Scrying Vision

I’m able to do divination sessions with a black mirror. The questions are mostly answered through short sequences of pictures or symbols, that are, mostly, easy to decode. I would say my rate is of correct answers (although there’s sometimes room for interpretation) is about 75-80 %.
The process of scrying is somehow like this:
I relax my eyes and vision, mist appears above the mirror, I see sparkles of white and indigo light on the mist, pictures/sequences appear. The pictures I see though, are of the same color of the light I mentioned above. I don’t see pictures like on a tv screen. What I see could be described as single-colored holograms I guess.
So my question to you guys, who are pretty good at scrying is: how do you see your visions in the mirror. Similar to me, clearer, like real life pictures or something entirely different? I’m looking forward to read about your experiences…

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For me, the energy within the mirror begins to coagulate into little nodes of light and form. Some flash, yes, others take on shapes, etc. The background becomes a backdrop for the scene while the nodes turn into little 3D models of the people and objects concerned. It’s almost like I’m watching a little 3D play being put on by tiny people.
I’ve never had a monotone vision though. It’s always been full color.
I’m still working a lot on my clairaudience though, so sometimes it’s a silent play :stuck_out_tongue: heh

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I notice things in the room, atmospheric changes and spirits… it opens the third eye so i tend to see spiritual activity more clearly throughout the next day. Has anyone experimented with looking at their own face scrying? My sis and I liked to stare into each others faces at night when we were kids cause we shared a room, they would morph into many things, sometimes making me scream. I’ve tried this with a few other people more recently, it is always fun to see what faces appear. I believe it tells a lot about the person.

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Yeah, scrying into faces is cool. A mentor of mine used to say, that you could see past/parallel incarnations that way. He himself didn’t have a human soul, so scrying into his eyes was pretty ecxciting and scary. Besides that. I think it’s a great way to practice the necessary state of consciousness for spiritual contact.


Definitely, you can get some pretty intense insights as well as communications with the inner self.
I also like using my face for an evocation base - it’s much easier when you’ve got low energy.

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I used to scry in the mirror looking at my own face when I was a child too, but most of the time my face would morph into the same entity time and time again. Sometimes he would enter my dreams as well, he had severe burn scaring all over him, no hair and eyes like hypnotic black holes.

What had intrigued me most when I was a kid was that once my face disappeared and this entity appeared, it was obvious that it was no longer an empty reflection sitting there but an entity staring deep into my soul. It used to terrify me, but for some strange reason I would always go back for more lol.

I wonder who or what this entity is? Maybe further down my path of ascent I should evoke him to find out.

Has anyone else had similar experiences?

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[quote=“Ryan, post:6, topic:476”]I used to scry in the mirror looking at my own face when I was a child too, but most of the time my face would morph into the same entity time and time again. Sometimes he would enter my dreams as well, he had severe burn scaring all over him, no hair and eyes like hypnotic black holes.

What had intrigued me most when I was a kid was that once my face disappeared and this entity appeared, it was obvious that it was no longer an empty reflection sitting there but an entity staring deep into my soul. It used to terrify me, but for some strange reason I would always go back for more lol.

I wonder who or what this entity is? Maybe further down my path of ascent I should evoke him to find out.

Has anyone else had similar experiences?[/quote]

I once had a clown manifest. It was about the creepiest thing ever. Big red wig, big red nose, white painted face with all the makeup.
It wasn’t scary, but definitely creepy. I wonder …
I’ve never had the same entity twice unless it was specifically that entity I was calling on. But usually, if I just stare blankly into my reflection without specifying an entity, it’s always something different.


Yes RedIce, I think you are right… I use scrying more often for self discovery through finding out other aspects of myself in the mirror, but other spirits appear too… always do protection first because you never know what will try to come through, and it can be dangerous. One of the faces that appears on me repetitively is a hag woman… with a huge chin, looks like a beggar lady/hermit. She is very lonely. But more than one person I did facial scrying with said my eyes enlarged, the right one becoming black, and the left one becoming changing multi colors. And my eyes also turned all white for them as well. haha I think you should try contacting this entity Ryan, there’s probably a connection worth looking into there… I want to use my mirror next to talk to an ancient god.

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It appears to me as well as single colored visions but its like a reddish color.

I’m very new and scryed for the third time last night had some pretty intense effects such as visual and audio, Last night was a black mirror and about 20 mins, The time before was in the tub for about 10 mins with same visual affect but no audio, but the very first was looking into a mirror (clear) of my self and that was the most visually stimulating by far, I watched my face grow a full beard and was completely dif features then my face morphed into a blonde woman’s face ( I’m male) the attire she was wearing looked to be from the mid 1800’s. with her hair up in a bun, quite interesting, is this real visuals or imaginative willed hallucinations?

