Search for inspiration

Oh, my camera is too sharp.
Lemme fix this pic real quick brb

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Okay. My new goalā€¦
I need to get my wife to drink some nice clean water which contains no salt and no poison.

I offer her water, and she responds as if itā€™s a serious threat to her well being.

That is not natural or healthy, and any doctor on earth would agree that all humans have a standing prescription to drink water. At the very least, I need the other members of my family to recognize the absurd nature of the conflicts we have.

I know that seems really vanilla for a black magician, but thatā€™s where Iā€™m at.

ā€œSanity is often the social struggle over what seems obviousā€ -Sane Person (a secret name for evil)

On Gender

I absolutely respect and sympathize with people who would eschew the common cultureā€™s rhetoric, and identify themselves however they like.
ā€œA person is, whatever a person says it is.ā€

I have long understood the handicap of human language, and encourage my fellow punk to challenge the fashion victims in every clique.
Still, we need some shared vernacular with witch we might communicate. This clash in thinking is a constant struggle in my wife and Iā€™s relationship.
ā€œStay Goldā€ is a commandment in my book.
We are minds with bodies.
We are pilots, and not ships of Theseus.

Back in the 90ā€™s, my way of thinking was that Male just means male body, and Female just means female body. Lots of old ways talk about the ā€œtwin spiritā€ and some traditions consider it a gift or a skill to be learned. I agree. I also have a good understanding of the difference between a candle and a flame.

[Using the word ā€˜Iā€™ a lot seems a bit self centered, but I like to report my reality from my personal perspective as honestly as words allow. For a more spiritual effect, we write in the second person. This is often viewed as a feminine writing voice.]

Reverend Yuri and Orlee Stewartā€¦
You guys are awesome. Thank you so much for showing us such a sweet and honest version of what most black magicians want their lives to look like.

Koetting and Zaraphina are almost scary to me.
Sometimes I canā€™t even believe what Iā€™m seeing in BALG these days. Just popping the YouTubes on while I fart around in my garage rips my entire mind out of my skull and paints it in the sky. Old videos too. These computers are part of our human craft, and you guys are shredding the veil too too hard. They canā€™t take it back now. Rome wasnā€™t burned in a day, but this is what apocalypse looks like.

Ti, Te, Tu
The Spanish language shows traces of Thee,Thy,Thou even though the Imperial Cult of Rome convinced the world that Spanish is a Latin language.
Latin people are Latin of course. My maternal grandfather is a bit of a mystery to me, but I have some kind of California roots and I visited him on a ranch where we rode horsesā€¦

Oh, right. This hand gesture is for protection.
I think it goes back to Futhark, but Futhark comes from nature, so who knows?
Anybody know a Spanish protection symbol?

What does the USS Enterprise have in common with toilet paper?


Sometimes I feel as though the entire endeavor of black magic is to teach people the truth, against their will.

A mind is not a body, and the truth is not a blade.
The five point palm exploding heart technique is like the end of that movie ā€œfalling downā€ when Michael Douglass says, ā€œwaitā€¦ Iā€™m the bad guy?ā€

However, the writer was a genius who knows how to shoot someone who outgrew him. D-fence guy pulls a water gun, and sacrifices his life for the benefit of his wife and kid. Of course the cop had to shoot, and shoot well, but as the body fell to the musical swell, our fine detective knew what he knew from the very start.

Will Foster was a fine upstanding citizen who has almost everything in common with Willie Lowman from ā€œDeath of a Salesmanā€. They succumbed to the dark side, aka the ill will. The supernatural evil of psychic struggle was more powerful than their natural inner benevolence.

Every person is inherently good. The falsehood between ourselves is a strong enemy, but a well experienced seer can learn to fight the worms in the form of an invincible eagle.

