Hi everyone, do you know of any entities particularly skilled at bringing money through scratch tickets ? I’m not asking to win $100k, but something between $100 and $300.
Generally when you perform any sort of money magick, you aren’t supposed to be too specific with how the money is to come to you.
There are no entities that are skilled at scratch tickets as those are a modern invention so I would instead look into spirits that specialize in gambling and good luck.
Same for cryptocurrency trading, I suppose? Is it correct/respectful to consecrate a pendulum and regularly ask the entity if we should sell or buy while or after meditating into the invocation ritual ?
Yes, that is fine. A lot people do that but in that case, you should work with a spirit of divination, like Vassago, who can see the future rather than a spirit of gambling or luck.
When you do money magick, it’s best to leave all reality tunnels open to let money flow to you. You’re fighting against millions of people who want to win the lotto, but manifesting “I take care of (the thing that you want the $300 for)”… like say it’s for your electric bill, I’d just find a spirit down to manifest, “my electric bill is paid.” For example, my gas heat bill recently went DOWN, they lowered the price for everyone! Incredible, seems impossible really that such a thing could happen, but that’s what happens when you leave all possibilities open.
So, instead of manifesting “I win $100 on scratch tickets” I’d focus on, “I attract good luck and free things.” Say you wanted that $300 to get a new phone, well, what if there’s a pathway where your utility company gives out free phones as an incentive, or your buddy just HATES their old iPhone and is upgrading to the new Android instead.
For crypto, I’d focus on divination spirits. I’ve successfully divined stocks with pendulum, but I hate doing market manipulation / money divination so I don’t do it anymore, it’s just not in alignment with my goals. I didn’t work with a spirit, just myself and a pendulum made from a crystal suitable to fortune and abundance (Ruby in Zoisite).
I guess you could look for spirits who help uncover hidden treasures if you specifically want to win scratch tickets, since it’s a modern analogue.