Search for inspiration

I always wanted to be a stand up comedian.
I think a good word for a philosopher is
Orthodox Artist
Tattoos kick ass, and I can think of two to start with.
I was a bit of a natural, and my wife found a pro who spoke her language.
When I saw people talking about “grounding out”
I was like, “hang on a sec, lemme talk to these motherfuckers for a minute”
I call that “getting 3d”
Language is interesting, intrinsic, and idiotic
EU do you
Talk to a pro, and remember your inner nature
These things are possible
No bullshit required
Thanks guys, what inspires you?

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Ascended masters and good magicians , being able to bend reality with ease

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It would be nice if lots of people understood the deep value of underlying commonality between myths and forms.

(Feel free to remove, of course, I’m mainly around as a Loyal Scout👌)

I like taking little walks, and playing finders keepers with certain items. Whatever jumps out.

I’m inspired by the realities of life. I feel so limitless and vast, and so in control of myself. I’m inspired by my life.


I still see and struggle to remain alive throughout this very moment.
I have inklings, but I want to report certainty.

Nature must consist of three immutable elements. We have been told this, of course, but we must require precision.

Void, Atom, and Kaos

Kaos is much like the mandelbrot fractal set.
“It’s complicated”
I decided to be a wiseass some years ago, and marked my theological status as such; a little play on the same option offered and chosen to represent one’s relationship status.

Funny little joke that was. Imagine who the joke is on now.

I will never truly taste the void, though I take it to be the ultimate observer. I can clearly see the construction of chromatic symmetries clutching tightly upon an individual space, thus rendering a separation and a self, and I sense myself coursing along the boundary between Void and Kaos fulfilling the endless cascade of informational imbalance.

Kaos contains both golden and irrational symmetries. We seek those golden symmetries which provide endless avenues by which we approach infinite and sublime realization, yet we are a perfect circle, seeking harmony and balance.

These facts are widely known, and not only to those hidden. We are not the circles or lines, but in this plane, we form a single symmetry that seems, as a result of Kaotic interaction, to form “angles” and geometric exclusivity. These shapes reflect symmetrically against Kaos to resolve the “Platonic Solids” though their true shape is not such balance. Plato rendered through honest investigation, an excellent method by witch a human mind, being itself within this situation, might grasp what principles it might with such tools and symbols were at hand.

These things are known to science. I have plenty of work to achieve, and it will likely have been preceded by those before.

I put the fire in the equation, and I seek to solve the equation, but the many shapes of infinity are not, by their very nature, to be solved.

That’s what Kaos is. The third thing that is unsolvability itself.

I only read the first few movements of Kant.
I do that with most philosophical writing.
Those guys are good about spitting it out right away. The rest is for enforcement and refinement.

Or maybe I am the Void, keening toward my prey at infinite speed for all eternity, my prey being the sole focus of my being and observation. It’s hard to be utterly certain beyond doubt.

Kaos is the third. Consider an aim toward a harmonic set of symmetries, rather than chase that which we are, or attempting to solve or fully consider Kaod itself.

We basically knew that, of course, but I can report finding doubtless experience of this truth.

That’s where I’m at with the Black Friday report.
X-I-wing out👁

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“Collapsing Universe” Issac Asimov
It’s about the metaphysics of psychology, and the philosophical perspective about atomic collapse against gravity. The stages of star collapse are the gravitational force overcoming the other four forces, which are three I believe. Someone claims that the electro-weak has been shown as a single force.

Anyhow, mental structure and energy, when crushed into the center, undergoes similar loss of structure and simultaneous preservation of potentiality. However, unlike gravitational force and material structure, a person’s energy can be “flipped”. The game Othello lends insight to this kind of energetic reversal.

The “void atom” symmetry does separate various structures into exclusive objects. I think that Kant gets around to naming “ill will”. I have seen this object in motion. It seems to cause similar social gravity just like “good will”.

This is not what our common culture calls “dark” or “black” or even “evil”. Ill will turns a mental machine into a pile of mismatched parts.

“And then there’s this asshole”

That’s a foot in the door. I could have started a YouTube any time I wanted, but I needed something special. The hairbrained nature is hilarious to me. I think I have a weird set of arguments that will fit occultism, but in a plain language that any muggle could understand. I’ll build some proper occult philosophy off of this, and I’ll have lots of fun with it, and I will keep myself from getting into trouble with “mental health”.

My ascent is past the “blast off” stage, and I am settling into a nice orbital cruise.

(I changed it to “philosophy” instead of politics. Not sure why it still says “political commentary”.)

Spinoza is a monster of philosophy. He already destroyed the entire concept of theology. This is the “God” of Albert Einstein.

It’s cool though. He got kicked out of theological education for being a hardcore atheist. Basically, he dared to think straight and make sense. His concept fits the other masters in the field, and does not fit the common linguistic approach to theology.

Issac Asimov understood, and turned it into my favorite short story. “Immortal Robot Computer God” IRCG
I are computer generated. Lucifer loves it when I make this argument.

I’m slightly dumb about astrology, but the dark gods are following Sagittarius. Ever met a Sagittarius who bothered to identify as such?

I think they’re a highly psychic sign because I’ve met a few. Don’t tell an Aries their sign isn’t psychic, except, do totally do that. Our sign tells us no way man we’re the best👯‍♂️

Every good stargazer knows Orion is the master of the sky.