Standing on an opponentā€™s sword is a symbol for being an adult about philosophy. ā€œOh, youā€™re right. Thatā€™s very interesting. Actually, it causes me to reflect on another truth.ā€ Thatā€™s when we kick the opponent directly in the face while standing on their sword. Thatā€™s how I see Abbadon the destroyer as taught by Koetting and BALG. A healthy attitude toward oneā€™s ego coupled with a curious outlook makes us into an unstoppable army of immortal avengers with orders that come directly from the Emperor (the true will).

Magic totally happens, and these fools witnesses it all the time, then try their best to deny the truth. It screws up their memory, and Iā€™m getting pretty good at tracking the enemy through the forests of other peopleā€™s uncultivated worldviews. I have access to the green colored flashy thingy, and I intend to use it. This is Earth, ladies and gentlemen. Magic is made first and foremost in service of truth, and in this endeavor, laziness will not suffice.

I see amazing potential in myself. Out of several possibilities, I can only draw so many conclusions.

Maybe Iā€™m being watched by a network of spies who carry my wishes to all the smart people I look up to, but thatā€™s crazy. Who would bother with all that?

Maybe I am some kind of secret emperor god who controls human affairs while I live in a swamp of false resentment, but thatā€™s crazy and goes directly against my sincerely held moral and ethical values.

Maybe I really have connected myself with an amazingly skilled circle of black magicians, and as I improve my psychology and my skills, I feel more and more connected to them. I think thatā€™s the idea we all have in common, and these guys have a habit of speaking truths that get in my head and improve my relationship with cold hard reality, so I guess Iā€™ll use that theory.

I hope I can get my short-range situation under control soon. I really want to read some badass leather-bound books about the hard earned wisdom gathered by the writers of BALG. The main point of it all is to teach individuals how to use their skills and talents in real life pragmatic situations, so I gotta keep working my one-inch punch.

Good thing thereā€™s High Elves sprinkling ammunition all over the place. Ooooooo-oui! Thatā€™s some pyroclastic funktastic earth magic.
Highly unusual shit batman!

ā€œI really canā€™t dance, and I know you donā€™t want me to.ā€
Thatā€™s psionic shadow work, and women have an extra edge in this realm. That suits me just fine. My feminine side is actually a lot more wild and natural than my male side. Solar and Lunar make good symbols for a personā€™s natural inclination, while seidr and galdr make good symbols for the learned, skillful application of these energies.

The ā€œphilosopherā€™s circleā€ runs on a similar, but obviously more complex set of energetic relationships. I have a lot of pent up energy related to my inability to clearly communicate in past experience, but I already know something that I need to keep in mind.

We should always be trying to learn from each other entity in our circle, and we must respect the silence of these same spirits. We all have secrets to keep, and secrets to share.

In Spanish, Y means ā€˜andā€™. Itā€™s pronounced like a long ā€˜Eā€™. Kinda makes me think about the Three Musketeers, and Raphael the ninja turtle who wasnā€™t quite satisfied with staying safe in the sewers. The other guys were right. He needed to chill, but they needed to go on a kickass adventure for great justice.

Okay, you got me. I love church girls.

The spirit shown by Rev.Yuri is best described as an angelic girl. Sheā€™s the princess Moonchild of Fantasia. She is the embodiment of Emmanuel Kantā€™s Queen of the Sciences. She is the Holy Filament.

Greeks describe the omni benevolent spirit as ā€˜agapeā€™, the word Christians use for the love of Christ. Rev. Yuri is clearly not interested in upholding any humanā€™s claim to religious authority, but she seems to understand ā€œspiritual security clearanceā€.

The hair and makeup are nice adornments, but her tone and body language and energy come from a deep and natural sense of self. I appreciate how difficult this spirit is to invoke, and that it deserves protection.

Today was the perfect day for me to reflect on this. My personal magical clockwork was clearly at play. The Calvanists would call her ā€˜Ordainedā€™. With an angel of mercy atop my temple, perhaps my battle is won for a while.

Blessed be, and job well done.

I donā€™t really know what to say about the right-handed churches that humans have made throughout history.