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I’m very new and scryed for the third time last night had some pretty intense effects such as visual and audio, Last night was a black mirror and about 20 mins, The time before was in the tub for about 10 mins with same visual affect but no audio, but the very first was looking into a mirror (clear) of my self and that was the most visually stimulating by far, I watched my face grow a full beard and was completely dif features then my face morphed into a blonde woman’s face ( I’m male) the attire she was wearing looked to be from the mid 1800’s. with her hair up in a bun, quite interesting, is this real visuals or imaginative willed hallucinations?[/quote]

I think it’s very possible a mix of all of them; Real /real-time visuals, real /mentally-constructed visuals, and non-real mental imagery. The ability to discern between the three comes with practice. There are subtleties that begin to manifest - levels of presentation that begin to become clear after working with visualizations. So - not only will you be able to tell the differences, but you will also be able to direct it away from what you do not desire, and toward that which you do desire. There are definitely legitimate reasons for causing mental imagery to appear instead of a real-time astral image, or an astral mental image. The more you practice, the more you’ll get the hang of it, and the more useful the practice will become.
Very cool experience man :slight_smile: keep at it!

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That’s neat DK, I am a recovering drug addict so I am use to instant gratification
However I’ve been clean for a few years and a combo of that and having two kids has taught me some patience lol, I’m starting to meditate for 30 mins every morning and then scrying for 30 before bed when the fam is a sleep early morning and late night is the only alone time. I’m sure in a month things should progress seeing how I have had satisfying results in just 3 short go’s
This forum seems like a limitless well of knowledge!

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[quote=“Jakob420, post:12, topic:476”]That’s neat DK, I am a recovering drug addict so I am use to instant gratification
However I’ve been clean for a few years and a combo of that and having two kids has taught me some patience lol, I’m starting to meditate for 30 mins every morning and then scrying for 30 before bed when the fam is a sleep early morning and late night is the only alone time. I’m sure in a month things should progress seeing how I have had satisfying results in just 3 short go’s
This forum seems like a limitless well of knowledge![/quote]
hehe, say no more man. I’m almost 3 years sober now from H and white. Well … let’s not use the word “sober”, because I have definitely used in that time, I like the word “addiction free”. You can be addiction free, and still use on occasion for either pleasure or for an operation or ritual. I actually hate the word “sober”. It’s drowned in social expectations and ridiculous ideas. So, that instant gratification thing is all too familiar. Being an x-junky, I find, has set me back quite a space as far as having a solid, unwavering will power. However - there are also some things that drugs have taught me that are invaluable as an aspiring magician.

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no doubt, I started puffin at 12 then my doc was hallucinogens, I was looking for mind expansion to the furthest possible limits, but after tripping probably 1000 times it starts to wear on the psyche lol. That’s when I found the h and c. Cocaine injections were the worst to shake, man that shit is super addictive, have you ever used mushrooms or DMT in ritual, seems like that would have massive amplifying effects if you could keep it together and not freak out.

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I also noticed the last three times I ate shrooms ( about 3 years ago). Both my dogs were chasing and barking/growling at things that were not there to my physical eyes to see, very strange both me and my best friend witnessed it at two dif locations, they were very riled up and seemed to be keeping several things at bay like keeping it out of a certain radius,

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oh yeah dude- animals get way weird when either shroomin’ or fryin’ - for sure. lolz - I had this psychic mind meld bond thing happen with my cat once. We were like - on the level mental merging. It was pretty nuts. Her thoughts were my thoughts and vice versa. lolz

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So what are cat thoughts like?

Will Lightborn Starseed

No PAW-brem, when you see a PURRty lady gotta LITTER know, before it’s TUNA late!

Iznel Vervain


Will Lightborn Starseed


That is all.

Iznel Vervain


Will Lightborn Starseed

You are glowing!


Iznel Vervain

i think you are being shellfish

Will Lightborn Starseed

Ahhh yesh

Iznel Vervain


so clam up

Will Lightborn Starseed


You did that

Psychic read my mind

Iznel Vervain


Will Lightborn Starseed

Clammy clammerton

Iznel Vervain

are you trying to mussel in?


come on dont be crabby


Will Lightborn Starseed

Haha stop reading my thoughts

Iznel Vervain

i cant help it

Will Lightborn Starseed

It’s not possibru!

Iznel Vervain

Why don’t you pour some cold water on those tentacles?

Will Lightborn Starseed


Sounds like a pretty complex conversation.

lol, it was.

Do all of you do protective rituals/cleansing/banishing before any scrying work? I’ve heard both sides of the coin and I’ve always been partial to the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - but just curious what everyone here does.

Thanks in advance!

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