Self hypnosis for evocation

I have methods I have created over the years on deepen trance states and symbolic body movements to induce the rapture, I’m interested in your guys self hypnosis for evocation comment below or PM me to share notes and techniques on this topic together.


I am interested your techniques.

I would definitely be interested-- I feel like strengthening my trances/meditations will help me escape from the current “block” I feel when trying to invoke/evoke.

I’m interested too…

Thank you.

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I’m interested

I’m also interested in the methods.

I’m interested

I’m interested

Definitely interested.
This is something I’ve thought about, but never tried.

*Edit - though I now see the original post is quite old. :joy:

Very interested

I am very interested, too.

OP’s post is old, bu I’m interested.

I am interested…

Oh, this is my jam.

If OP has not replied yet, might I suggest [this thread by a dear friend]
(Hypnosis 1: An Overview of How It Applies to Sorcery (Tutorial))

I can attest to the effectiveness of creating triggers in your subconscious mind that take you to states where you can access a wide variety of spiritual beings and powers.

The1GZA, as he was known, hipped me to a training course designed to aid in remote viewing/remote influencing, but the first few sessions are mostly self hypnosis. And honestly, the self hypnosis sessions have been the best part.

I’m at the point now where I only have to say a certain phrase, and I’m off communicating with my deep mind, and other minds( or spirits if you prefer) that I work with.

TBH it’s been far more effective to work in this paradigm than the old grimoires for me. Once you can put triggers in place to help you get in different brainwave states, the rest of the world opens up to you.

If anyone is looking to get a good taste of hypnosis, I’d recommend meditation for 30 minutes right after you wake up. Once you get into the state in which you feel both awake and asleep at the same time, you’ll know you’re on the right track.


I also use multiple triggers (mudra esp) to expedite the trance state. Self hypnosis and autosuggestion can most definitely assist in the anchoring of this. Also, hypnosis and autosuggestion/affirmation can help overcome limiting beliefs in regards to fear and belief in one’s capabilities…


I too am Interested

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