldve been the astral plane I’ve been trying so hard to reach I suddenly found myself in my body again.
Basically I don’t consider myself to have truly astral projected when I havn’t been able to interact with the plane like I would like to.
Any advice would be appreciated.[/quote]

Basic stabilization problems, very common, especially among those new to lucid dreaming who find it difficult to stay in the dream for more than a few seconds.

It sounds like you’re starting off in the void, and when you say you can’t stay airborne, you go back down into your body. If you’re in the void, don’t even bother trying to fly. It’s physically impossible to have movement without a reference point to move relative to.

Focus on establishing points of reference instead of flying. Most instability happens when people realize what’s happening and shift all their attention onto their thoughts, taking it away from the reference points which are holding the environment together.