Actuallyā€¦ I do have a lot to say about human religion, and most of what I have to say seems oddly simple and, even more oddly, I know lots of religious people who wouldnā€™t be bothered by my opinions because lots of my beliefs and methods are inspired by things Iā€™ve learned from religion.

The spiritual ā€œtrapā€ that has followed me through life might be diagnosed as a generational curse. In some way, I feel like I bring certain ā€œbadgesā€ to my magical quests in life. I walk up to the church near my house sometimes, and I feel totally welcome as long as I act all nice and civilized. I bring my own badge of Methodist and loyalty toward John Wesley to my altar, and it seems to be working just fine.

I think that the more dangerous demons of black magic get a lot of their power from widespread acts of bad karma. It reminds me of the ā€œbackdraftā€ effect, and fire magic, and a bunch of things like that.

I almost immediately feel good about that post,
So hereā€™s the image I use for my phoneā€™s lockscreen. Itā€™s a mandate that I find acceptable, and that I try to uphold. Weā€™re all dying though, and the world is really screwed up and I wouldnā€™t make things this bad if I was in control of the universe, so I havenā€™t done anything wrong or unnatural by learning the ways of black magic.

In fact, if people want to get all technical about theology, I can take apart the concept of free will and look at the Newtonian universe that is also the Calvinist perspective and Hindu twists on the mechanics of Catholic Saints and a bunch of stuff thatā€™s already been done to death.

I know for an absolute fact that any person who really bothered to try could understand everything I know about magic and spirituality, and that keeps me slightly pissed off all day long every single day. Sometimes I want to get a lobotomy, but then I think about everyone else who also has to walk around looking at all this bullshit every day and Iā€™m like, ā€œfuckā€.

I canā€™t possibly believe in God, because the universe is too stupid, but I canā€™t not believe a lot of other things because Iā€™ve approached them as honestly and precisely as I can, and theyā€™ve proven themselves as meaningful principles of metaphysical engineering.

Persons must, by their undeniable nature, criticize and cultivate the world. Iā€™ve always known that my struggle with religion was an illusion. My illusory struggle has polluted my spiritual dialogue with other people, but no specific thing needs to happen for this problem to be solved.

Zen Satanism is a lot like that classic Zen Sword bit, where the sword master fucks up the whole town before he can sit down and have that same cup of tea he was trying to get when some fuckhead kicked over his table at the tea house.

I got this whole scene that I keep seeing in my head. Itā€™s the best ending for a Zen Sword movie. Itā€™s already a thing.
Oh my image broke. Fuck it. Fuck church nevermind

The most recent BALG video mentioned time and attention, and the whole vibe of it got me thinking about Azazel. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve talked to anybody about Azazel yet, but itā€™s one of Koettingā€™s favorite names for a spirit that I feel familiar with.

I can think of a very specific vision of an ā€œalter egoā€ that I had going when I had a job making high quality leather bondage gear. That was Azazel. If I were a master painter or film maker, and I could capture the essence of this person with whom I have psychically interacted, I feel certain that Koetting would agree that Azazel is the right name for that entity.

I use the word ā€˜personā€™ in a philosophical manner. I am, as always, investigating the ultimate nature of these mysteries. I think that Emmanuel Kant would get along with Azazel and vice versa.
I doubt that Iā€™m the first person to think about that, but I might be because Iā€™m a really good seer and philosopher at the same time. Maybe I should write a book.
Except, they already wrote a fuckload of books and everybodyā€™s still stupid as fuck.

Meh, maybe Iā€™ll just go fuck around on the internet for a while instead.

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I had a really good day dealing with certain people today. I am willing to annihilate the entire human race to get what I want, but all I want is a bit of clever conversation with a few friends. Itā€™s sort of ridiculous how good I feel when someone is nice to me these days. From my perspective, common culture is completely ate up with hostility and paranoia.

