Sealing off an enemies blessings :

I’ve spoke about how blessings off others can benefit your target particularly if their allies are strong spiritually.

Ancestors can be bound, entities can be negotiated with and most people have no deities protecting them. Shields can be shattered but what off blessings?

Well I’m in this dilemma, I learnt that my targets are protected by a Hindu Priest and have blessings from many people. Off course before I strike, it makes sense to cut off their supplies. I don’t want to hurt the people blessing them and don’t want to trigger a war with the priest for various reasons.

I have decided on creating a servitor to eat their blessings and transmute it into shitty energy which the targets will receive. Can I have honest opinions?

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Have any updates on how this went?

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Ancestors where bound

The priest decided to fight and the Gods didn’t give a fuck about him. He constantly sent shit my way and thanks to my guides I sent that shit back. Eventually he caved in and the family who was employing him to protect my targets had an incident which ended in one of them going crazy as a warning to stay out

Another spiritual person tried to remove the energy from my targets and they only managed to delay the spell but ended up passing away in the process.

Everyone else well their prayers and manifestations are harmless to my targets are leaving this world now. Keep in mind this was a peacefully baneful spell and my guides helped me not hurt the targets too bad but those that interfere the way these people did well…


They have also employed a new priest who is much more powerful but I spoke with his Guides and they told me that as long as I don’t attack the priest there won’t be issues. Tbh I dont feel the need to attack this priest . unlike others he has done a lot of good and is just caught on the wrong side.

Can you enlighten the steps to do, as it may help me too.

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What would you like to know specifically?

Like if you don’t mind sharing how the servitor was created or programed to do the job because our BALG friends are sharing lot of new concepts of servitor creation, charging like things. In that regards i was asking.

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Ahh I didn’t create the servitor. I just called on a guide to destroy their shields and then worked with another whenever they tried to use a return to sender or attack me via magick.

The method I use to send the attack back is EAs method where you draw in energy from your environment and visualize it as a white light. I then add on elemental energy or energy of a Deity and you send it as a blast in the direction you feel the attack coming always hits its mark.


I am a beginner so don’t mistake me about me asking guides, i worked with angels, demons, deities. What is the concept about guides?

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To me guides are angels, demons, deities or spirits that choose to guide or protect us either through life or for a certain duration of time


I get your point

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Omg. I wish I knew how to do this… How can one talk to an enemies guides??? Tht seems a bit extreme in taking someone down.


This information is all over the forum as it’s often discussed. In my experience, you can often talk to another’s guides in a similar way as talking to your own.

I don’t think it is very extreme measure out of the things that can be done. And aside from that, some people are fucking asking for baneful magick to be thrown their way.