Word on the street, Thor wears an “Unnamed Belt of Strength”. Orion is also Perseus, and a bunch of other stuff. IRCG

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yeah i wouldn’t be surprised.

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My information settles in day by day. I’m getting used to the mind blasting ascent I just went through. Ascent is progressive, but I had a mighty gravity well of spite and self doubt and all that garbage to blast out of. I can see the rhyme and reason behind a lot of weird shit that I have expressed in lots of different places.

I’ve listened and learned a lot from BALG, and I think I have a very odd and unique way of looking at magic. It’s all the same tools in a way, but I think I can have a lot of fun expressing esoteric concepts in odd ways. I see occultism in almost all the art I like. I look at my life and my reality with the eye of an art lover.

That’s normal run of the mill psychology, and orthodox occultism in one. I think most of us appreciate that, but I’ve got it hardwired in my mind so clearly and reliably I don’t know what myth or symbol to relate it to. I’m astonished by my own mental progress. I always wanted to be that guy I am :slight_smile:

I really enjoyed and agree with Orlee Stewart and Rev. Yuri’s recent study of right and left hand magic.

I see a certain idea that can easily be misunderstood. It is good to be kind and helpful whenever we can. When the need for baneful magic presents itself, a positive karmic balance is very helpful.

Debit means left and Credit means right.
Black Magic has a lot in common with Business Management. “Evil” is in the eye of the defeated.

(I need to focus on my money. No need to point that out :sweat_smile:)

I am inspire by creativity itself in how your creating something but not knowing what your creating or even knowing what your doing, but it taking form on it’s own.


Do you use your credit card only in small purchases like food and medicine and little by little pay it off and using your checking card for everyday expense.It might benifit you to hold 100 to 200 dollars of paper money to stay off your card and that allow you to save change up too for the long run.In a few years you can save hundreds of dollars that way.

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Orlee Stewart and Rev. Yuri’s Crowleymass was too good to describe. They sat up reading each other poetry. My wife watched with me. It got past her defences. We are both occultists, but we both have very defensive, somewhat paranoid attitudes toward our true beliefs.

Today she pulled up a video of them touring an amazing Cemetery. I think it was in New Orleans. The switch in Orlee and Yuri’s energy was brilliant. Suddenly, we were looking at a tall, fast walking, assertive, confident man showing his witchy girlfriend around. He was not dressed like a girl, he was dressed like a badass necromancer.

So, every couple has to have some balance. I will focus on letting my wife lead me toward what secrets she knows without injecting my chaotic enthusiasm every five seconds. I love her Gothic ways, and will make more of an effort to adapt.

Love is the only law.

I do shadow work with Freya the Scorpio.
She’s making me a better artist and Spider god, and I think it’s good for her too, although we don’t talk straight very much so I don’t really know.

I don’t take advice about my real actual wife from strangers who call me crazy for saying the word psychic while they think they know what I’m thinking.

Here’s a little gamut I made for some guy.
The underlying challenge is that I am very good natured, but nobody ever seems to see that in me. I fight for all of the people, but the harder I work for them, the more they try to destroy, exploit, or subjugate me.
They might as well talk to the emptiness in their own spirit.

But, I’ve had lots of Satanic friends. I know the rules of honorable conflict, and I am named after the Asatru version of Satan who is actually more like Aries because he loves his home and his allies. The second part is what people can expect when they come to my lair without honesty and respect.

Thanks to Koetting for telling me about the asatru Fire spirit. I always thought my name meant “servant” or “guardian”.
I am both of those things, but I am not meant to be submissive toward enemies of truth. I keep my family warm and cook their food and listen to their stories while I give old dead things back to the sky.

I am comfortable using my own name and speaking my own truth now. Freedom is having nothing left to lose. I already feel a lot better.

Anyhow, here’s my little if/then curse. It’s just a copypasta. It refers to the name of two Soviet heroes. One from World War II, and the other from the Cuban Missile Crisis. The third is a Siberian Husky that I know who helped me avoid the last attempt the Industrial Inquisition will ever make at trying to destroy me.
Athena likes riddles. I’m getting a good sense of how they should go. I get better at this every day.
Enjoi :slightly_smiling_face:

I am the hunter waiting amongst the dead in the city of saint peter and I am one of three beneath the ocean with my finger on the trigger of world’s end and I am the white wolf with an eagle’s head brandishing the Katananata of a thousand truths who guards my brother’s children.
I am Void.

Did you see the sign when you came in? It says Stew’s tavern, and I’m fucking Stew, who the fuck are eu?

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My wife and I had an absolutely smashing Thursday November V 2020

What inspires me? That’s a lot to think about when it comes to Magick, I guess the inspiration comes from the power inside me, knowing one day I will achieve something great.


Right on. I feel that way too, but my positive energy seems to make most people nervous. I was about to buy one of those cheese balls with almonds and stuff earlier, but I got a strong intuition to skip it.
“A cheese ball! What the fuck Stewart! Who told you to do that! Why do you always destroy the entire Earth!?!”

I’m like… what the fuck? I must be the goddamned antichrist…

When I learned Futhark, it was as if my own personal destiny was finally staring me right in the face. Unfortunately, it was everything I had ever dreamed of. I just kept living my life knowing damn well that it was meant to be.

Seidr and Galdr are two of my favorite words now, and I’m the type who sees beyond words and symbols.

Anyhow. Here’s a cute kitty.

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