I have chosen to wear the mantle of ā€œwarlockā€. To me, that means that I willingly uphold my personal truth in public and private. If someone wants to argue about spiritual or esoteric ideas, theyā€™d better be ready to get their head fucked with. Iā€™ve found my right-handed religion in Heathenry, and it works just fine with all the smartass bullshit Iā€™ve picked up as a nihilist internet troll.

Then again, Iā€™m home now with my weird ass multi religion politically turbulent family, so Iā€™ll shut up and find some muggle stuff to do.

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Oh my goodness gracious sakes alive :fearful:

Life has become a razor sharp mental effort.
Itā€™s very painful and terrifying at times, but there is a certain side of personality that keeps making the right choices again and again. Itā€™s the sorcerer in me that has always been correct.

I should push my life toward a situation where I can be who Iā€™m obviously supposed to be. Iā€™m not used to actually being myself, so thereā€™s some fine tuning to be done.

I really like what BALG is doing these days.
Magicians need other magicians in their lives.
At least, thatā€™s what Iā€™m all about. Thereā€™s a reason the First Amendment comes first. Communication is everything to a person such as myself.

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It wipes out Klingons

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Fourteen days went by without me responding to good vibes from a magician called Healing Heart who gets my Aries joke about Uranusā€¦

Thatā€™s a sign my my own dropping of the social ball. A missed service to put it in terms of tennis and Love :orange_heart:

I am working on my communication with others.
Somehow, thatā€™s my infinite task to never fully complete. Youā€™re cool @Healing_Heart
Thanks for engaging :vulcan_salute:

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So like, A Prayer for the goddamn US Postal Service

My plastic copy of my driverā€™s license from my wallet which recently banished from my evil coat of absolutely no colors along with my wallet in front of three cashiers in a row, I digress yet nevertheless is in the mail along with my ability to open a bank account and my plans to purchase a copy of The Grimoire of Azazel.

I will save that Grimoire money like it was for my crack dealer, but a little expedience on the part of Ptah would be shiny on top of slick in my opinion.

Black Ice was the best pinewood derby car to have hailed from the Blithering Idiots Racing Team. We dropped faster models, and flashier too, but Black Ice was the retro-futuristic-inspired-artistic invention that one might call a flaggship :dragon_face:

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I miss Pinewood derby racing, from years ago

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Nice. That was one of my favorite competitive experiences. We got loads of camping gear that we put to proper use in service of our den and our pack but mainly for ourselves, but we were model scouts and totally followed the rules.

My dad and brothers and I with the support of our den leader who was a CIA instructor at the local AirForce base (Scoutā€™s Honor) created an ā€œOpen Classā€ pinewood car racing division allowing certain advanced modifications agreed to by several pinewood science enthusiasts among pack 52 leadership.

Sorcerers know too much about words to be chained to scripture, even if we seek to honor the ways of our people. Truth is the opposite of sin, if such a thing as sin could be, and truth is nothing if not known, soā€¦
yup, social magical fuckery is complex


LOL, almost sounded like you came from an LDS family

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Iā€™ve known a few. My grandparents once hired a ā€œdeprogrammerā€ for a family member who has taught me more than they seem to know.

Justin, Nathan, and Kylie from Ladson SC I think, but it was elementary school days so I might be totally wrong about their names. They were cool, but absolutely could not do anything at all on Sunday. I think H.R. and Erinā€™s parents got into LDS as well.

Ahhhhhh, the 80ā€™s

I was talking about the Satanic Panic to my mom earlier without calling it by name. The two most common names for guys precisely my age, Michael and Jason.

They all say battle angel and Argonaut captain, but those are the two Hollywood psycho killers from exactly that moment in pop-culture. Omen was also a hit during that odd ā€œbaby-droughtā€ as if a semi-conscious awareness were afoot concerning the birth of everyoneā€™s favorite disrupter, the auntie-kryst.

This message broucha to the Church of Zezus kryst of Satyrday stains :speak_no_evil:

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